How is your goo production going Jow Forums?

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I'm upto 104k goo/second

Wake up every morning with a full load.

nice buddy. Have you been attacking people now with the new stealing buff? I just got 9999 Centurions last night.

>mfw the top attacker goes on a rampage

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This was sad for me to wake up to

Attached: Sad times.png (476x67, 5K)

yeah he tried doing an arms race with me yesterday, wasted both our resources but it was kinda fun.

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>defenseless goo billionaires everywhere
>attacks strongest defense
what did cebee mean by this

I am wondering if it is worth spending .2 eth on my unit cap for centurions or to wait to spend .5 eth on the hamsters. GIven that i can attack around 20 times a day.

mercy cebee whale!!!!!

Higher defense means competition. You'd rather attack competition for the hell of it if given the chance is what I'm assuming his reasoning was.

he might have thought that i hit some sort of cap in defense, since I haven't done upgrades to it in 2 days. Hovered at 11m before and then just poured resources into def for an hour.

The fucking developer is playing Archeage. Why the fuck are we trusting someone who plays Archeage?

That isnt the developer. That is a community mod who isnt getting paid.

MrBlobby literally told me that he is the creator of EtherGoo.

Well for fucks sake you're right. I was looking at the PapaGoo fucker.

new production upgrades dropping tonight

How long do they stay active? Also, what exactly is the purpose if everyone benefits from it and this game is zero-sum? It's just an exchange between hands. Nothing to gain.

so the active users get rewarded

5.4 million and I've never felt more alive

this game is all about playing smarter than the average player...

just buy the good 0.1 upgrades (hamsters/badgers) and dont waste money on the shit units, and you're veryyyyy +ve

Just imagine how much ether will be in the contract once the ui update will start kicking in

what's the ui update? I love the ui as it stands

>shit units
Are you implying that attacking isn't worth it? Motherfucker

he was talking about spending eth on the kitty scientists