Is there a name for this kind of thot?

Is there a name for this kind of thot?

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anzu a cutie, A CUTIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

mental illness


incel thread


I thought the ukranian and russian thots were the same girl

isn't br a trap?



Anzu should be replaced by Ilay

sluts is the universal name

Turkey, mexico, and Ukraine are best girls

Russian and brazilian look legitimately scary, sadistic and mentally damaged.

Only ukraine and jew look kind of normal and passable.

Jow ForumsToids


ugly boyish mentally ill sluts with drug addiction aesthetic that panders to 18-25 Jow Forums faggots with disgusting "alternative" tastes

Whatever the name is, it's disgusting.

god i hate that turk bitch so fucking much

Ukrainian looks like rat, australian is the best girl

Fuck you

Yes,it's called ''ironic weeb that knows that girl weebs are very popular and that they can make some money by showing some skin on the internet,pretending to be pure and single but actually fucking some chad on her irl''

Fuck you

would post a soyboy if i wasnt on phone

Don't worry compadre.

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t. incel

The Australian one either looks like a manikin, like she is wearing a low budget plastic mask or like a corpse.

>The one with the Nazi flag looks more Jewish than the literal Jew

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Bald trap
Cancer patient
Down syndrome jew
Uncanny valley japanese android
Anemic, bug-eyed freak
Junky with AIDs
Rat face who doesn't shower
Same as Brazil


fuck the normalfags

miru a cute desu
>those khazar milkers with that tiny body

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I would like to love that Brazil girl dbi

Can I get a bigger picture of brazil girl?


what are the names of the ukranian and the natsoc?

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brazilian and russian are the best
too bad I cant choose one of them

Thanks. Me and my penis would appreciate if you have some more

The neet bux thot diggers

Incel goldniggers

Who is the Mexican girl?

neckbeard bait


There are guys out there who naively think these "alternative" girls are any different from other sluts.
Poor fools.

Fuck you

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based and redpilled

I just now realized how fucking ugly that bitch is. Thanks.

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Tumblrina r9k Gen Z brainlets

that's the /im not getting enough attention on tumblr/ wave

also this

She is good. I wonder if she is a virgin

she's alright

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In a sense that she probably wears 20 pounds of makeup and takes more dick than your mother, yeah she is.

everyone does

>nazi flag is actually just amerimuttstan

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I'm sure she is.