>europeons lose 56% of their income to taxes
>they are so poor they usually are forced to rentcuck
Europeons lose 56% of their income to taxes
Rent is literally more expensive than monthly mortgage payments
Mortgage is like 1.4% interest right now. Renting is notoriously expensive compared to buying over here. Especially since we can deduct mortgage interest payments from our taxes
>Americans lose 44% of their white genes to niggers
>They are so black they usually are forced to steal
Pic related are your parents
>t-the south and west parts of your country are black!
>t-that means that the other parts a-aren't white
every time
Pretty sure it’s the South, East and midwest which are blacked
>lol y do mericans care so much about race
>56% meme literally every thread
Many midwestern states are literally whiter than your country.
Michigan and Illinois are fucked tho
According to the American census the Netherlands would be 96% white.
They are also far more rural than my country. States like Ohio and Illinois aren’t better off in any way
It's too expensive to buy a house here in Korea so it's almost unaffordable to get my own house.. Maybe I'll have to work like a dog for the rest of my life to pay back my mortgage..
Life keeps getting depressing and miserable as time goes by..
>be american
>lose your house because of a paper cut
We have 12% non-western migrants (including their (mixed) children). Only 3% to 4% are black.
Iirc in the current census Arabs and Turks are white. Which together with Slavs is almost our entire population vs 2% blacks
They pay 20% in sales tax too.
Arabs and turks are far, far, far worse. They carry a religious disease which is incompatible with The West.
Go back to Jow Forums, Chang
>le low american taxes meme
reminder that america has the highest corporate tax rate in the OECD
Those anyone dare to spell me us taxes in european please? I assume sales tax is tax on added value. I have heard they have huge taxes on profits and progressive income tax. Do they really have lower taxes?
us tax code*
uh thanks?
Was unaware that taxes were the same all throughout europe
Did the union federalise while I wasn't looking?
>Bulgaria (and Southern Europe in general)
>americans are supposedly so rich
>yet they never leave their bumfuck nowhere village, never get education, never afford medical treatment and so on
>get shot
somethings not right here, oh wait you are just the asswipe of your masters and proud of it, spineless slaves
Illinois is just getting worse because anyone with money is leaving. Its basically just poos and nogs that are trending up.
Turks are not very religious. They are very nationalistic and consider Islam an extension of being Turkish but are Turk first and Muslim second.
Arabs are the real nutters.