Shill me your favorite small cap
Other urls found in this thread:
just 623 sat
only 28 cents
>13m marketcap
>TFD is a farm-to-table food traceability solution, improves food safety, eliminates food fraud, and decreases costs of the supply chain companies
>Working product in industry - more than 300k revenue last year
>Active team, constant updates and they literally post PROOF of partnerships
>partnerships include: CP Group: Thailand’s largest conglomerate (revenue of US$45 billion), Lotte Mart: Hypermarket chain in Korea (of the vast Lotte Group), AEON: Listed Japanese retail chain with 500,000 employees, operates across South-east Asia among others
This shit will explode in may when they add cattle and fruit tracking, and begin expanding to new countries, bigger exchange listings etc.
Just sold my UUU and increased my exy, I have 2 btc left for small cap shitcoins
user from another thread suggested those ;
Sugar exchange
IP Exchange
nooo. i want to accumalte.
looks like a great project. i read about it here.
Got a big bag of those fuckers, not letting them go for a while
I am here on my laptop now.
Got some EXY already and more HKN
Should have sold some OCN at 285 now. Already dropping. But the shillmaster, ceo of tron is advisor and will surely pump the price further.
Low mcap, already known by many, majority of the supply is gone forever.
I am stoked for sugar, either a complete loss, or if they build even a halfway decent exchange, and they should, they are backed by modulus, easy 100x minimum. Even 100x would only be 63 mil market cap. lmap
Fucking MODULUS.
I hope I am not getting scammed, kek.
thank me later user, these are secure x10 - x30 each end of year
DERO. Very active development on Github. Competant team. Very low marketcap (no marketing, no ICO, only the coin mined are sold at the moment) : Very big potential if you want to be an early investor.
I really like Hacken user It looks really good I’ll grab some if I find a good entry. I’ll look more into sugar now,
Where do you guys buy these? I only use binance and coinbase so far
COSS ~$40M
Fiat gateway for Singapore with fee split for token holders
Will be a top 25 exchange EOY
>low supply
>Decentralized marketplace
>Upcoming smart-contracts
>Former Chief Marketing Officer of NEO co-founder
>CEO regularly does presentations, the latest at Stanford University
>IoT use cases
>Does everything DBC claims to do as ONE of its functions
#233 on CMC
They are just now starting to market. $15 EOY
Tfw getting free ACT airdrops in my wallet because loyalty program
Kucoin is really good right now
Loads of small cap coins with potential
Why I think you should all take look at Uniform Fiscal Object.
>Segwit locked today !
Uniform Fiscal Object 0.14 has been released and can be obtained from the URL below.
I've noticed a lot of attention on ASIC resistant coins recently, with all the news of 51% attacks and ASICs on the eth and monero network. I want to bring to your attention the coin UFO (Uniform Fiscal Object).
UFO is a POW coin that uses NeoScrypt algorithm and plans to be one of the many lightning network layers to bitcoin that will assist the chain in handling the transactions that mass adoption will bring.
They have recently passed 75% consensus on SegWit and will then take steps to implement Lightning network.
Also, although not groundbreaking tech or anything, they recently held a contest to design a new logo and the winning logo is aesthetically pleasing and professional looking.
They have a core wallet and a dedicated dev team that hangs out in discord and regularly interacts with the community.
They also have 90 second block times and have been around since 2014. I believe that they are a viable addition to the lightning coin family and will make a big splash when everyone realizes how complex and important lightning network will actually be.
Decentralized ID (DID)
>Currently Working product
>Advisors from LDJ Capital and Microsoft
>In talks with several governments
x100 waiting to happen
You get dividends from their dapp, which was just released and is fucking beatiful -
You can basically bet vs other players via eth on which of the three coins ( BTC, ETH or LTC) will increase in price the most in 1h or 24h race. Whoever wins, wins other peoples eth. House takes 5% cut of the winning pots and distributes the dividends to horse holders.
Wow sugar exchange looks good too ! Modulus is real but circulating supply vs total look weird but it’s a good coin to put 1000 bucks on and forget about it. I’ll do it, user if I make x100 on this one I’ll summon you every day at this exact time here on biz for 1 year
That's pretty much my exact thoughts about the coin. And what I am doing with it.
Best of luck to you user, you will get that 100x.
No ICO, great backing, a scam seems pretty unlikely to be honest. But their twitter is dead and the anonymous team is strange.
Another user gave me some half assed reasons for that, but I don't know.
The last time I put some money in such a very very low cap coin with no ico was deep onion and made a good x50. Thanks user I hope it’ll make it to 10$ lol
Good luck user stay safe
What's your strategy when going into low cap coins? I understand that they can be much more profitable than large caps, because they fluctuate more, but it looks to also be much harder to get out of your positions since the daily volume is always low.
now i need to do sugar and modulos..
on top of tefood
SLT smartlands... Just... Look for yourself. Been green for ages with no signs of stopping. Burned all but 7 million tokens. Easy.
That and BPT blockport which will launch in a few weeks.
tf is modulus, cant find shit about it
Modulus is the company that is financially backing sugar, look them up, a little bit from the "about us" from the modulus global website.
Since 1997, Modulus has provided advanced technology products and services to clients including The NASDAQ Stock Market, J.P. Morgan Chase, Bank of America, Credit Suisse, Barclays Capital, Goldman Sachs, Merrill Lynch, Fidelity, TD Ameritrade, Devon Energy, IBM, Microsoft, Yahoo!, Google, Cisco, Adobe, Ford Motor Company, SAS Institute, Rutgers University, the University of Chicago, and thousands of other corporate, educational, governmental, and non-profit institutions, throughout 94 countries. Our products and services reach millions of end users around the world.
And they are backing a 650 thousand usd market cap crypto. And using their software for the planned exchange.
Madbyte. 22 people in telegram.
Nanocents still.
zero marketing. cool stuff done:
ARY : Block Array : Supply chain for trucking. Midwest organization. $9 mill Market cap. Nobody's heard of them and trucking is boring. Totally under the radar.
If you don't buy Phore, the first PoS/MN coin with SegWit on their Testnet, then you are dumb as fuck user.
Price/coin doesn't matter. Market cap matters to make massive gainz.
25m market cap and it will soon be shilled all over you on twitter. Then it will be 100m+ and you missed out.
Florincoin. $17.5mill marketcap.
Mount Olympus Token (MOT)
15mil MC, 40mil circulating supply,
Android app live, index buying tool coming up next, CME Director of Index Development and Digitization as one of the advisors, going to present at Edcon on 4th of May with media coverage, marketing campaign by CoinUsage (promoted CMC and CryptoKitties) started a couple days ago
Don't miss out fuckers
easy 3x since i moved in.
I've been looking at them for a while and I don't understand why they've been bleeding for so long.
I mean they seem to have a pretty good team that gets results, a working app and they're also focusing on the marketing aspect.
To me the entire thing looks good and still their price is in the shitter.
IPSX. Wish I had more capital to pick up more. Looking at CPX, HAV, and BBN for entry later on.
Holding PRL and RLC, thinking of dumping my RLC and putting it into PRL or ELEC.
Prolly cos they dont do hype. Instead of paying for listings and shilling their token
they've been focused on delivering an actual working product.
This is about to change after EDCON, they finally decided to work on their marketing.
Oh and the fact that lots of ppl FOMOed in during the January bull run and bought MOT at 2-3USD effectively making them bagholders doesnt really help the price atm
Uuu nice catch
next dump will include SGR
PBL. Easiest x10 in few months.
Am I gonna make it...?
what dump?
Huh? You are going to dump SGR? Or dump UUU for SGR?
You are confusing me.
- first NEO DEX
- 30 mil mcap
- getting all the NEO tokens first, sometimes exclusively (only place you can buy EFX right now for example, soon will be listed)
- will be supporting QRC20 (QTUM) and ERC20 tokens in the next quarter
- very little hype and available on no normie exvhanges (only Gate.IO and the DEX itself)
- Coins burnt for trading fees a la BNB, with profit-sharing down the line when the regulatory environment allows for it
holy fuck man at least have 50% of your money in something that can't go to 0 overnight, BTC, ETH, XLM, you know. My picks are KIN and BABB, up 7x on babb(bax).
n e w a n d i m p r o v e d
WAU Coin .23$ its the only coin that didnt crash from jan
Pretty ballsy, but you're mostly Banyan which is good
ENG, Enigma, cool name, cooler batman villain, riddle me some gains guys
I'm planning on buying 10k REQ to offset the other coins and have a good, stable foundation.
im gonna dump my fiat into it lololol
Picked up 41k at .02 - will try to get another 60k when profits are available
snovio looks interesting, but it just went up a lot the last few hours.
Maybe tommorow. I have to do some more reading up anyways.
-Actual use
Their ebooks can be resold and a percentage of that will automatically go back to the author through smart contracts, giving authors an incentive to use Publica to create ebooks
-Successful CEO
Lead at DirecTV and Verizon FIOS TV. Managed at Sony
-Have the resources to pull it off
co-founder owns Scandiweb (works with Fortune 500 companies) and have access to hundreds of developers. Go to the Google App store to read the description of Publica's new e-reader and you will see it's made by Scandiweb.
-Low Circulating Supply
Same features as billion dollar coins but 1/12 the cap
Opus, apps release in may. Easy 100x EOY
I got a bag of Phore. 25m mcap and shilled by many twitter people. Fire is catching, be ready for moon mission
Republic Protocol (Ren)- 35 million cap, only coin either advised by Loi Luu or backed by Polychain not on page 1 (it will be).
Huobi is an investor, listing is coming there.
Decentralized dark pool with 100k for a node, limit of 4k nodes that split ALL fees. Yes thats right, all fees. At even 100 million daily volume for the first mover advantage Ren thats 10k per year passive income per node.
This is 0x, except a dark pool not just a dex protocol. Whatever 0x is, it should 2x that easily in the near future especially after testnet in May.