How high will this shitcoin go for Mainnet?? Biz
I bought in early and plan to hold till few days before mainnet. How many sats will it go?
Xvg went from 500 sats - 1400 with the "Annoucement news"
Will Trx will do the same thing ? Biz help
How high will this shitcoin go for Mainnet?? Biz
I bought in early and plan to hold till few days before mainnet. How many sats will it go?
Xvg went from 500 sats - 1400 with the "Annoucement news"
Will Trx will do the same thing ? Biz help
It's the polar opposite of shitcoin, nigger.
expecting 3x from here
here comes the shills boys. Looks like justin finally found Jow Forums
>t. fudder.
can someone explain to me why this is a shitcoin?
When is mainnet?
12k by this weekend
Mainnet does not cause a coin to go up in value. If you haven't learned that yet then you need to get off this board.
Give me an example
Nice argument, faggot
Thanks for answering my question, and so politely, too!
>t. fudder.
FUN, REQ, literally any coin that launches a mainnet. Look at the price at the launch day and there is no movement, ever.
Kyber, lost about 75% of it's SAT value.
its not a coin. Its still an erc20 token
Tron main net is five weeks away. It started getting priced in over a week ago, and will climb until about a day before main net, then dump like a motherfucker. How is this hard for you to understand how to make money off of? You do realize nobody is planning to hold through the launch, right?
It will hype to $.15 day before launch. Stop-Limit is the key. Then buy the dip if you believe. Pretty basic shit here