Thinking about paying for trade alerts cause I'm a spastic, anybody have good experience and can recommend someone decent?
Trade alerts
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the complete lack of camel toe is disturbing
Fuck no it's not. Flat vulva is best vulva. Why would you want a disgusting flappy long one? Might as well have a big pair of meaty sweaty balls.
I bet you like unshaved girls too you degenerate.
have you made money from it?
bumping with horse
Do we have scratch and sniff png yet
why dont you just do some chart watching yourself, and set an alert when a chart you watch hits a low, then you buy it...
Cause Im stupid.
Youre a faggot
Balls are round
Pussies are not
alright let me teach u how to do this then
i'd rather u become competent yourself, and give money to me. rather than some pajeet who just steals signals from other people.
>set an alert when a chart you watch hits a low
how do this
pretty sure every exchange lets you do this?
try trading view if your exchange doesnt.
though its best to have a program not dependant on any website, something you mad e yourself. like i have a script that gets the latest price for a few coins i watch, every minute. and it plays a really loud youtube video when one of them is near a target i like.
do people really pay for this?
how am i not rich
you have all the ideas but you lack the will to power to make them a reality
Dude this is really fucking good...
How did you do this? I need that badly. I've been trading for almost 4 years. I always used tdameritrades alerts. Was very easy for me to make good money by setting alerts when certain futures commodities or forex currencies would reach a level i found oversold for buying or overbought for shorting.
I'd make bank....If only I could do that with crypto. I'd be raking in $500+ a day
Thanks, I use trading view but it sometimes annoys me. I'll set it up on there for now.
it's pretty simple bro
here's an API to get latest (BTC) price for a particular coin
basically the script is just grabbing that page for a handful of coins, and then the script does some math to determine how close the current price is to my target.
if it's near target, launch a youtube url in the browser
ive written 100 price tracking scripts that send me alerts straight away when x or y happens, ive helped other people on here make them.
and people pay for this stuff?
im destined for failure arent i.
Just buy elec and watch your investments go up a solid 30% a day for the next few weeks.
start your own little discord group m8
slow and steady, you can build a little community
How'd you script it to decide whether or not your target price is close in comparison to that api data from the listed website?
And how'd you script it to disengage a youtube link when the price is near.
if you used linux i could explain it better. not sure how to do it with windows, but it can be done.
if you want to send me some cash i'll get something working for you in windows that suits your needs.
done some googling, seems the markets pretty well catered for, id only attract pajeet and user looking for handouts and discounts
sure, ill help you kid. 99.999% of all trade signal groups and services are scams.
I'm actually down for this...
i'll shoot you an email. Be on the look out for it in a bit.
I'm busy atm