Based and redpilled MAGA my fellow centipedes

Based and redpilled MAGA my fellow centipedes

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fucking based germanbro
are you coming to the reddit meetup tomorrow?


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I'm not America but I support Trump's America first policy BASED

based and redpilled SHADillay my fellow Magapedes

>mfw libtards are neither based or redpilled

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praise kek and shadily, may g*d bless israel

Lmao fucking LIBTARDS. God bless Emperor Trump.

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Simultaneously redpilled and, additionally, at the same time, based

>I love Lincoln, he was REPUBLICAN and he freed the slaves. We're the real anti-racist side here.
>I fly the Confederate flag because it's my HERITAGE and because it represents STATES RIGHTS trampled in the war of northern aggression
I don't get it.

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libtards BTFO

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Aryan fatherland reporting in
MAGA and praise kek!

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Subhuman japanese monkey your country should have been nuked to the bottom of the ocean kill yourself

Okay, this is epic

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>Jow Forums obsession thread #144211

Just get a room and fuck, you obsessed closet-cases