I actually feel kind of sorry for what is about to happen. I mean plenty of people have invested into current BTC above 10k$ price and are just looking to break even. If BCH flips BTC those people will be ruined. People who were not retarded and hold both coins will be safe, but the rest?
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Those normies go in to the pit of fire along with the latecoming boomers and the core maximalists.
Good riddance. A golden age for crypto dawns
bitcoin is important.
no mercy for the traitors or the greedy
exactly, if that happens 1) justice is done 2) bitcoin becomes usable again 3) 2017 normalfags get completely destroyed. There's no better timeline
the fuck is even going on right now. i keep assuming it cant keep going up but it does. do i need to fomo into this? i try not to fomo
Wait why are there people still thinking that Bitcoin Cash is gonna flip BTC? BTC literally solved everything BCH was trying to offer... Are you part of the CNBC Fast money ?
>smart contracts
>on chain scaling solutions, rather than second layer
>remove segwit
bch is bitcoin
btc is blockstream's bitcoin
nah, im an infowars kind of guy
roger ver was on the alex jones show, making the case that the globalists were using forked the original bitcoin now called bitcoin cash into bitcoin core as part of a conspiracy to take over crypto and make it shitty. i dont know if thats true but it wouldnt surprise me
>cash is the peoples bitcoin
fpbp, dubs of truth confirm
hahaha corecucks buying into fake internet money RIP . BCH King
Crypto winter was worse.
These people have an exit that they can take if they want. And on every platform that exists there are large numbers of people yelling at them to take the exit. If they don't then they don't deserve to be a part of this.
Never forget crypto winter.
>>on chain scaling solutions, rather than second layer
you literally think that increasing the block size is a scaling solution?
It was good enough for Satoshi.
You might mean that he didn't think increasing block chain was a problem, And it's not. But he never suggested it would be a long term scaling solution.
(Because it literally makes no sense, it's just kicking the can down the road)
bcash is an altcoin.
>I have never heard of Bitcoin Thunder and therefore I think blocksize increases is all there is.
>moving goalposts the post.HDTV.mpeg
btc, bch, xrp
fuck that trash
buy the king
you posted the same but with eth and deleted it lol
Nigga this shit's gonna crash harder than a diabetic in a candy store.
but i didn't got dubs with eth
see the difference?
You know that Satoshi introduced the 1MB blocksize limit, right?
btc is bitcoin
bch is an just another alt coin with a terrible marketing idea
For that to happen bcash would have to take over all the pairings. BTC also has block trading and ETFs are only a matter of time. bcash will dump after the fork.
I love how cashies keep fucking themselves over lke this
Once they sustain anything resembling a pump shitcoin trash comes crashing down, and the cashies bags become heavier, and heavier
You own fault trashy for trusting roger ver
You know that was intended to be temporary right?
And that blocks were intended to rise back to 32MB and beyond? Right?
increasing the limit was always the plan, until (((blockstream))) took over the github
BCH = Bitcoin
BTC is now unfortunately something entirely different.
I've spent BCH at least 10 times this month on various things. It is cash.
> I actually feel kind of sorry for what is about to happen. I mean plenty of people have invested into current BTC above 10k$ price and are just looking to break even. If BCH flips BTC those people will be ruined.
If someone is dumb enough to gamble on a shitcoin controlled by a single corporation which only gets its value from marketing they deserve to get burned.
No, it's not kicking the can down the road, proper chain pruning is specified (not stupid Core pruning actual pruning).
You just watch what happens when BCH moons to 0.5 Segwit coin and the miners leave Segwit coin in the dust for profitability and nobody will be able to transact their way out of Segshit cos blocktimes will crawl to a halt.
Hate to be as stupid as you!
> I've spent BCH at least 10 times this month on various things. It is cash.
The only thing I spend BCH on is tipping on Yours.