Tchernobyl forest is on fire!

Tchernobyl forest is on fire!

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>It's real


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Here's hoping it doesn't burn down too much. Chernobyl is the only good reason to ever visit Ukraine.

Blowout soon fellow stalker

Wind is blowing toward Kiev in the oncoming days. RIP Ukraine, Lol.

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it's over m8s

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holy shit, this is a big deal

lmao take that svoboda nazi fags

I still can't believe they used that place for power up until 2000. It was always made to seem over here like the whole place went up and it was terrible, yet almost nobody died.

>ywn visit the famous red forest


how radioactive it the smoke?

you are like baby

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I think the radioactive material is deposit in the soil.

There is radioactive dust in forest.

Well, there is still a lot of space left in Brazil, if you guys need relocation.

Chernobyl isn't nearly as radioactive as you'd imagine, outside the containment dome anyways.

Yeah, many people visit the place every year. Some even play paint ball and air soft around.

Is there snow in Brazil?

sometimes it freezes, but I haven't heard of snow

Yes, but in very specific places.
I saw snow twice in my life tho...

You guys get some apparently. Just not in most of your country, that's probably the part that most people want to live in.

Not where the Russian immigrants live.

Chernobyl hasnt had lethal radiation for 30 years. Its even safe to be in the elephant foot room for a few hours now.

No there isnt. Chernobyl radiation is a meme to attract tourism. Its been safe for decades. That "dust" is not even above normal levels for any city.

>Just not in most of your country, that's probably the part that most people want to live in.
We only get snow in some high altitude regions, and no, most people actually want to live close to the sea, in a warm place.


>Chernobyl radiation is a meme to attract tourism

Near Chernobyl cancer statistics are catastrophic.

From the initial meltdown. Not from residual radiation.

I can not imagine my life without snow and frost.

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Well, imagine a place where there is no reason to not use flip flops...

> Tfw I live a swamp

I want out

>Not from residual radiation.

I disagree. Radioactive particles still pollute the environment.
Is this a useless thing for you?:

>Radioactive wind cleanses Russia and Europe of live
>Finns retreat to state mandated fallout shelters
>Finnish survivors colonize lifeless terrain
>Finland is superpower

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Please show a cancer graph of chernobyl citizens born after 1990.

In 2008, the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR) looked at all the evidence and data on newly diagnosed cancers from areas affected by Chernobyl and concluded that, apart fromthyroid cancerin those exposed as children andleukaemiain rescue and clean-up workers, there hadn’t been a detectable increase in other types of cancer (you canreadtheir full report here

Pekka the Dreamer

This. Ignor iv*ns communistic fearmongering.

Finns will rule the world. God wills it

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who could be behind this post

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>Nuclear pollution is bigger
>Cancer's index is pretty much random
Even Lvov is more cancerous than Chernobyl region.

This is news? Ukraine is the land of chaos and wastelands, this is nothing.

>Lvov is more cancerous

Jewbanderovci the reason of that.

Is that true?

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Only if you have anti-radiation gear (for elephant foot)

Without anything 30 minutes is enough to kill you

As for the outside most areas are fine, but some areas are still lethal. The closer to the reactor the worse it is.


I pretty sure Red Forest get cut down and trees was buried.

