>INb4 "College is a meme" in general, just specifically masters
in my case STEM
Is a Masters Degree a Meme:
"STEM" is too broad. Master's degree in psychology, biology, chemistry will likely get you nowhere but in physics and math will increase your base salary.
Depends on your goals
Information Technology
total meme - you will get paid minimum wage IF you can land a job without experience.
Doing training on the job is the better option; some take place at university. Positive aspects are: no debt, can be written off tax and most important no annoying blue haired bitches, no mandatory diversity classes, no quota Niggers, not funding a bunch of 68er brainwashing children.
yes, there is no reason to get a master's degree. In tech, you could go get a few certifications and make over 100K guarenteed. Don't give anymore money to those liberal brainwashing facilities, college is dead
patrician combo is a bachelor in STEM and masters in business after gaining a few years experience
Masters in "IT"
IT after bachelors is
Certs > networking > degree > experience
Sauce: Am IT manager at big fuckoff oil company. I'll hire "I know this guy and he's smart enough to learn what we need him to" over "Dunno who the fuck he is but he's got an MA in some shit we don't use 99% of".
Even if it's an MS in something "useful" like business, what the fuck do I care? I don't need you to manage the sales department. I need you to remote connect to some shit and fix it with sudo commands. Some rando with a A+/Net+ is already a better hire for basic IT (and probably cheaper).
If I need a programmer/dev, BS is probably good enough and cheaper.
That's because your company is a no name company. Big 4 all will drill you about technicalities.
the more advanced the degree is, the less likely you will get a job
For STEM, a masters in something like Programming or IT wont get you much more than what you already have.
A masters in engineering will land you higher pay, open you up to better management positions, and allow you to be more hands-on with projects. Nowadays, masters in engineering is important if you ever want to get really far in a company. For biological-based fields, it's a lot more important. You will probably do fine with a BS in MechE, but you will probably want an MS if you're in BiomE.
A masters in science like physics, chemistry, or biology is absolutely important and you might even want to think about getting a phd while you're at it.
If this is a serious question then the correct answer is “it depends”. In a fantasy world where a genie made your degree take no time and money, it will ALWAYS be beneficial no matter what your life goals are. Now in reality it is a commitment and it depends what you you want to do and what you want to learn. If you want to wagecuck with a cushy job at a large company I’d say in the future it will improve your hireability, job, security, and pay. The people who claim you can just get a 100k+ jobwith no degree and certs are failing to see the bigger picture where they forget that there are going to more and more people smarter than them in the future, and to stand out in a world where everyone learned IT and how to code in grade school, higher education will make you stand out.
Sure if Schlumberger is a no-name company. We have the resources and money to train you up. You're more likely to get grilled in some little good-ol' boys club that only has 10 devs and needs you to be able to immediately carry your weight.
engineering is a meme
LLM here.
How fucked i am?
i know i know probably would go to master in CompSci but currently I looking towards Penn
my university pays all expenses for Masters CS students in the Information Security track,
but the Data Science track is also great for high income opportunities.
lol pls go
Mfw my friend who's 22 is walking into a 45k grad job with a BEng in Software Eng and I (28) have ambitions to take it to Masters and potentially working PhD whilst I work part-time in a pub.
Go get your MASTERS while doing your masters network like fuck, get internship at the company you want to work for in the future. Finish masters while still being at that company, Sell yourself and get the salary you’ve been wanting!
What school?
pretty much.
working in a physics lab, we code almost everything.