That feel when your countrymen think fast choo-choo trains are a conspiracy

That feel when your countrymen think fast choo-choo trains are a conspiracy.

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Trains are pretty dumb though, take up a lot of space, stationary, expensive, cost lots of energy to maintain, literal leafs and water make them unusable for hours at a time
Planes + Trucks is the way to go tbqhwyfam

Yes but that doesn't mean it's the UN pushing Agenda 21, which is a mainstream opinion here.

Commercial aviation beats the shit out of trains

Everyone board the truck!

Every mode of transport has its drawbacks (none more than cars). The key to keeping the economy running smooth is having options.

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>city two hours away by train
>have to arrive at the airport (protip it's going to be nowhere near you unlike the next train station) two hours early for check in
>spend literally twenty minutes in the air
>wait for your luggage for another half hour

In the Midwest people use horse carriage, not that fancy degenerate stuff.

>muh planes
rewind 50 years it was
>muh cars and trucks
people like you are literally why we can't have nice things

>trying to be forward
>but you're literally behind me

I mean coast to coast travel

trains are convenient in countries that are actually existing


I don't think you understand how trains work...

Well that's just moving goalposts isn't it?

Commercial aviation is shit if I just want to pop down to the shops.

In fuckhuge countries yeah, but Germany unites over twice the Canadian population on the area of Newfoundland and Labrador. High speed rail is just as quick, if not quicker, and also more comfortable unless you're going literally to the opposite end of the country. Airport procedures are time consuming and annoying, plane interiors are loud, you can't take a lot of luggage unless you wanna pay extra.

I’m not sure people realize how expensive an airport is for the government.
The city has to buy the land, then you can’t build anything tall near the airport, then the noise ruins all the land around the airport so the city has to buy that, then the city pays for the airport and none of the airline companies pitch in.
Then we have to subsidize the shit out of oil to make plane travel affordable for people.

But these people go on about SOCIALISM if you try to build a train, which effectively costs less. American airports suck btw.


Found the rape refugee that hitch hiked by lorry all the way to Stockholm.

On the upside you don't have to carve hundreds of miles of train tracks into the landscape for planes. And I'm not talking about the ruined scenery, I'm talking about miles and miles of dams, trenches, tunnels and bridges.

Found the literal sandnigger living in Murcia and can't get to civilisation without the Madrid people building a train out to his fucking desert hut

High speed rail is quicker than an airplane in almost any case under 1000km, if you count total trip time (time to/from the station, waiting for bags, all that).

I’m fine with some iron rails and the occasional tunnel or bridge. Beats the hell out of this. These things aren’t cheap and aren’t effective at letting people move when they want to.

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Let's be honest. If rail transport became popular in the US, they'd have hour-long waits for anal probing there too.

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Murcia is white.

>Canadians can’t afford hour-long anal probes

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>murcia is white

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