Am i doing hamburagrs right, america?

Attached: ru6.jpg (1200x900, 371K)

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A burger should have two things
Bread and meat
Nothing else

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um, sweetie.
it's korvbrödsbagarn :)

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What is that stuff at the top right?

Also ketchup isn't chili sauce, it should be a tomato paste type sauce.

>frozen patties

>he does not know of the butter burgers

korvbrödsbagarn is just the pathetic swedish answer to paaskebrod

umm, you mean passkebröd is just the pathetic danish answer to Skogabröd

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by the way, rate my hotdog amerifats

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crème fraiche
boston cucumbers
salt and black pepepr

>frozen patties
yeah, i got a bulk purchase discount

''Julius paaskesen''
Danish inventor of the polsebrod (korvbröd)

>bread not toasted
>feels the need to show off his "designer" keyboard
>not using grainy mustard


>using white wine in a burger recipe

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julius stole the idea from unibake though

Attached: 23196 Unibake logo webb.jpg (325x295, 39K)

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*insert angry emoji*

What is Amerikansk Dressing? Is it pre-mixed mayo and ketchup?

it's kinda like a worse version of big mac sauce

Ey', I've honestly never been a fan of big mac sauce.

Cheese or bust.

honestly, true american hamburger dressing is more important than cheese imo.
i usually skip out on the cheese

The beauty of the burger is you can do whatever the fuck you want, so I can't judge.

>Cheese food slices
>Cheese FOOD slices

I’d chop of the relish to make it a little finer.

Who /Greek/ here?

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Needs American™ cheese and also lettuce

Most of the work is making a proper hamburger patty. You will need onions, eggs, bread crumbs and garlic.
The dressing isn’t that hard

>eggs, bread crumbs

Nigguh we makin burgers not poverty meatballs, get outta here with that cold war shit

>using a picture of bitten food to promote your burger
This is disgusting, are they insane?

Well you can use lean and cocaine if you want

where's the mayo?

Use red onion.
Don't use pre-made patties. Buy a package of ground beef and shape it into burgers yourself. About 200g per burger

>American dressing
We don't sell such things here. Sorry, your life has been a lie