Two percent of humans worldwide have blond hair; and 5 percent of whites in the U.S.

Today only about one 1 of every 6 Americans has blue eyes (Majority are middle age people)

Attached: 1528283978811hh.jpg (1024x683, 479K)

Other urls found in this thread:

who cares, blondes are pleb tier

I don´t give a shit about race.

I´m just mocking the americanos and their obsession with this shit.

They deserve.

Who is this girl??

Slavic goddess.

A Jew.

Everyone who obsessed with blondeness and blueness is retared and fcking racist

source: my ass

>with blondeness and blueness
*with any color of anything


That's amazing to discover the fact there is only one non-raciat nation in the whole world, dude - and that nation is Russians.

Attached: pelageya_14.11.2014.jpg (360x360, 16K)

I have put the link in the end, argaytino

I would like that it remained as long as possible


*I mean in Russia.

"Soy tan burro que no puedo usar google"

Ivanka Dumb

>I´m just mocking the americanos and their obsession with this shit.

Yeah, you sure showed us.

Attached: hmm yes.png (1214x290, 140K)

>Two percent of humans worldwide have blond hair
we're going extinct

Attached: 1483577009001.png (500x500, 53K)

blonde blue eyed women are the only women who matter.

Attached: 37CC9CE9-197B-4E89-BE34-AFC3AA722B2D.jpg (398x500, 31K)

Stay strong. Make lots of babies.
As they grow up, teach them good values.
Repeat ad infinite.

White women must be preserved FOREVER

I personally don’t like blonde hair.

My gf has blonde hair and blue eyes though.

>recessive gene found in Northern Europoors who's greatest achievements were mud huts is a small percentage of the population
>MEIN GOTT is nothar Dresden!

I didn't see a single blonde person in greece other than some women who had obviously painted their hair. Is there a region of the country where blondes are more common?

>I'm just obsessed with race ironically

It's because 50% of the world's population are in china and africa.

She looks like a slav. So not aryan.

It should be 0 %.
t. blacked blonde

>Two percent of humans worldwide have blond hair
Do you count South Americans as humans in these stats?

>t. black hair black eyed mongoloids

Use russian sluts to bleaching yourself

Attached: 1519580597347.jpg (480x480, 60K)

I think she's a Germanic/Celt/Slav hybrid + plastic surgery. Already knew the Donald is Scottish/German. Her mother is Czech, but apparently has an Austrian parent.

I unironically want to murder you Tatar scum

>t. ukrainian

i have red hair
even rarer with none of the benefits

blondes are hotter. Blue/gray/green eyes are the only that matter.
The rest has the same color of shit.

You know damn well that ethnic Russians despise churkas and siberians, Russia is racist and that's a good thing.

>ethnic Russians despise churkas and siberians, Russia is racist and that's a good thing.
haha so it's your opinion

>ethnic Russians despise churkas and siberians, Russia is racist and that's a good thing.
I think that you came from some Western country to Ukraine

Shut up and bleach yourself чopнoбpивый

Nothing wrong with racism.

>born with platinum blonde hair that turned red eventually along with blue eyes
>wish I could be more mixed race so I could have dark hair and be able to tan, as well as not stand out
I hate having red hair so much. It feels like such shit having a stigma follow you wherever you go.

siberians are 100% russians now
maybe you mean yakuts or buryats

Friendly reminder that all evidence and scientific opinion indicates that non whites have a lower IQ, and this is caused by genetics.

Friendly reminder that a society becoming multiracial has no documented benefits and reduces trust in society.

Friendly reminder that non white immigration reduces average wealth levels and is a burden on the welfare state.

It's pretty evident that you are not ethnic Russians/Slavs. Just a heads up, Slavs don't like you and never will.

are you "despise" them?

Living in Siberia doesn't make them Siberian, they're still Slavs/Russians. Obviously i mean the Asians

If you say so, ok then.


Slavs/Russians who live in Siberia call themselves Siberians like Perm residents call themselves Permyaks.

Where do you even live if you thought Russia is a beautiful peaceful melting pot of races? I remember watching a bunch of video a couple years ago of Russian gangs attacking Churkas and other Asians. You are not Russians but Russian citizens, know your place.

I hate you fucking nazi scum.

Friedly reminder that you are a nazi scum

IQ is not genetically determined

A genuine twin study was launched by the Minneapolis-based psychologist Thomas Bouchard in 1979, and although he was generously backed by the overtly racist Pioneer Fund, his results make interesting reading. He studied identical twins, who have the same genes, but who were separated close to birth. This allowed him to consider the different contributions that environment and biology played in their development. His idea was that if the twins emerged with the same traits despite being raised in different environments, the main explanation would be genetic.

The problem was that most of his identical twins were adopted into the same kinds of middle-class families. So it was hardly surprising that they ended up with similar IQs. In the relatively few cases where twins were adopted into families of different social classes and education levels, there ended up being huge disparities in IQ – in one case a 20-point gap; in another, 29 points, or the difference between “dullness” and “superior intelligence” in the parlance of some IQ classifications. In other words, where the environments differed substantially, nurture seems to have been a far more powerful influence than nature on IQ.

You dumberican racists can cry a river

Thank god what's happening to your minds are no longer happening to ours. i feel sorry for normal Ukrainians though.

>wanting to be white

t. russian nazi in Ukraine
Go to Azov faggot

>Thank god what's happening to your minds are no longer happening to ours

By all means go ahead and become a mutt race like the Americans, who am i to tell you otherwise. Just know this, no matter how bad of a situation Eastern Europe or Ukraine are in atleast we will still be us in 100 years. You, Americans, and Western euros will be mutts of varying degree. If that's the future you wants, go for it.

Calm down İskändär, i didn't say i support beating up innocent people. I simply pointed out that this post was false, Russia is one of the most racist places.

ook ook monkey want a banana?


t. shlomo shekelbergergoldstein

>Russia is one of the most racist places.

Hell, no. Im live here and i was never oppressed by my nationality!

Where do you live?

In Komi republic
Ukhta city

my bad
>in atleast we will still be us in 100 years.
Tell that to your theoretics with their empire lasting 1000years

And what are you?

You think it's unreasonable that our demographics will remain about the same in the next 100 years? We have almost no immigration, what else would change out population?

Russia on the other hand where chukkas are pouring, ethnic Russian birthrates at rock bottom, and ethnic minority birth rates higher. I always wounder why Russians get mad when called mongoloids but then fully embrace their place as a mutt nation?

>And what are you?

case solved



Next you're going to ask why people don't hate Sami people

Attached: js8jJdm.jpg (1280x853, 161K)

Oh you! I hate sw*doids now.

>We have almost no immigration, what else would change out population?
Your people are running away from poverty and corrupt government to West and East. And we talking about millions. They have no desire to come back. And you asking me such questions
>Russia on the other hand where chukkas are pouring, ethnic Russian birthrates at rock bottom, and ethnic minority birth rates higher.
they can breed in Russia if they want to. Our country and economy needs more people. You can fuck your blonde-haired blue-eyed Ukrainian girl and nobody will stop you. But other people is not your business.
it would be better to take care of sex-traffic of Ukrainian girls to West Europe and Russia, take care of them if you're so interested in genes and nations

Seriously though Komi and a number other groups have been close enough with Russians for a very long time for there to be only minor difference.

This isn't comparable to Churkas or Yakuts.

I am Yakut.

While population size for nearly every European country, i was referring to demographics of the population. It is irrelevant if they are blonde/blue eyed or not as long as they're Slavic.

We all need population growth, the question is if it is a good idea to to get that population growth through people who are not your own? Can you honestly look at the west and think the direction they are going in is healthy? I am not telling who to have kids or not, i clearly stated in my previous post that it is 100% your choice. Just know your choice has consequences that extend past short term economic growth. What happens when your minorities outnumber you and change the government to reflect their interests over yours, will you still hold your current view?

We all have problem but you need to differentiate, our problems are short sighted. Yes i feel for girl traffic from everywhere, not just Ukraine but will this bring on any sort of long term consequences for Ukraine? No. Your problems are everlasting.

Do you live in Eastern Russia?

While population size for nearly every European ethnicity is shrinking*

Yes, i live in Eastern Siberia (or Far East) of Russia.

There is no problem with that, that is your home after all.

Today you hate the Yakuts and Tatars.
Tomorrow you will hate the Komis and Vepsians.


>that is your home after all.
Do you think that this place is a home of ethnic Russians?
Or should they leave the place as you would say if i tell you that i'm in Western Russia.

Complicated question because there are a number of factors. Fundamentally i believe ethnic Yakuts should make up the majority of leadership and population in your provinces. You are a federation after all and have designated areas of where your land is.

I believe the same for Western Russia, that it should be made up predominately by ethnic Russians. A factor however is that you are conquered people, they can't assimilate you like other Slavs because you aren't anything alike. Russia has a claim on your territory but they promised to let you live your way of life.

Also the discussion was about discrimination, i am not telling you where to live but why you aren't facing discrimination in correlation to where you live. The Komi guy lives in his native land and he is very close to Russians genetically which is why he most likely will not face discrimination. You live in your own land which is why you most likely face discrimination.

I am not saying if i'm ok with it or not, i am simply analyzing what the situation is.

you wont face

Attached: absolumante-or8.png (350x500, 45K)

Unironically i'm very interested in ethnic relations. I'm travelling a lot in Russia and i barely get any discrimination to me or even attention. They checked my bag two times in metro if you can count this as discrimination. But who knows strangers are hiding their hatred to me.
I have Russian friends in Western Russia and they are fine with me.
However i'm very conservative about how many people from Caucasus coming to Yakutia for easy money. Now we have 400 thousand of natives population, 300-350 of Russians/Ukrainians and the rest of 1mln people is immigrants from South Asia and Caucasus. Natives and Slavs don't like them but admire their work, because nobody wants to have a job in low-waged positions. We even have a Mosque in Yakutia despite the fact that Yakuts aren't religious.

what am i looking at

Nobody minds a small amount of people traveling especially when that people/person is from a part of the country. I think the tensions come in when people start settling in and building up a large population. Those people then start spreading their customs and culture.

I've met a couple very pleasant black people even here in Ukraine, in university. I see nothing wrong with them nor do i hate them for their race. That being said i certainly wouldn't want them moving and establishing communities here. I think we're on the same page with this, you wouldn't want to be replaced in your own provinces would you?

I have a question for you, what is your opinion of race mixing?

I think it depends on who are settling. If they are smart and hardworking and giving benefits so why they shouldn't live here? I know some Finnish, South African, Cameroonian and German people who came here and living with a joy. I like them. Of course their number is very small.
But unfortunately immigrants usually are not so educated, barely speak a language and committing crimes. But they are working on dirty work and it's good for economics.
> what is your opinion of race mixing?
I'm okay with it but i think i would not have done it. Hell, my cousins are mixed hapas and they have very slavic appearance, i think it's impossible to identify that they have any Yakut blood. Unfortunately our blood is weak and loses to slavic easily and I'm not even talking about the caucasian blood.