Are Germans the best engineers?
Are Germans the best engineers?
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Only when they engineered the holocaust (which never happened)
No, not even close.
yes of course
Historically I'd say the British are the best engineers, I can't think of a more prolific nation when it comes to engineering innovation.
Historically I'd say the Poles are the best engineers, I can't think of a more prolific nation when it comes to engineering innovation.
Historically I'd say the Palestinians are the best engineers, I can't think of a more prolific nation when it comes to engineering innovation.
Historically I'd say the Russians are the best engineers, I can't think of a more prolific nation when it comes to engineering innovation.
Interrupting this shitty combo because it was born of German insecurity.
Australia is best
Do you know we have W-I-F-I?
Historically I'd say the Romans are the best engineers, I can't think of a more prolific nation when it comes to engineering innovation.
Historically I'd say the Lynch niggers daily are the best engineers, I can't think of a more prolific nation when it comes to engineering innovation.
Interrupting this shitty combo because it was born of Prussian insecurity.
in some areas yes, in others not
in some areas yes, in others also
what about diesel engines?
jews are the best scientist
probably yes
we're pretty good, but in terms of breakthrough engineering achievements the British are in a class of their own.
How have you come to this bizarre conclusion?
well in that case we've been pretty good programmers
no they just have a big population
>inb4 someone comes up with a non european country
>Printing press
>sound tape
>Space Rocket
Wow no one posted this
Hello there
They're only good at over-engineering, their shit breaks too much to call them the best.
Wrong, British.
>sound tape
>Space Rocket
>Wrong, British.
nah that's German: Konrad Zuse (German: [ˈkɔnʁat ˈtsuːzə]; 22 June 1910 – 18 December 1995) was a German civil engineer, inventor and computer pioneer. His greatest achievement was the world's first programmable computer; the functional program-controlled Turing-complete Z3 became operational in May 1941. Thanks to this machine and its predecessors, Zuse has often been regarded as the inventor of the modern computer.[2][3][4][5][6][7]
just saying other nations invented plenty of stuff too, don't see what's supposed to be exceptional here
How can Britmutts even compete?
>nah that's German
Nah, it's not.
christmas tree
Christmas is a German invention, as are trees.
The first photos of the earth from space were taken with a V2.
I showed you the proof m8
We've already won mate.
It's like a picture of German soul.
>The first computer resembling today's modern machines was the Analytical Engine, a device conceived and designed by British mathematician Charles Babbage between 1833 and 1871
>percantages of persons mentioned
>persons mentioned
It was invented bei Heinz-Rudolf Radar.
>Engineering is all about ww2 weapons
Hurr durt
why can't germans build an airport
serious question
You mean Von Radar
I did not. Please don't put works in my mouth unless they're penis-shaped.
>designed by Briddish mather Charly Cabbage between 1800 and 1900
German engineering is a meme. Pls annex and genocide us already.
autism, serious answer
*Vong Radar
ok poland will do its best
Are you Bavarian?
Yes I am
Japanese are better.
They usually lack initiative/innovation but once they are there they become unstoppable.
Want to destroy the e""""u""""?
They are totally retarded. Instead of letting one big company build that thing they rather took a shitload of smaller companies for different tasks (political decission for muh middle sized companies) without creating one central controlling unit or anything.
Politics in Germany is literally cancer.
No I don't
I have to sleep now. Goodnight.
Take care, little greekbro, and never forget that I truly do love you
>>Space Rocket
It's not a space rocket if it doesn't reach space. If it only reaches a couple of feet it's just a silly toy.
Never been built. Even the British Association for the Advancement of Science advised against building it.
>Space Rocket
No. The V2 was the first manmade object in space.
You also forgot Röntgen, bicycles, literally any engine (Otto, Diesel, Wankel), the telephone...
The entire Netherlands is an engineering marvel.
Why do Germans need these huge killer robots?
They are a nation of pee builders
No opinion on transnitria
As protection from the D*tch.
When they attack us we hope to be able to deploy them deep enough in their land to destroy their dykes and flood their cunt.
Nothing wrong with these engines.
Diesel still is the best engine to use for a car.
To protect us from doom robots from the future.
Bagger 288 is the only machine that can save us
What is that for? Cutting rocks?
Brown coal mining
>Space Rocket
ok so a team of german engineers lead by a german scientist build a rocket on american soil so it becomes american.
well if you choose to think thats ok.
Gonna go with America on this one. We do fucking everything. Especially medical-related things
the chinese invented the printing press
the french invented the car
By nation: The Dutch
By people: The Saxons
ENG/NL/DE engineer master race