What happens here?

What happens here?

And why do we never see posters from there?

Attached: guyanalocationmap.jpg (1000x819, 157K)

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Drank Kool aid.

In Guyana they have many goldmines and some brazilians go there to get rich.

This shit in Fr G

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Do you mean future Brazilian Guyana?

Brazilians steal the gold

The guys on the photo will stop you and you will cry

here's a great video on it


unironically filled with Indians

No, only the cariocas (those from Rio de Janeiro).

In Suriname (ex-dutch colony).

also in guyana and trinidad though

South americans by themselves don't interact with one another that much, but those guys really take shunning your neighbors away to another level.

How so?



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Most people here in South America don't even know they exist.

they have a lot of border disputes
guyana for example is almost completely claimed by either venezuela or suriname

>South americans by themselves don't interact with one another that much
The hispanics interact with each other all the time.

because in the past UK stole territory from Venezuela when Guyana was a British colony

are brazilians racist against h*spanics?

rightful claim

Attached: mapa_de_venezuela_con_la_bandera_de_venezuela_en_p_by_imagenes_en_png-dakhnvg.png (1200x1200, 73K)

no. I dont .we are hispanics

It isn't that they hate other people, but they rarely leave their countries or have relations with their neighbors. I don't even remember the last time I saw any news about those countries on TV, meanwhile, I see news about other south american countries all the time.

French Guyana will give you a French flag though
Funnily enough the EU shares a border with Brazil

looks like a benis

>we are hispanics
No, we are lusitans and italians.

Why France is allowed to have a colony?

No, maybe sometimes with bolivians.

It's not a colony. I think it's called an overseas department. It's actually France, in any case.

Because the natives like it.

what's the difference between colony and " overseas department"?
oh i see.

French Guiana would just have a French flag when posting since they are part of France

Nobody is stopping them

Guyana needs to be freedomized!

They have full representation in the French Goverment

no one knows

>Russian overseas force projection

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They only get a taste of freedom if they've got petroleum.

Actually... French Guyana has Oil. Don't tell America!

Reminder that France has nukes.

Dont forget 5 de mayo

Hmmmmmm... I think someone needs liberation.

that didnt stop argentina

Thats why i like Argentina

Yes the time we beat france in a time where nukes weren't even something people would think was possible.

Not to mention we lost the war in the end.

Guyana is basically a caribbean nation
lots of Indians there too

I think there is one porn star from there, Janice Griffith i think her name is?

Yeah I worked with some guys from there.
Fucking strange mix of a place.
They were an uncle and nephew. The nephew looked like a really dark Mexican and was Muslim and gave me a little plaque of the twin towers and a NY key chain for some reason right after 9/11 and the uncle looks like a really dark Super Mario and was Hindu and was telling me about Muslim honor killings and shit there.
They would talk some weird jive talk to each other only I could understand for some reason, which they were really surprised about.