
awaken brothers edish

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>fucking appropriating SCP culture for your cringe gen Z alt right shit
f u c k o f f


the joke is that no one's white

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Potato edition.

What kind of society do we live in?

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RIP Villalad


need a job

fifth dimension gigantic Russian brain: Jesus was born in 1152AD and was crucified around 1185AD in Constantinople

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scp is the most retarded cringy shit Ive ever had the displeasure of reading

For mother EVROPA

Then why are they copping its style

What do you want to do for work?

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go apply for some then

Drinking a Chimay Blue lads

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its a meme lad

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*steals it*

i don't even understand why people find it this funny
the original memes of the 3D character doing the default tposing position were funny, but i don't understand why doing it in real life is funny. from what i understand, saxonNEET attributed it with fascism as a joke and now normies think it's some fascist thing or something so internet savvy 15 year olds do it to be edgy. i used to like saxonNEET's tweets as well, it's a shame he got b& for such a shit meme lmao

Do Americans know how to run?

meet me in bangarapet ba

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have done
toilberg won't hire me

Immigration is actually good for the UK.

That's what's so ridiculous about Brexit and xenophobia in general.

s-sorry my irish brother

We do
*puts my shart in your "trousers"*

Where will you be the day when Gen Z has grown up and legions of White, clean shaven, crew cut, physically strong superhumans T-pose down the streets of every major city in Europe and America laden in jackboots with a rifle slung on every shoulder?

have yous noticed the t posing pictures are all taken in schools?
that should tell you all you need to know about this meme

from da police nigga

nigger just flew past my window

into the trash it goes

Who /toilsman/ here?

join in

The youth of evropa shall rise

You can get good money servicing cocks.
Obvious bait.

apply for worse jobs then

Hey me too

Flying nigger monster, they really come into their own this time of year

But Jesus was born in 1889 in Austria-Hungary and metaphorically crucified in 1945

gen z is the vanguard of the white revolution

you are a heavy kid, stop spamming this shit meme before i knock your box in

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Estimated time for autismick to become bored with this gimmick and move on to something else: 6-8 business days

>you are a heavy kid

You could say I’m a big guy...

just took a bunch of pills haha

overqualified for shit jobs but aint no good jobs here

such is how gimmiques work

DMed her telling her that you're posting this on a Laotian origami board

>overqualified for shit jobs

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sad but true

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kek roasties btfo

You don't need to let an employer know your qualifications retard. Plus that's a shit excuse.

First off we live in a society
Second gamers rise up

what ones?

would heem that cheeky little cunt he came on me like that


so I omit my degree and they ask about the 4 year gap on my cv which is worse than just leaving it on

dont care I got this from a Jow Forums thread a month ago
she was giving out free nudes to people who voted yes in the referendum

bunch of sedatives and antidepressants

If I don't get a Syrian Olympic swimmer gf RIGHT NOW I'm going to LOSE IT

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This isn’t gangweed it’s oregano

Gamers rise up

those memes stopped being relevant months ago
get with the programme mate

leave a trail of tide pods leading to their bedrooms so they get to sleep on time and not be groggy for school

Shut up

legalize gang weed

/brit/ is always posting top Belgian beers. If there's ever a meetup it should be in bruges.

>playing computer games
Are you literally 12?

sedatives? like sleeping pills or benzos? i can understand that, but why would you take loads of antidepressants? they're just going to make you feel ill

proper mogged my little sister there
she wanted to brush her teeth but I needed the bathroom for t posing so i kicked her out

>Gamers against weed

Gentleman gamers rise up


accidentally liked the ex gf's pic from when she was like 14 earlier lads

get cancer and die

shit jobs don't care about cv gaps lol. They probably have high turnover as it is.

What is the most interesting period of European history in your opinion /brit/?

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Dave is here lads
now the party is started

Ireland has strayed too far from God's light

No one cares.
Get a nice hair cut and get out there.

peace of westphalia

The years of lead in italy

between ww1 and ww2


Yes Gang weed and T-posing may have been around a month or two ago but it’s only coming into its own as of now

It improves upon itself like a skilled craftsmen, it matures like wine

went to a pub in the city tonight and it was full of fucking Americans asking to try five different craft beers before settling on one

took me 20 minutes to get a tennents

Triggering you obviously haha

t. deano

obviously post ww2 early cold war


i'm a gamer

no it gets highjacked by facebook and reddit and then dies shortly after because it's ruined and overused

19th and 20th century desu


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napoleonic wars

30 Years War



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It's all lies so I don't care.


Read that as Armenians. Spent a good minute wondering why Armenians would want craft beer.