Are the Muslim middle eastern countries incompetent as they were in the 6 day war?

Can Israel replicate their success in case of another Arab(plus Iran and Iraq) combined attack?

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We'll never find out if Israel goes down they're taking the entire world with them.

>The Samson Option (Hebrew: ברירת שמשון) is the name that some military analysts and authors have given to Israel's deterrence strategy of massive retaliation with nuclear weapons as a "last resort" against a country whose military has destroyed much of Israel. Commentators also have employed the term to refer to situations where non-nuclear, non-Israeli actors, have threatened conventional weapons retaliation, such as Yasser Arafat[1] and Hezbollah.[2]

>The name is a reference to the biblical Israelite judge Samson who pushed apart the pillars of a Philistine temple, bringing down the roof and killing himself and thousands of Philistines who had captured him,[3] crying out "Let me die with the Philistines!" (Judges 16:30).[4]

This question is irrelevant because there won't be a combined Arab attack. The threat to Israel nowadays is derived only from Iran and its minions.


those fucking Jews, goddammit

I must ask, isn't it identical to the mutual destruction policy the Americans and Russians had back in the Cold War and probably still applies today?

Iran is poor as fuck(I visited it) and ten times less fantasic compared to SA. They're no threat, just a made up one for some countries to have enemies and thus control their citizens through fear.

SA is the meain enemy in the ME and a enemy of both Christians and Hebrews.

You don't think Iraq, Jordan, Egypt and Syria can rise against you again?
How many nukes does Israel have?

But in this case both countries had nukes.

The citizens of Iran are poor, mostly because their government rather to tunnel the funds into regional wars instead of taking care of the people.

Iran got many funds to give to Hezbollah, Hamas and other militias.

We are currently encircled by about 200,000 rockets and missiles because of Iran.

No one knows guesstimates range from 80 to 400.

This. Putin has said he will nuke the WHOLE world if Russia is about to fall.

Given the Samson Option is a "last resort" tactic it is irrelevant whether the enemy has nukes or not - Israel is already destroyed by that point.

What do you mean by destroy though? You mean Syria style destruction? Given all the holy sites there, I don't think anyone wants to go THAT far


We have peace with Jordan and Egypt.
Syria and Iraq got severe problems of their own.

I therefore don't think it is realistic to talk about another war between Israel and a multiple number of Arab countries.

Do you really belive a poor ass state like that could found so much if they can't even sell their fucking oil? C'mon dude.

It means that the armies of the enemy have broke through the defense lines and cannot be stopped. In other words, the people of Israel are about to be overrun by the invaders and left to their mercy.

In order to prevent this scenario, the Samson Option exists.

It means that the armies of the enemy have broke through the defense lines and cannot be stopped.
Well that's not nuclear destruction at the very least..

Are you really this delusional?

Believe it or not, Saudi Arabia AND Israel are massive allies of ours.

It won't happen unless it secretly gets through below the higher-ups. In which case it will be "small"in scale

Give me their source of income. Thay barely keep up the basics like hospitals and suddenly they can surround Israel with rockers?

They still find ways to sell oil

Holy shit, that's brilliant. A final 'fuck you' to the World that scorned them.

There's a ban on Iranian oil atm.

I don't really get your point. If the Arabs (or Iranians) will manage to beat the IDF and invade into Israel then most likely a massacre will take best, or mass expulsion - or both.

The Samson Option therefore exist to deter the enemy from doing so.
Cheap oil for us I guess.
Wow they have that much?
Why would the entire world suffer? Will the effects go beyond the middle East? It's not like nuking Japan caused problems beyond Japan(I know current nukes are more powerful but still).

Hamas, PIJ and Hezbollah publicly admit Iran supports them in every mean.
They support the Houthis too, but don't admit it.
They sure have enough funds to support all these militias that ensure their hegemony.

I belive you they support them but what I don't belive is that the threat is so huge compared to the nazi state of SA.

Why does every fucking developing Shithole countries want "Hegemony"?

Why can't they be like Japan or S.Korea?

Sunnis are incompetent, Shias won againts them in 2006

Japan and Korea have USA.

Iran is kinda alone. So, obviously they'll do everything possible to shit up the middle east.

I don't think they have the military might to beat us, but they sure have the ability to terrorize us, especially with all these missiles and rockets. They can also greatly damage our infrastructure in a case of a wide conflict. For instance, fire an accurate missiles that can destroy power plants and shut off electricity in Israel. Hezbollah have such missiles. We have anti-missile defense system, yes, but Hezbollah got A LOT of these missiles, in the thousands - all because of Iran.

With all the support from the US (technological and economical i mean, even without direct American intervention) Israel could easily btfo the rest of the Middle East. Only Turkey and Saudi Arabia are quite strong militarily but neither would attack Israel anyway.

Bruh, there is zero legitimate reason to give Israel a cent. And even if the Arabs had become Operating Operators Operating Operationally, take a fucking look.

>Palestine completely neutered, reduce to bottlerockets and throwing babies infront of tanks for cameras
>Lebanon has a military and militant organization only capable of defense, good at it, but it cannot wage defense war against Israel
>Egypt has the Aswan Dam, blowing it up with a single strike would kill 98% of all Egyptians
>Syria is a pile of rubble and cinders
>Jordan has no interest.
>Iraq is dysfunctional
>Saudis are there allies.

Israel has zero credible direct threats to its security. And once the buckle down and expel the Palestinians, they wont even have noncredible threats.

Iran also would the USA if they didn't go full retard actually.

Also almost every Muslim shithole sitting on top oil is probably the greatest luck in history.(which they still squandered lol).

Iran could've had USA. But they love religion too much. Whether they try to hide it or not. They're set in their ways.

Oh shit hivemind

>200,000 rockets and missiles
Most of which are glorified bottle rockets or ATGMs.

Almost none are Katyushas or MLRS systems. Almost none are SCUDs.

The "victory" of Hezbollah in 2006 is mostly psychological. Their leader said after the war that he would not have started this war had he knew about the future outcome. This is not how a winner sounds like.

Israel would be completely fucked without support from foreign military forces.

This is not true neither to Hamas or Hezbollah, and especially to Hezbollah, which got advanced missiles from Iran.

But Saudi was already in bed with UK and later USA.
That would've made Iran act like a woman on periods, no?

Thanks captain obvious.

Lol, I mean it's an obvious point.

Regardless, Having the USA on your side only works if you're like the Germans , Koreans and Japanese I.e smart enough to use it properly.

If you're like Pakistan for example then no.
Didn't you guys just crush Iranian rockets in Syria?

Everyone knows that Iran gets billions of dollars every year from the USA. Oh wait, it's Israel who exists as a parasite, my bad.

The victory is that the IDF bought into some New Age bullcrap and got stalled by Hezbollah at all instead of curising there way to the capital and occupying the country in a few hours.

Ive seen the Hamas videos. Its literally bottlerockets smaller than what is available for purchase at any fireworks store in America.

Nah, Europeans gonna stick with Europeans and Americans.

Pakistan chose USA, then had an affair with China which messed up their relations with USA.

Unfortunately true. If you ask me, a basic lack of Education is what holds back the progress of humanity the most.

Yet we cannot ignore that allowing other countries to be poor and stupid really helps the 1st world. From all the history I've barely studied, common education is what has changed fucking everything.

>Didn't you guys just crush Iranian rockets in Syria?

We did. But new missiles from Iran can come at any time.

>The victory is that the IDF bought into some New Age bullcrap and got stalled by Hezbollah at all instead of curising there way to the capital and occupying the country in a few hours.

Exactly. A psychological victory. And the IDF got into Lebanon only at the 8th day of the conflict. The IDF was not eager to get into Lebanon at all.

I mean USA has always supported Pakistan but it doesn't stop us from having closer relations with them.

American corporates are greedy and any developing nation could exploit them with the right strategy. Look at China and Japan. The Chinese offered dirt cheap labour and massive profits and once the American companies entered they slowly stole their technology then bled them dry with taxes and restrictions. Companies still invested there because short term profits are too huge to ignore.

>Ive seen the Hamas videos. Its literally bottlerockets smaller than what is available for purchase at any fireworks store in America.

No, my good man. These rockets fly for dozens of kilometers and can cause a great amount of damage.

Here is a picture of a building that got hit in my city. I saw it in my own eyes. It happened in the November 2012 conflict.

Attached: 13902426677199_b.jpg (1200x627, 517K)

Yeah, but Pakistan couldn't have done that.

CCP Controls everything in China. They were able to steal those tech because all the chinese courts sided with Chinese companies and said no patents were broken. Instead they fined foreign companies.
Don't think Pakistan have that kinda control over their courts.

That's totally something a kike would think up

Holy shit

Crocodile tears over the Samson Option always amuse me. There is nothing exceptional in giving the enemy a death blow a moment before it destroys you.

No. Back then they didn't have many long-range capabilities ( missiles ) and their Air forces really sucked, not to mention destroyed on the first day in surprise strikes.

If the same actors attack today, meaning that Jordan and Egypt would also violate their peace treaties, both of them have pretty decent American supplied weapons and aircraft right now, exactly because of those treaties. And 100x times more munitions than 1967, simply due to modernity. Same goes for Hezbollah and Iran and Syria, except with Soviet weaponry.

There are just too many missiles and bombs that are going to slip by, too small of an area and too small of a population, regardless of superior training or even equipment. In 1967 that was enough to take out Arab missiles and planes out of the equation, but not in 2018. We will nuke the shit out of them and their sponsors though.

If it's just Iran, Hezbollah and Syria, then heavy casualties might be sustained, but it could still potentially end with a stalemate or eventual Israeli victory.

You are speaking to a Jow Forumstard. Those are not even crocodile tears, it's just straight out schizophrenia. This is the same guy who would salivate from his basement about killing every Jewish infant in the world while also complaining how mean Jews are to him.

That's pretty... Common

> Iran is poor as fuck(I visited it)
Are you Wojtek the bear?

Tfw no foreskin

Sorry but shias beat you and your dominions in Lebanon several times, during Lebanese civil war also

Provide some examples.

However, all those munitions are useless if you also lack a competent military command. Arab cunts have always had terribly corrupt, incompetent army officers appointed out of nepotism rather than competence. For example, Saddam Hussein had one of the largest armies in the world yet it melted like butter in 1991 and 2003.

I don't buy into this Hezbollah wants to cast the jews to the sea bullshtis, they're not retarded. Shiites here only care for shiites, the whole solidarity with palestine parade is just smoke and mirrors to avoid further upsetting the eternally butthurt sunnis more then they already are. I mean look at what shiites did to palishits back in the civil war here
Deep down, Shiites, Christians and Jews are all aware of the greater sunni threat that surrounds us. I wouldn't mind making peace with Israel for example because what good does that do to me or my community. And we all know what happens when you give war-loving poorfag palestinians driven by eternal asshurt the green light to do violent shit

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What good does war with them do*

Israel is pretty much officially on the Sunni side of the war at this point, though Palis are with the Shiites

>Palis are with the Shiites
We all know how much it takes for the fragile support pallies have for Hezb to collapse, like it did after they went and fought for Assad. I've spoken to many of them and although support for hezb among them does exist (mostly the few secular ones) it's outweighed by their love for their sunni brothers in suria (fsa). And they're religious as fuck too, rafidin majoos and other sunnigger lingo terms can be heard among them in the camps almost daily

Quote from Brezhnev's memoirs.

"We tried to talk [the Arab states] out of war with Israel, but they insisted. So we gave them everything in terms of weapons--tanks, SAMs, aircraft. The latest. Even things that Vietnam did not have. Sadat called me on the phone at 2:00 AM screaming for me to save him. I said to hell with this! We weren't going to die for them."


>like me or I'll kill you all

school shooter logic, don't expect any different from Israel desu.

Samson option is about destroying the whole world in a fit of sociopathic rage. I'd be fine if you just destroyed ME, who cares? But you are salivating about destroying totally innocent countries because jews gonna jew.
>Israel has been building nuclear weapons for 30 years. The Jews understand what passive and powerless acceptance of doom has meant for them in the past, and they have ensured against it. Masada was not an example to follow—it hurt the Romans not a whit, but Samson in Gaza? What would serve the Jew-hating world better in repayment for thousands of years of massacres but a Nuclear Winter. Or invite all those tut-tutting European statesmen and peace activists to join us in the ovens? For the first time in history, a people facing extermination while the world either cackles or looks away—unlike the Armenians, Tibetans, World War II European Jews or Rwandans—have the power to destroy the world. The ultimate justice?

Totally incompetent.

Really bad moral, corruption, positions in military by family connections than abilities etc.

The Samson Option can't be activated due to dislike, only through the invasion of Israel.

>Totally innocent countries

lol on you for quoting an American author as if he was an Israeli senior.

Arabs are only effective in small irregular paramilitary factions reliant on unconventional guerilla tactics because they're mostly driven by religion/sect/ideology and not out of love for their country. Sykes-Picot was a mistake

>Totally innocent countries

Yes yes I know that you think everyone has a blood debt on them because of holocaust or whatever so they need to be destroyed in nuclear hellfire.

Uh huh. Arabs cannot into regular warfare with a proper army as was demonstrated in 1948 and 1967 and 1973 and 1991 and 2003 and Saudi Arabia being unable to defeat insurgent groups in Yemen and so forth.

That quote is very telling of israeli/jewish thinking. The jew hating world should be killed in nuclear winter. You hate goyim, why else would you need more nukes than fucking France has? You are planning on destroying the world, not just your enemies. Or to be accurate, you think everyone is your enemy.

Instead of rejoicing, we would prefer them to weep, Holocaust or otherwise. We'd spare a true ally, but we don't have any. Only occupied governments. And as for rare few actual innocents, they are unavoidable collateral damage, much like every last Jew in any European population center. Nothing personnel.

You guys do know that they had the export versions of Soviet military hardware which didn't have all the capabilities of the domestic versions and also had trouble handling the desert climate because they were designed for the Eurasian plain.

Not an excuse. Vietnam had the same export Soviet equipment, were using it in the tropics which it wasn't designed for, and it was not an issue for them, they were excellent soldiers and fought nonstop for decades.

The US military also did not have problems in the Gulf War with the desert climate fucking up our stuff even though it had also been designed to go to war in Europe against the Warsaw Pact.

why is this little serbia in the ME is allowed to exist, fucking amerishits

The Last Bastion of the Semitic glory days, the Numenor to a corrupted Middle-Earth. Once the eternal sun shone brightly over the Menorah of the Temple, the Sphinx of Egypt, the Lion of Hattusa, The tower of Babylon and the Mausoleum of Persepolis, where now only the visceral ugliness of the blunt black, white and green Pan-Arab flags can be seen, and camel jockeys screaming bloody murder.

Israel is a reminder of what once was yet shall never be again for them, that's why they seek to consume it with yet another shitty meaningless tricolor Arab flag and empty Islamic identity.

No, this quote indicates what the author thinks, just like your opinion doesn't stand for the opinion of all Finns and my opinion does not stand for the opinion of all Israelis.

Another thing, France has about 300 nukes, Israel has about 80. Both US and Russia got over 5000 per each. The number of nukes you have doesn't indicate that you want to destroy the world.


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Are you Christian?

No lol


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It doesn't tell me anything.

So you're Shi'ite then?