Fake partnerships

Vechain removed their PwC partnership from their website. More shady shit by this hype coin.

The PwC partnership was gained by Dj Qian, this is likely why they have lost it as Sunny has cut all ties with Qian.

Attached: vechain111.jpg (1385x806, 144K)

Other urls found in this thread:


It's a scam like 99% of Chink stock.


nice before/after pics retard

I used to hold 20k VEN, hold 0 now. I kept up with every last detail till it became apparent what they are.

I can assure you that it used to be on there only weeks ago. not entirely sure when it vanished.

find a cached version or post this in the vechain subreddit and I'll dump my thunder node with a screencap

On what site is this list?

why is this still here then?

Attached: Screenshot 2018-04-23 at 4.40.35 PM.png (870x893, 587K)

good luck with finding a cached version of some obscure crypto site.

Be careful if you are heavily invested bro. dont sit that comfy. combined with the shit like CCK this coin is seriously shady, the memes became a self fulfilling prophecy.

They also denied all involvement with their former CEO, Dejun Qian, who was the one who fostered and signed the PwC partnership. They outright dened he ever had anything involvement with Vechain project, when there is clear evidence of him being onstage with sunny Lu, and signing the PwC deal as CEO of bechian and BitSe.

My theory: Qian retaliated by making them lose their partnership with PwC, as it was his own deal. where he gains this for his own new project which had a massive fud campaign launched is unknown.

Attached: djqian111.jpg (835x592, 78K)

Who cares Jim Breyer trusts it I trust it, he's not going to get scammed at his own game

Attached: breyercryptoportfolio.png (1096x504, 233K)

like I said, post this on the subreddit and see if you can get by the nerds who study this shit all day. Cause I don't

actually there is no evidence hes invested what so ever. he is an advisor, that is all we know.

Nigga look at the picture, it's in his firm's portfolio
I think DJ Qian and PwC could be a concern, but when you blindly FUD, you lose credibility.


here is vechain saying DJ Qian was CEO of Vechain.

and a few months later they deny in an obvious lie. i dont know what happened but this is shady. see below.


Attached: 99999999.jpg (759x244, 54K)

i knew when they tried riding on the coattails of LINK by dropping the wrod "oracle" in one f their tweets that this was a dead enterprise

They're also not partnered with BMW either lmao, they just use third party data that you or I could use. Would I be "partnered" with BMW as well?


Thank god, the VEN fud is starting again.
Strap in boys, that means the pump is soon.

its in his portfolio and the fine print says he advises.

he doesnt need money. but for prominence backing circle and eth.
i lose 3ok ... he loses respect for his brand. i bet on him betting on Vechain.

to what extend does "invested" mean though? there isn't evidence he has put his own money in.

Vechain may have invested FOR him by giving him a position for an advisory role.

We dont know the details at all. Breyer has not confirmed this what so ever.

you are sub 100 iq if you honestly believe vechain has even heard of stink link

is this coin a scam?

breyer wrote a medium article about vechain

the medium posts are by two separate entities
please continue the fud though, the more fud the better ven does

what kind of smooth brian would trust the chinks - who kill people with poisoned childrens milk for fucks sake - with a supply chain technolgoy?

fuck, it;s like living in some altenrative world sometimes. the chinks are the biggest lying, scamming scumbags you could ever invent.

you are purposely looking for dents, and you could find them in literally ANY project if you tried.

what's their end game then? This whole thing is a ruse? All of the partnerships and technical medium posts are fake? They don't really have 100 developers building this thing? They're just going to dump bags on everyone and run? Why don't they use ICO money to set up a buy wall and pump the price?

what the fuck are you rambling about downie? Has nothing to do with what I just said

>what's an oracle "enabler"?
jog on faggot, the adults are in the room now

yes, funny how the first one stopped making new posts as soon as the second page started.

both owned by the same, with a simple name change. doesn't take much IQ to figure that one out.

This might amount to nothing, all im doing is putting the discrepancy out here. plenty of easy to find evidence for Dj Qian having been the CEO of vechain, and having involvement, even making the PwC deal himself. Then on the other hand, we have Vechain outright giving an apparent lie about Dj Qians involvement in Vechain.

Attached: 3333888.jpg (1280x854, 169K)

and you're the special ed who walks into the room clueless of what's going on

>"I knew it was a scam cuz chainlink"

not even remotely relevant to my post or this fucking thread. Get the fuck out brainlet

Salty walty and stinky linkie must really be pounding the onions watching their shitcoins take a backseat to VeChain. Stop taking your hormones, transition back to men, invest in a token with purpose. You know that genderfluid disaster you call a partner has no respect for you. Man the fuck up.

You can't call people s o y boys anymore? God I hate biz.

we get it; you fomo'd in at ath and now you cant bear to see this chink scamcoin fail. we've all been there, just take it as a lesson learnt

t. Someone who never heard of jim Breyer until he bought vechain

btw, who just market sold 300k Ven at once? someone clearly desperately wanted out just now.

Attached: market sell.jpg (955x427, 93K)

but i love basedboys

this lmao. This board can't deal with the fact that vechain just made their precious linkies obsolete.

Sunny lu ordered a new BMW. And is partenered with oracle now. it’s over for chainlink

>mfw vechain parted ways with DJ Qian and bitse when it turned out they wanted to pull a China hustle instead of keep developing a world changing product.

Turns out all this FUD about Vechain is being paid for by DJ to get back at Sunny for throwing him out on his ass for trying to scam his clients and investors.

it was someone who's masternode application got rejected you dumb fuck

lmao, keep telling yourself that. the aplication ended months ago. and theres no way they would market sell 300k, nobody in that position is that stupid. could have sold it slowly over many days or hours, and probably got a better price because all Venlets keep saying that its clearly going to go up in value this week

btw, loads of huge wallets moved a shit load of ven to exchanges today. at least 3 moved more than 300k Ven, and another moved over a million. Obviously know something we dont

FUD is weak. Here's a snapshot of the website from 3 weeks ago. They don't have PWC listed here either. Not enough room to list all the partnerships they have.

Attached: Capture.jpg (1383x1006, 107K)

PwC is bigger than all of those.

the application ended months ago but they are actively reviewing and accepting people right now. Did you not read the medium article published less than a month ago?

Maybe you're right. This whole thing is one big scam and it's all going to zero tonight. And that whale knows it. That theory clearly makes the most sense. And this is the first time someone has EVER market dumped a large number of coins. Because if it EVER happened before, that means the coin is a scam and it would be dead by now. It's also the first time big wallets have EVER moved coins to the exchange while FUD was circulating on biz

you are so fucking dumb dude, just listen to yourself. This isn't even about what's true or false anymore, you're just trying to win internet points and rationalize your decision to sell

Show these transfers.




haha dumbass, get chinked

don't even entice these retards

they've been calling it a chink scam since early January and every week or so a thread like this pops up. And every week or so there are big wallets transferring to binance. The FUDers use it has fodder every time. Maybe it's just the same guy

and what do you know? Nearly 5 months later nothing has happened and we are still down less from ATH than nearly every other alt coin


you might be retarded or illiteralte...most likely both
nowhere does it say DJ Qian wasnt a member of vechain team, it only states that they are not connected to fusion and DJ is no longer a member of vechain team

read it properly. highlighted simply is not true.

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must suck being an illiterate fucking retard
I mean life must just be way more difficult for you than I could possibly imagine

you do understand projects can be led by more than 1 person? And show me where it says Sunny wasnt General Secretary at the time they partnered with PwC

that statement means they hired PwC to help them out

I think we're done here

starting to think you're the same guy who dumped his stack at the literal bottom (1.50) in february and began autistically screeching FUD immediately after

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>being this fucking dumb

Wew lads

Vechain foundation was formed after it had an ICO public sale.

PwC was incubating them starting from 2016, which was the year DJ Qian the CEO of Bitse and then Vechain signed the deal.

The medium article is very misleading.

its hilarious the lengths you faggots go to to fud this coin. stay poor you fucken retarded faggots. looking forward to your pink wojacks when this shit takes off.

DJ got VeChain into the PwC startup incubator program when it was in its early phase as a part of Bitse. It was under Sunny that VeChain split off to become an independent company and under Sunny that they became strategic partners with PwC.

It's weird that Sunny Lu, the "leader" of Vechain, wouldn't be the one signing the partnership agreement with PWC.

I know you kikes are trying to get people to sell so that they buy AMB.

Chinks all the way.

Of course it's a scam. Like every other chink project. No hate towards chinese people though, can't blame them taking advantage of morons.

They're both shitcoins desu. Supply chain projects are hot garbage, but there is money to make off pump and dump.

see >

>Linkies are scared
Keep it coming faggots

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Daily reminder: DJ Qian was ousted by VeChain for trying to poach clients and was stealing code for his new fusion project. DJ is retaliating by dumping his VEN and paying shill groups. It's all over WeChat and Chinese communities.

Found it:

Attached: vechain-clients.jpg (1132x408, 46K)

I've sold. The constant updates and partnerships were fun at first but they are getting shadier and shadier with no real prgoress. CCK is honestly the breaking point for me. It's highly unprofessional and doesn't line up with the supposed caliber of the project. I'll continue holding 5000 as a hedge.

Just shows how clueless you are, VET is not a 'supply chain project'

Holy shit, Sunny's twitter deleted that one retweet of "$4.88 is a damn good buying op" by some random person.

Nvm, seems like that account simply got suspended.

Attached: Capture.png (894x396, 62K)

Just because they pivot every day saying they're a dapps platform, oracle provider, wine tracker, fraud detector, etc etc, doesn't mean they're not a supply chain project. But you're right, they're just another shitcoin at the end of the day.

That's what I did, sold 8k. Left in the 6k x- node.

Already doubled the 8k lol.


nice work user, knew i wasn't going crazy.

ok, that is interesting, would like to know why it was removed...possibly just by mistake when adding new partners since they still have PwC member on steering committee and vechain is still in close contacts with pwc

Nice Photoshop

lol, it was taken form their website in march. that pic was uploaded to the site he linked. its real

VeChain fud getting extra spicy before main net launch. Faggots trying to push out weak hands to scoop up more nodes for cheap.

Also DJ Qian is a faggot

Why is Oxford University not listed in their partnerships but Michigan State is?? The fuck is this bullshit? How hard am I getting chinked right now???

I used to hold VET knowing full well that it was probably overvalued like rest of crypto. I sold when I no longer trust Sunny anymore. The guy's a salesman.

state of venlets.

This isn't Fud. In fact i really want to buy Vechain again, but there are too many red flags lately. I first pruchased back in november and made my 10x from sats, maybe thats why i'm a lot more impartial now, i dont need a moon again from it.

That is objective fact. PwC was on their site in march. now it isn't. Then Dj Qian who clearly signed the partnership as CEO of Vechain at the time, was ousted. who knows the whats and whys, but this is objective here.

nah, im not selling...i know this project is legit and will hit top 5 before year ends, but still would be nice to know why exactly was it removed

can i join your discord, guys?

we dont know. maybe you fucking faggots can stop screaming "FUD" and "paid shill" or "bottom seller" every time a red flag is raised now.

I have not suggested any "chink scam" or implications of this, i've only highlighted it, along with some context wit hthe DJ Qian fiasco.

I sold becase i didn't like CCK at first and i saw it went parabolic, will admit i got extremely lucky selling at 77k sats, nearly the top. not satisfied enough to buy it again with the shit i've been digging up.

No need for personal attacks. The pictures speak for themselves. At the end of the day, there are just way too much marketing and not enough details for my taste.

You are actually a faggot.
Nobody believes you
bottom seller
I'm not fucking selling.

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>link in the post

god this guy had the forethought to go do this a month and a half ago

Post this on the subreddit or fuck off desu

top keks you guys get more retarded everytime.

lmao, even if i sold the bottom i would have made 5x my sats.

I sold and have had the luxury of timing my entry agian because the market is shit, and it has made me impartial. not satisfied anymore now the hype has died and cracks have begin to show.

Oh look, more personal attacks when VET cult don't have an answer. I don't either but at least I'm asking.

this is why i didn't post this on the reddit. that place is an even bigger cult than Venlets on here.

post any objective information on there and it gets downvoted and censored anyway, it's pointless.

Posts like these make me so fuckin comfy with my stack holy shit

Survival bias. It's actually funny/scary to see it across majority of crypto.

No, you didn't post it cause it's easier to argue debate biz retards

Do it you fucking pussy. Just make a post in the daily thread

and what do you expect to happen if i do that? I'll tell you. it will get downvted within seconds and become a hidden comment. that place is worse than the bitcoin subredit for delusion cultist behavior. there is a reason it got banned from the main crypto currency reddit for like 6 months

seriously can i join ur discord i wanna fud too

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because what you are saying is incredibly dumb
it was explained to you why DJ Qian signed it. Vechain and PwC clearly were partners, and most likely still are. One logo missing from the web page is not a proof of a fake partnership.

Why would they go our of their way to remove that one and only that one?

Daily reminder: DJ Qian was ousted by VeChain for trying to poach clients and was stealing code for his new fusion project. DJ is retaliating by dumping his VEN and paying shill groups. It's all over WeChat and Chinese communities.

What's there to debate? The public isn't privy to VeChain's partnership terms, with the exception of CCK. My guess would be PwC is acting like Oxford Math in reducing how much brand power they allow VeChain to use.