Why do south americans proudly brag about their italian heritage, but literally demonize anything related to Spain?

Why do south americans proudly brag about their italian heritage, but literally demonize anything related to Spain?

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they dont tho
did some mulatto fuck your mom you retarded hansoid?

but they don't

Because Spain is an utter shithole, whose people and culture should be nuked out of existence ASAP before they ruin another country.

Attached: 2.png (1000x1000, 264K)

take a chill pill terù

Porque son los monos y los perros.

spain is subhuman

back to romania falso invalido

FUCK OFF! Siesta is the best thing humanity ever invented.

Mestizaje maligno.

Encontré el árabe

al*, mono pakistaní.

I am Volga german

Spanish blood and architecture is the standard, it's the same reason why Americans brag about having Scottish/German/Irish/Whatever ancestry, British heritage is seen as too boring and normal.

Because we cucked them and still cuck them.
For example a large number of stores in mexico city are owned by spaniards.
Spanish banks are amongst the biggest in latin america.
Their women beg for our iberian dick.

Because spanish/portuguese descent is boring for them.
This is changing tho.I see on the net that the brazillian public opinion of the portuguese is increasing.I remember in 2008 when there was a fucking youtube war in the comments between portuguese and brazillians

what do spanish grills think of cuban bulls?

Because all mestizos have Spanish heritage
Its not disdain towards Spain its disdain towards native americans

The Italians never colonized them. Maybe they're just bitter toward Spain? I dunno man I'm not Hispanic.

>I'm not Hispanic.
chck ur 24andmè better

I don't know, as far as I know their ranking for foreigners is:
1. Italy
2. France/Argentina
3. The others

Also how are the rankings in italy?

because having spanish heritage is the norm in latin america. Having other is considered different/cool

You're all wrong, what a bunch of retards

Not really, there are plenty of anglophiles here who go full muh heritage.

They're a statistical anomaly I'd assume, never have stumbled unto them.

>south americans talking about muh heritage

Attached: 1318822944910.jpg (500x500, 24K)

Really? I run into them all the time. Maybe it's more common in the Northeast.

Being Northern Italian (Argentinian) is something to be proud of, being a Spanish rape-baby, not so much.

Maybe they celebrate their English ancestry IRL whereas the other ancestries mostly brag about them on social media? I can definitely buy the Northeast being more anglophile.

>literally surrounded by two countries were this is common place


every spanish girl chooses Italy as a main destination in erasmus program

Only peruanos and mexicanos hate spain and those two have absolute 0 italian diaspora
This is the real reason


More like 56andMe

a lot of you are in Athens too in the last time
I have some buildings there and the Spanish inquiries rised hugely
what is your goddamn end game desu

That's not true, I've seen a few here in Iceland
Also, while I'm in this thread, I'd like to say that female Spaniard Spanish accents sound terrible, kind of like they are slightly retarded.

that's actually not the case

>Demonizing demons is wrong

That's hot

>Found to the arab

No, es encontré el árabe. Hijo de puta árabe.

Only we wuz empire favelado Jow Forumstards and boliguayos talk about heritage

It's even worse when they're speaking English (unless that's what you mean)
t. Guy with Spanish gf

Im studying castillian Spanish at uni and couldn't agree more. Funny, never had an issue with male Spanish accents but my god the women sound horrible. Still, much better than the average bong female so w/e.

ah yes, the sweet voice of spanish girls

I meant their English Accent

puta que son negros los españoles

los med jajajjajskjajskkjs

This and also because if you have italian blood it implies more recent migration and family stories that connect you with the country while having spanish blood means you are probably mestizo and also have less of a immediate connection with spain (tho there were also waves of spanish inmigrants in the xx century )

Every italian guy dream about a spanish girl. We're made for each other amico. Same for the opposite sex

About girls here the ranking about the men they want is (obviously excluding italians):

1) Spanish
2) other pseudowhite hispanic
3) romanian or other eastern
4) french
5) scandinavian (some of our girls have a fetish for nordic guys)

Same here but for some reasons guy prefer Catalunya while girls Madrid or other southern cities in Andalusia

de donde coño es ese acento? es andalucia o canarias? Asi no hablan los españoles promedio

por lo negro que son seguro que si, hay un acento español que en las mujeres(ni idea de que region) me la re para pero en este video se me metio para adentro

jesus, and people make fun of americans for being dumb...

Granada creo

Best iberian language ever


Which castillian accent is this?

It sound strange


I like lil qts speaking g*rman. The contrast is arousing

Aragonés. It’s a language not a dialect

I hope you aren't some furlan or lombard who cry thinking how great and good was the Austrian-Hungarian Empire:


>Las preposiciones son las mismas en inglés y en cast*llano

Attached: 4.jpg (761x885, 287K)

>south americans proudly brag about their italian heritage
We dont
>demonize anything related to Spain
We dont


Is still alive?

how do you tell panchitos from andaluces apart?

The plurals

Panchis are ugly indios/blacks and dress like Neymar or Diego Alves. Actually you got your accent from them.

Barely, aragoneses got cucked by castillian culture

Cast*llians killed it


Why catalan didn't followed the same fate?

Because catalonia had and has a strong, catalan speaking upper class capable of catalanising immigrants from other regions.

No idea, I barely know the history of Catalonia.

>how do you tell panchitos from andaluces apart?
i don't

in the 21st century too, right now there are more spaniards in argentina than viceversa

no panchito will ever say lah casah

i don't hate south americans, one of my best friend is from there

Why don't you just le them get out? Without them you will lost the commiest region of the Peninsula and a lot of moros and other immigrants

Maybe because it wasn't us who did the raping/colonizing, and Spain can be a good scapegoat for their shortcomings.

I support catalonian independence though
In fact, I support the complete balkanisation of the iberian peninsula, and, if possible, the genocide of all castillians.

>no panchito will ever say lah casah

Cubans do it. Anyways Cuba is Cadiz 2.0

we love you Spain.

Also she love you so much:


>strong, catalan speaking upper class capable of catalanising immigrants from other regions

It's the peasants that vote for the secession my man

Yes, this is why the Lliga Regionalista was a conservative bourgeois party, because it was made up entirely of illiterate peasants and not catalonian industrialists.

Please, learn history, shut up, or kill yourself.

we demonize both
since we're retarded and corrupt, we tend to blame our own failures on others
so, it's always: "muh spaniard viveza criolla made us corrupt" or
"muh italian mafia codes made us corrupt"

They should be, bitch.

Prepositions aren't consistent between Iberian Romance languages, what makes you think they'd be so between Spanish and that unholy linguistic mutt spoken in you rislands

Porque inglés es la lengua franca

In Brazil, people with Italy heritage usually have money.

Never have seen a poor italian-brazilian

el inglés*

Attached: 8.jpg (256x256, 33K)

Imagine having your italian great grandparents and grandparents wasting their vast wealth on booze and whores. Hahahahahahaha. Twice. hahahahahahahahahaha

Thanks, my Spanish is still ass but I'm learning. Doesn't change the fact that we iz lingua franca.


Attached: spainprobably.jpg (2048x1150, 597K)

Do they look panchitos to you?

Attached: Cordoba_Uni.jpg (972x648, 86K)

Were you the user that asked for resources a few weeks ago on a Spain thread?

Eww I’d kill myself if I had any kind of subhuman shitalian blood in me. Compared to Spaniards , Italians are the scum of the earth and deserve nothing but punishment

Yes. Also asked like a day or two ago in another Spain thread.

devuelvan el oro

I remember you! Good luck with uni lad
Still hate spain tho

Well most of these look white but most of the people in the video the chilean posted would pass as mestizo in argentina