Why do all French devs set their games in anglo country (Dishonored, Heavy rain, LiS, Vampyr) Why won't frogs embrace their own culture in their games like eastern europeans do (Witcher, Stalker, Kingdome Come)
French games
I wish the combat of this game wasn't so insultingly bad
looked like my type of game
>frogs made dishonored
Wtf I love frogs even more now
France doesn't have a culture
Also you idiots need to stop making these retarded ass cinematic games and focus on gameplay
This game is made by a French company ? I didnt even know.
Think they made that other one in London about monster hunting too, can't remember the name.
They also did Life is Strange
A Van Helsing game maybe?
It just hit me that making games targeted at women only could be fairly profitable now.
The order 1886
Wouldn't be proud of that.
>Life is Strange
>Heavy rain
So Frogs are to blame for ruining gaming with the whole cinematic experience bullshit?
Isn't there an AC set in France?
No, it was just some generic monster huntering fellas.
It was so forgettable I can't even find it by googling. It was a PlayStation exclusive I think.
David Cage is his own beast.
But I like his games in a weird way, the writing is absolutely laughable sometimes, but I still buy them.
That's the one.
Apparently it was American made though, so fuck me I guess.
Yeah, AC Unity. Unfortunately the voice actors all have English accents though. I can't really get into it unless I play it in French with English subtitles, the accents throw me off.
is there a good game with french voice and text? im playing those arma3 missions in french now but unfortunately no narration.
yeah and it's considered the worst AC game of all
Because the French realise we are naturally superior.
If he made movies he'd be a subpar director because his naratives SUCK
>robots are like black people
>Kara is Rosa Sparks
Kill me
Go to game search in Steam and tick the French box in language support.
That's right. We only live to serve our anglo masters.
Honestly had idea French people made video games.
Also who would be interested in France anyway
But for real now, Paris or Lyon don't have the same feeling as London or new Orleans or Los Angeles
French cities are small and irrelevant and French history and culture are so unknown globally that it would be impossible to appeal to the world. When it happens in Anglo-Saxon countries everyone knows what they're talking about. Also Anglo-Saxon culture and history is "cooler" than French one for most people. I mean if all this wasn't the case then the games would be made in French and see how that would work out: nobody would care. In fact those games are popular because nobody knows they're French. There's nothing, literally nothing French about it, not even the names of the companies
Honestly had no idea*
Comfy game set in some village in the South of France mite be gud.
>Also who would be interested in France anyway
The Blood and Wine DLC for Witcher 3 was great though, especially the aesthetic of the entire map I'd love more games with that middle ages France setting.
No it won't
France is boring to other people. Just try to put Life is Strange or Heavy Rain in France for example. Doesn't it get all boring and stupidly ridiculous all of a sudden? As if this kind of drama couldn't happen here? That's what I mean. Anglo-Saxon countries are idealized so it's easier to put stories there
Others lie France are too realistic and boring
Pierre, I...
No you don't
Middle ages France is so painfully average