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is the real bitcoin
is the real bitcoin cash
we fuccn OUT BOIS

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Satoshi vision!

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No, its the real bitcoin diamond.

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$40000 when bitcoin is 80k

What's the difference between it and monero?

if by diamond u mean diamond in the rough and ready to take down bch then yes


inb4 muh bch w/muh zksnarks
fuck ton more expensive and been gettin shilled nonstop. btcp > bch

Nobody uses Z-transactions so the entire blockchain is public.

XMR uses "older" tech, which also means it's more refined and more known (i.e. less vulnerable). You can actually verify XMR's money supply at any moment, you can't with BTCP (/zk-snarks). This is because apparently zk-snarks has a trusted setup, which is in essence a backdoor, that cannot be disabled.

Frankly, I have some BTCP but I also own much more XMR, and I think XMR is better than BTCP but in case it blows up I don't want to get left behind. That's my thoughts. I know how XMR works (I'm familiar with / understand ring signatures and think they're goddamn genious), I don't really know how zk-snarks works..

btcp is going to blow up. triple digits by june, guaranteed. trezor code support added this morning and hitbtc listing soon. binance to follow, then bittrex in late summer/early autumn

i heard exactly the same thing about fucking nano
look where that trash is now

Ok I looked up this "trusted setup" thing. The thing is, when you generate the genesis block, you generate some data which has to be destroyed. If it doesn't, it can be used to fuck with anything.

Soooooo you just essentially have to believe that they didn't store that data with was used to initialize the genesis block.. yeah, XMR >> zk-snarks

I'm still hoping nano will recover tho

you're saying trezor's keeping a backdoor to btcp or what?

No, I'm saying they MIGHT. The incentive do so is certainly ridiculously high. Who knows, maybe they're counting on a huge crypto lockdown, and expect that gov's will inevitably take over the scene, at which point they will say "hey guys, we could perfectly adhere to any shit you say!". Idk, just a possibility. They also might just start churning out new coins and sell them for $$$

Also, to clarify: the backdoor EXISTS, we know that for a fact. What we don't know is whether they actually use(d) it. And it is actually made in a way that even if they use it, you probably wouldn't even realize it. You make of that what you will.

lmfao, still no hitbtc?
almost halfway through the year and no good exchanges are even talking about this shit + it'll likely never get on bittrex.
i'm justed with these bags and should've sold a long time ago

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They used zcash's keys.

has anyone noticed that the more frequent shitposts, the darker the color turns? i was shitposting earlier this morning at a pretty fast rate, and i swear my id changed from green to brown to black, lmao. any thoughts on this?

also, thank you for the balanced "FUD".

nigger how am i fudding?
i HAVE btcp, but i see no valid reason for it to moon into triple digits.