Should France be restored to her natural borders?

Should France be restored to her natural borders?

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>tfw just outside hadrian's wall
thank fuck i'll never be a frogcuck


Attached: muh natural borders.jpg (430x420, 136K)

Now make another one but with a smug face on Alsace.


I wish I was French and not Spanish, French people all believe in France and have a great sovreign history.

Sadly GOD made me a Spaniard.

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No it should go beyond that

A sad but necessary reminder of what could have happened to the Rhineland.

>Should France be restored to her natural borders?

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If he squints or pushes his jaw forward a bit more his face is going to explode

Yes, France should have streched from the Atlantic to the Pacific.

>things come to an end
Truly a first.

Can't believe we didn't manage to take those little places despite trying for centuries
This is ridiculous

"German"-American are worse than actual Germans

Attached: blow out da kraut.png (1289x765, 698K)

Too bad Germany was there to block our expansion towards the East.
We would have kept them if Napoleon had never come to power. Also we didn't really try "for centuries", French territorial expansion was pretty much a success story, but it took us a while before reaching a point where we could consider annexing the entire left bank of the Rhine.

Attached: 400px-French_borders_from_985_to_1947.gif (400x369, 226K)

>beat prussia 4 times
>beat germany twice
>can't manage to annex the rhineland
What did fr*Nchoids mean by this?

fuck off op

Mercy, a quality unknown to Kr*ut ""people""

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Is that fr*Nchoid for "impotence" perchance?

Charlemagne is just as much German as French, and he is more Dutch than either.

Wrong, he was simply Frankish.

>>beat prussia 4 times
When? Their victory in 1806 was negated by the defeats at Leipzig and Waterloo

I stand corrected.
Outnumbered 4 to 1 and Kraut "allies" of the French defected

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Actually, Germans did contribute a lot to Napoleon's defeat at Waterloo. Pretty sure there were more Prussian soldiers than English ones in that battle.
It's a fact that is often overlooked, but without the extra Prussian troops to reinforce his army at a crucial moment of the battle, Wellington would have probably lost to Napoleon in a turnaround victory.

God, American posters are so embarrassing. I wouldn't be surprised if not even the French want to interact with you.

Wellington had more than Blucher, but it was Bluchers appearance on the French right that broke Napoleon's troops. In any case many of Wellington's men were German conscripts, ironically
But I wont give them credit

fr*Ncer and am*Rikka are both villains who got away with everything. It's why we're so tsundere towards each other.

Well I like to give them credit because the British seem to believe that they defeated Napoleonic France all by themselves. It doesn't matter in the end though, Napoleon's true blunder was in Moscow.

Based Nappo created German nationalism.

It's missing the Anjou Naples, Bernadotte Sweden, Latin Empire, the Kingdom of Jerusalem, Rhodes, Northern Africa, Quebec, Acadia, Louisiana, Indochina, New Zealand, Madras, ...

>Well I like to give them credit because the British seem to believe that they defeated Napoleonic France all by themselves
Thats a good point, I forgot about that
As far as the Russian campaign, I believe you are right about its faults, as it was poorly planned, but in my opinion General Kutuzov's strategy against the French did them in as much as any faults from Napoleon. In any case the drain of French resources in the Peninsular war is something I also believe goes overlooked, as it constantly tied down French troops.
He had a hand in fostering it in basically every western Euro nation

*fr*Ncer metastasizes*

This is still ridiculous
France has always tried to advance to the Rhine
Took a thousand years to get not even a third more of the territory

Spanish people were brainwashed by nobility and cult thieves, Spain should have helped Napoleon and France with a French dominated Europe, Spain should eventually be Revolutionized and independant and we wouldn't have any regionalist problems that were only tolerated by non nationalist economic land holders known as nobility.

And in this situation, the C*talan problem would have been dealt with by France, in our own way :)

>brainwashed by nobility and cult thieves
Im not an expert on Spanish history but Id probably add the Spanish part of the Roman Catholic Church, which to the best of my understanding was essentially part of the government after the reconquista and not subject to the crown. The Spanish Church did a huge amount to impede Spanish development

Imagine how calm western Europe would have been if they just gave the left bank of the Rhine to France, had some sort of treaty making it the ultimate frontier between France and the HRE and leave it at that
843 was a mistake

...or if the French didn't constantly sperg out about muh natural borders
>843 was a mistake


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What? Romans resettled Germanic and Keltic tribes from the Eastern side of the Rhine on the Western side in order to create a buffer along the Rhine that would keep East Rhine tribes of various cultural background back. They still couldn't hold the Rhine frontier and a lot of different tribes moved as far as North Africa. How far do you wish to go back, Louis? Because pre-Roman and even Roman Germania history isn't very well, if at all, recorded. Fact of the matter is that the majority of the people in the regions that we're talking about speak German, belong to Germanic cultural groups and have done so for a long time. Want to talk about A&L and the language and culture? No, you don't. Screaming B-BUT GALLIC is just ignorant and retarded. Teh Rhine crisis had the correct result and you'd have to be a dumbass to disagree, alternatively you'd show everoyne that you don't know European history during the 19th century.