Waltonchain's CTO Dr.Wei speaking alongside Alibaba, Microsoft, Huawei

Just lol at all the doubters. While you FUDded this gem, I accumulated for dirt cheap prices

Watch it breaking out now

Attached: wtn.png (565x462, 377K)

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Fuck this shitcoin along with ven and other chink scams

>muh Alibaba and Microsoft partnership

Crypto is such a fucking scam lel

Attached: download.jpg (300x168, 6K)

Stay poor then shallow user



just because one guy is at an expo that some other guys from big companies are at doesn't mean shit.

Waltonchain already has deals with Alibaba, China Telecom (which is also represented at the expo), and is the ONLY blockchain project present there.
So you can guess who has the pole poisition in China

Adopted b2b platform, will be big.

>this shitcoin is still at December price
Waltonstinkies are beyond salvation. If you bought VEN you would already be rich, but you preferred to be scammed instead. Sad.


You misspelled "trash"

You are missing the point of investment my buddy.
If you don't see how oversold/undervalued WTC is RIGHT NOW you are not worthy of any gains in crypto.
Who cares about December prices or some shit, I look at current evaluations

more lies, and why WTC rep is shattered

Chinese company partners with other Chinese companies, who then partner with other Chinese companies

hope people don't fall for this chink scam circle jerk

Waltonchain subsidiary - "Xiamen Zhongchuan" is listed as member of Alibaba Industry Alliance ASWELL as China Telecom.

Dont talk shit buddy, those are no lies

Attached: hzlw8j88ij001.png (1024x674, 236K)

Being a member of an alliance is like being in the Rotary club, poor fool. It means nothing. Absolutely nothing. You’re going to burn.

I thought we were over chink supply chain meme coins by now. IBM BTFOs your vaporware scam garbage out of the fucking water. Do you really think any reputable company would partner with people who make twitter scams or just hype and pay pajeet shills to lure in more idiots?

I'm sorry guys but you will miss the "chink scamcoin" train. have fun with your "legit" western coins, lel

how can I multi gpu mine this shit??????

Attached: pja.jpg (251x201, 6K)

There is a Telegram channel dedicated to mining WTC called "Waltonchain Mining". Better ask there buddy.

Nobody is missing out on your gay sounding geriatric branded chink scam that only went up because of the bullish market sentiment.

You are one shallow thinking mofo desu

OMG! Can't believe I just bought 100k ! Thank you Walton team ! keep doing the great work.

Best decision of your life, not gonna lie

Start with finding system32 and deleting it. Then pick from ample modified versions online to boost your I/O speed on some of your busses

IoT: Internet of Things

Because chinks who counterfeit everything and steal IP are most interested in verifying the authenticity of goods. WTC has too many red flags to even consider that it’s not an exit scam in the making.

While I disagree with you in this I have to tell you that retail is only one branch of many the Walton tech will revolutionize. Smart cities are the bigger branch