Which games are you currently playing?
Which games are you currently playing?
heh le asian canada meme so funneh
i heard she got bored of video games, so she's attacking tabletop RPGs now
new vegas, cities skyline, prison architect, alien isolation
Ac origins, game mechanics sucks ass but the setting/atmosphere is very nice
Do you like Dark Souls?
Mass Effect 3. I should go.
But the prize doe
No, Greeks hate Dark Souls.
Video games are for faggots
Literally nothing. RDR2 can't come fast enough.
gamers rise up
You know you're old when you don't understand why others still play games
Old people play games too
I'm 23 in like a month and I have this feeling
Am I "old"?
You are a 23 year old boomer
>Buying rockstar games after 2013
Oh shit nigger what are you doin'?
>not remastered
I feel bad for you kiddies
t. boomer
The microtransaction shit is only for the online portion. If other game devs weren't so shit, I would avoid Rockstar.
Girls Frontline
I didn't switch to this tab to see my (You) be some literal shit tier meme
>that 23 year old boomer in denial
old school runescape, i only play in the summers when there's nothing else to do.
Age doesn't equal brain maturity.
When your brain matures you start to live more in the moment and enjoy human interaction more.
>only updates that suck because the devs are too scared to upset the nostalgic manchild community
>everything dead, everyone is too busy getting 200m xp in being a virgin freak
no thanks
Euro Truck Simulator 2
Super Mega Baseball 2
Saving up for Stellaris:Apocalypse should have it by friday
Dark Souls Remaster
hate those bullshit backstabs tho
i have no idea what's going on with any updates, im literally playing the game as i would if nothing had changed
>Euro Truck Simulator 2
Muh nigga.
Singleplayer: Deus Ex Human Revolution
Multiplayer: Team Fortress 2
Total War: Warhammer 2
Day of Infamy
War Thunder
Replaying XCOM2
What's a good multiplayer i can play with a retard pc?
>Geforce 940
RTW 2, TW Attila
How did you like AE?
I think it needs some work before I do a full campaign.
Spyro legends
Doing side quests in fallout 4
Downloading Vermintide 2 atm, what am I in for?
I need to do this with xcom:eu
I saw it but I didn't played to this mod yet. Attila like style is better than classic RTW 2 as for me.
L4D2 clone in Warhammer setting.
I'm fine with that
i don't find anything fun anymore
Saints Row 4
Wow tbc private server
I am level 69
Stop masturbating
The game of life. Maybe you should try it. Virgin
just installed Burnout Paradise, having a fucking blast, forgot how fun this game is
other than that, ETS2 and 3.3.5 WoW on Lordaeron
Vanilla wow every other game is absolutely irrelevant
Got the remastered version on PS4, it's a fantastic game. An utter shame EA killed the series afterwards
Gothic II: The night of the Raven with The Returning 2
Top fucking tier russian content pack/mod.
>Burnout Paradise
What is different about it compared to to other racing games?
It's arcade-ish and all about free-roaming. No waypoints, no fast traveling, no respawns. Not even the actual races are instanced, you're free to pick your own routes and it's really to get lost until you get a feel of the map.
Sounds good, I only have Driveclub, it's too serious, and Motorstorm Apocalypse, which is fun but shitty graphics
Grim Dawn
Runescape, both rs3 and osrs.
you doing the gold version? stats were fucking hard
l'hiver mod is by far a bigger pain in the ass.
Fuck me every wolf fight took me at least 4 attempts
ew, what's the point
early game is already kinda hard on its own
what are you doing? virgin paladine or chad mercenary? i think i went of the gayest dexterity magician last time i played
I'm playin Doctors with yer mum.
Euro Truck Simulator 2 + Promods + Rus map
I enjoy so much driving in Russian roads from Murmansk to Krasnodar
Dark Souls remastered, I've played the entire series backwards lol
Battlefield 1
Hearts of iron lV with mods
The Division. Really love not knowing what's going to happen in the Dark Zone.
merc is viable in vanilla.
But both l'hiver and the returning open up many possibilties for a paladin character.
Plus fucking shit up with gay paladin magic against beliar's creation is fun as fuarkkk. I hardly have to go against seekers.
Path of Exile
How is it? Is it good?
I mostly play L4D2. Recently got the forest, but it's shit.
Icewind Dale EE