Is this the power of the Slav?

Is this the power of the Slav?

Attached: EA76CB93-F5E1-4BE6-94B5-0DE7EFDBE3A9.jpg (1242x1502, 796K)

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>dude slavs lmao xDD cheeki breeki vodka xDDD

>capeshit reference

More like the power of reddit lmao

Attached: 1528015826156898877.jpg (700x605, 55K)

Has nothing on this guy:

What's capeshit?

Too dumb to fly, and too dumb to die

Shitty superhero movies
So most of them

Surprised he could even still move that arm, desu.

lmao that adrenaline

arm and shoulder will definitely never be the same for him, insane injury tho

Im sorry but the SLAV BULL memes are clearly true

I mean that iv has to be pure morphine right?

should I watch superhero movies? Am I missing something?

I am not a snob and would watch them if they were something that happened every 3 years like the old batman or spiderman movies. But then getting released all the time every year turned me off, they are more like tv shows than movies.

Is he gonna lose his arm?

Probably not, that area of the arm is kind of empty.
He might never have full range of motion again though.

No they've removed the "branch" and it appears that his arm is still attached

I wish I had so much strength

Iron Man 1 and the nolan batmans were the only ones I liked

Do you have the pasta that say "the slavic men is the epitome of masculinity"?

jiminy cricket


>I mean that iv has to be pure morphine right?
just ethanol
