The Timeless Debate:

How much Link do you need to make it? Currently at 11k. If prices stay low, I’m aiming at 15k by the end of the summer.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I'm all in, but I can only afford 1k. College student. I work, but I spend so much on gas and toll roads driving to school/work that I barely make it. Actually the only way I could afford my tiny stack is by selling stocks I had in Starbucks (worked there for several years, they give employees stock, also never work there it was terrible). I'd be happy if LINK went to just $100 but $1000 would be a dream come true.

Are you faggots just astroturfing this or is it the real deal?

it's a meme to burn the newfags
don't buy

Depends on how long you plan to hold and which meme you want to believe in. I would say 5k makes you comfy in most situations and 10k is the borderline “made it” depending on your lifestyle also $1000 eoy

astro turfing obviously. while they shiiled their link some wise user shilled me mobi. i've doubled up over a period of four days. biz is fucken retarded. other oracle solutions with better teams will out compete link's shit team. buy mobi for actual gains.

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Safe bet to make it: 500k
Slightly riskier bet to make it: 100k
Risky bet to make it: 50k
Very risky bet to make it: 10k
Anything lower is delusional.

This is assuming "making it" for you is being a millionaire. I live in a place where $50k would be enough for me to live for years while I find out what to do that doesn't include wageslaving. So 5k at $10 would be my making it point.

I have 58k LINK and feel like I need more.

90K here. I an definitely going to make it. I unironically believe LINK could hit $1000 just not EOY so really any LINKlet can make it if they went reallly long on LINK. Which is potentially worth it because you can make money holding via staking pools for nodes.

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The feeling never goes away

100k. be a big boy and stop being a pussy.

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>falling for the minimal gain train pajeet dev meme.
why even risk it. do you want to Robin Williams yourself when mainnet launches?

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He shills it in every thread, must be a marine undercover. Thanks for your service amd pls be of buying the mObius sir, very good ols buy

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Mobius outperforms chainlink in every aspect, you can thank me later

You will have $1,000,000 for every 1000 LINK you hodl in 3 years time.

minimal gain train boosted 100% in 4 days and i woke up to this :) lel
sorry linklet

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if you were the person that shilled it last week, thanks. i got in at around 6 cents, almost the bottom and today it's 13 cents. fucken best gains i've had since january.

nope im just spreading FUD because these link threads are really grinding my gears. I wish this cancer that is killing biz would just fade away, together with the NEETS that are looking for a way out of their miserable lives.

$100 will happen
$1000 unlikely
put all money into LINK, eat ramen, go to work on bike, donate blood and organs for money

it will go beyond 1000 in some years.

Shillers tell me why I shouldn't buy this, Fudders tell me why I should

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The memes and digits

$1000 is far fetched.

EOY $8

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LINK BTFO by VEN what are you stilll doing here

Sorry you need atleast 11001Link to Marke it

$1000 would be $1 trillion mkt cap at 1 billion tokens circulating (most locked in nodes). We can easily hit that in 2020

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even at 100, id made 20mil. i can live with that.
im absolutely sure though it will be 100+ by 2020. so im super comfy.

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Sorry friend i got link so it will easy be at -$1000k eoy

Nice response faggot. Try and refute me. ChainLink will be the catalyst to mainstream Smart Contracts.

I got in on LINK late, and since I'm a poorfag who just got back into crypto, I only have 150 linkies. I plan on riding TRX to the Moon though.