Phil shilling BAT again

Phil shilling BAT again

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bat needs to be pushed hard by reddit

Thats aweomse. love me some philly D shilling. Plus hes shilling to normies.

Fuck yeah this faggot is selling the coin to millions of normies. I just put 3 grand into bat last night, feels comfy.

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These bags are comfy

Comfy in my van down by the river.

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firefox extension when

how many BAT are needed to make it by end of year 2018?

Honestly? Over 100k.

Doesnt mean you cant turn a good profit on it, though.

ERC20 token for life. Offers no value outside of an idea how how advertisers can trade coins to people for watching advertisements. Idea can literally work with any coin.

No technology, just a neat idea... Using the brave browser...

I still don't get it but carry on Phil. Carry on. You would be better off just making a steemit to mirror your videos but whatever.

So you invested 45k into bat?

Currently holding zero BAT. Considering how much to put in, though. Wont be putting in near that much. probably more like 5k.

I think BAT has a serious future, I'll probably make my first crypto-investment into it, since it seems stable and growth is a real possibility here(It's potential is as subtle as a sledgehammer)
But I'm a total newb at this, so what do I know about how trading works irl.

I put 3k in, I'm not sure if I should be a couple grand more into bat or btcp though.

Is there a single person on Jow Forums who actually uses Brave?
Your "investment" really falls apart when you realise that even its shills won't use it.

Im using brave right now. Its a really good browser and shows all the trackers and ads blocked, as well as how much time its saving you. Should try it.

Anyone else noticing the positive price action BAT's been going on? The last week or so it was climbing a steady 2-3% then the Dow Jones news broke and it mooned.

Now it's doing the same, climbing up a little each day. More big news in the pipeline?

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>Anyone else noticing the positive price action BAT's been going on?

Almost all coins have been going up. BTC is also currently going up.

True that. There are some rumors about other browsers maybe implementing it in the future. It's going a little to well, I'll use monero for my own needs but BAT could really be the next jewish thing to hop onto

Yeah its stuck at 44, they have so much going on any news will shoot the price up.

>True that. There are some rumors about other browsers maybe implementing it in the future.

Give me one reason why anyone is obligated to implement this kind of system using bat and not almost literally any other coin on the market?

I use Brave. It's blazing fast on Android. My phone is 2 years old and Chrome crawls but Brave feels like it's a new phone.

because BAT is designed for this specific purpose you retard

Well its from the guy who made mozilla, theyre in silicon valley and they already have everything set up. Why not use bat?

What they said
But also: Spread.
There is real value in having one cryptocurrency for all browsers and stuff. It simplifies things and makes it easier for people who don't know anything of crypto to adopt. The cryptomarket is very scattered at the moment, but, as with everything economy or finance related, there will be a trend to convergence and a few big currencies, each for a specialized purpose, will emerge sooner or later.
This may be farfetched and presumptuous, but think this is whats gonna happen in the foreseeable future and the trend will be noticeable as soon as 2020. There won't be 5 huge all-purpose-currencies, but rather 30 specialized ones.

Brave user here, used it long before BAT in fact.

Well, every transaction costs gas. Ripple doesn't have this problem. Transaction speeds can be really awful too.

Ripple is one example where it would make a lot more sense. Do the same exact stuff where you pay users to watch advertisements using Ripple.

>because BAT is designed for this specific purpose you retard

You are being a retard, I am asking a simple question. And you have no way to answer it I presume. Because there IS no reason someone should invest in a specific coin. The entire concept around BAT should just be a modernized ad company that is able to use any crypto that people prefer for their own browsers.

>This may be farfetched and presumptuous, but think this is whats gonna happen in the foreseeable future and the trend will be noticeable as soon as 2020.

I am calling it now, the idea behind BAT will prevail but the ERC20 token called BAT is going to flop hard as fuck.

so you like the idea but youre betting on someone other than Brendan Eich? ok that makes sense

It doesnt simplify things by adding an additional shitcoin to the fold!! Use a fucking coin that already exists. PICK ONE, there are 5 in the top 5 that are superior. XRP is better for what the goal is.

Seriously this not an argument.

How much faster is ripple?

He's bagholding some other ad-related shitcoin

I mean, I am not trying to shill Ripple but it is OBJECTIVELY superior for the purpose of BATs goals.

Its Visa level fast, its already functional, and its also probably going to climb in value for completely different reasons anyway. While BAT is super high risk.

I don't understand the logic behind BAT.

I am not. I am not trolling either.
I am just fucking trying understand this coin and I fucking cant.

lol what a faggot. i bet those bags are mighty heavy right about now.

Is this the best you guys got?
Because I am flat out going to start calling BAT a scam coin. I want some dirt on why this coin even exists when something like XRP is objectively better.

>my pea brain can't grasp the concepts in the white paper.

The white paper explains shit that can be done with other superior coins.

You've gotten plenty of explanations and yet, "STILL CANT UNDASTAN, MUH BRANS HURRRTTTS".

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Oh okay you really are retarded. i see now. please put your caretaker on. they need to be told to better monitor your online activities.

I disagree, nobody is able to answer the question. Why would anyone be obligated to use BAT for their browsers to do the same things BAT promises?

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oh shit guys. he's on to us.

millions of dollars invested. one of the inventors of the modern web as we know it on board and at the helm. all of it. foiled.

by an user sitting in his pee stained underwear with his "unanswerable simple logic".

lets wrap it up! who could have foreseen this??

Read the whitepaper you brainlet

I love the delusional kids that are too young to remember the browser wars and think everyone just always used Chrome from day one. Chrome took years to catch on. People are still using Mozilla too, and Mozilla was huge in Europe. Now Chrome is a dinosaur that is bloated with malvertising and trackers. Why subject yourself to an all around shitty browser when Brave has so much more to offer?

Imagine being so cucked that you turn down a browser that literally pays you to watch ads. That's dedication.

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Alright guys. BAT is a fucking scam coin. None of you have any arguments as to why the coin even exists and its just another ERC20 fucking scam.

Its following the movements of BTC right now so you best hope BTC doesnt take another nose dive so your ERC20 shitcoin drops below 10 cents.

Fuck this scam coin.

How much will this Eich coin be worth in 3 years.

XRP is objectively faster, yes. But i'll defer to Brendan Eich on which platform was even feasible to achieve BAT's utility. So should you unless you can provide more than anecdotes on a Malaysian butt-sniffing image board.

dude we dont really care if you think it's a scam coin. ur on this thread shilling XRP (a vaporware coin that literally has no purpose)

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>But i'll defer to Brendan Eich on which platform was even feasible to achieve BAT's utility.

BAT by itself has zero utility. Its a token. That can easily be replaced with anything else.

Bat clearly has zero reason to exist. I know because none of you who are supposed to be shilling it are even able to shill it in the first place.

The idea pretty cool but investing in the token is high risk.

>Its following the movements of BTC right now
it's literally not

>Fuck this scam coin
ok bud see you at $1

Brave is hands down the best browser for mobile and that's where the majority of the user-base is.

These are good points to bring up, actual discussion are awesome to have when people are not trolling. Let me try to explain the way I see it, and you are welcome to let me know what you think about these points. This discussion will be on why not only crypto was used, but why a new token was used.

> First, why cryptocurrency in general, and not USD?

Cryptocurrencies are VASTLY superior in enabling micropayments and how bank / USD transfers are essentially useless on anything below $5. There is no doubt here that SOME FORM of crypto should have been used. This is because crypto lets you use the same form of payment across the entire internet. You are not bound by specific companies with specific API implementation, but rather a single way to not only pay for time spent on the site, but also pay for tips, donations, content. This is also all done opt-in, so you do not have to pay anyone whom you don't want to.

why do you act as if someone owes you an explanation for anything? if you don't understand the concept, that's fine. move on.

You're not needed. in fact you've never been needed. I have a feeling this probably applies to other aspects of your life.

lol you're a fucking crab in a pot. Probably got burned on ripple so now you are calling other coins scams so nobody leaves your phaggoty pot

> The second question to answer is why create a new token!

1: To raise funds for the project (no shame in that), but most importantly (and often not understood)

2: to create the User Growth Pool before the sale to stake users with tokens, gratis. With ETH or other existing cryptocurrencies we would need a rich benefactor to endow the UGP and none were forthcoming. To break this down a bit further for those who do not understand. When the ICO was done, 300 million BAT was set aside for something called the User Growth Pool(UGP). This fund is what will be used to spread adoption, by giving out BAT for referrals, new user promotions, early AD payouts. This would not be possible with an existing currency, since this much money would be nearly impossible to secure for the purpose of giving it out for free. But when done in this fashion, it allows users to participate in the economy of BRAVE brower. New users are able to tip content creators they appreciate, without having to spend their money on something they have not tried before. Content creators get to see REAL MONEY being paid to them for services other than ADs. This in turn also increases the velocity at which they money moves in the system.

3: Another thing to keep in mind is that we do not know the future. Having an ERC20 token makes it very easy to port over to an entirely NEW BLOCKCHAIN by airdropping the EXACT same amount to new a chain. This is great in terms of not relying on a single currency such as Bitcoin or ETH. Think about it, if something bad happened on those chains, you would have no way of knowing which BTC or ETH was being used in the BAT ecosystem, and which was being used elsewhere. This creates a reliance on a different currency, for your ENTIRE program.

> ok bud see you at $1

Sure, when the entire market rises BAT might see some gains too. LOL

>Brave is hands down the best browser for mobile and that's where the majority of the user-base is.

I can agree that brave is a great browser.

Good luck on your bat scam ERC 20 token though. Sad to see Phil getting conned by yet another ponzi but hey maybe he might make some money from this.

4. When you have your own token, you can work with companies to make accepting that currency. At the moment, regulations are very hard to navigate when it comes to USD and crypto. Having your own crypto being used as a form of currency has to mean that users and content creators can convert that to USD and back easily. While this is easy at the moment using exchanges, the idea behind BRAVE is that you would be able to do all of this from the browser (this itself has many reasons I won't get into here). This means you will need partners that can convert back and fourth, while still following KYC regulations. Having a separate token makes it easier to follow regulations, since these tokens are not supposed to represent a security or a commodity.

5. There are a few (3-4 maybe?) other small reasons, but I won't get into those because the above alone really should convince anyone that was actually curious to know.

> If we know it should be a cryptocurrency, and we know it should be its own cryptocurrency, why use an ERC20?

That's another good question! The main reason being the fact that this is simply a utility token of ACCOUNT. The token itself will not be performing any other utilities (ie. Information storage on the blockchain, KYC verification, smart contracts), it is simply a way to have a form of currency. To make this a non ERC20 token, would mean that it would have its own blockchain. This is not inherently bad, but it would mean that it would have to have its own miners to secure the network. THAT is a problem. With many of the smaller coins, you start to notice major decentralization, since the number of people running mining and nodes are rather small. The benefit of using ERC20 is the fact that ETH has millions of nodes and miners, which all help to validate blockchains safely.

Read the whitepaper, that's all I can say. Can't explain to someone why they are wrong when even they themselves don't know what is true and what is false.

Ethereum may not be the answer. Brendan remains open to moving platforms, even creating and managing their own chain. CoughArkcough CoughEoscough
too easy not to do.

Thank you. I am actually being serious about this.

> There is no doubt here that SOME FORM of crypto should have been used.

100% agree

> This is because crypto lets you use the same form of payment across the entire internet. You are not bound by specific companies with specific API implementation, but rather a single way to not only pay for time spent on the site, but also pay for tips, donations, content. This is also all done opt-in, so you do not have to pay anyone whom you don't want to.

My only grip with BAT is that it has slow transfer speeds and potentially transaction costs which would eat into those kinds of small tips people might get. Its ultimately tied to ETH so the moment ETH gets another crypto kitties explosion you end up with BAT suffering as well.

I highly suggest making BAT the core coin for the system but do not ignore other coins being used in the same way. IMHO its probably not great for the value of BAT but its smarter overall for the goals of what BAT was meant to do.

>why do you act as if someone owes you an explanation for anything?
Because people are pretending like they have the answer for the question I asked. But they apparently don't.

the guy is clearly an idiot. he's hamfistedly trying to shill his bags and failing.

BAT went on a tear not a few days back climbing damn near 50% while BTC was in a slump, yet he claims it's just "mirroring BTC activity"

he's done zero research, he knows shit, and if I had my way i'd throw him into the ocean so that his faggotry will no longer be a blight upon the rest of us.

no one actually cares to enough to answer your question because it's the question of a person that clearly hasn't given the project more than a cursory glance.

> To raise funds for the project (no shame in that), but most importantly (and often not understood)

Yeah that seems cool. But it was never shilled to me as an ICO but yeah that's perfectly fine.

Going over everything else being said dismiss my "nobody has answers stuff" please. This looks like real answers.

In the past I've seen similar reactions from anons on Jow Forums who just can't wrap their heads around BAT or Brave. I've often spent entire threads trying to explain the token or the browser and why it's such a good idea, but what I realized is that when people come into BAT threads to shit on BAT, they're NOT looking for discussion.

They've already made up their mind and for whatever reason they are adamant about calling BAT a scam or whatever the fuck they're ranting about, and no amount of explanation will change that. I think that's perfectly normal, there are always going to be late adopters and skeptics. But I honestly feel like BAT is one of the only tokens/coins with a project that is tangible and actually chugging along on its roadmap. Once the advertising/BAT portion is introduced on Brave, I'm hoping for a big break-out in media attention and price.

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Yes, while it is currently and ERC20, it can be moved over anytime. This is great because it allows the tokens to get velocity in the beginning. Imagine if it had its own blockchain from the start... it would become quickly more centralized than we are comfortable with. This is because there would be very little people who knew about the project to mine and run nodes.

using ERC20 lets you try out the system, BRAVE, and promotions early on, without worrying about big miners taking a large share of the early coin distributions.

Of course, if ETH ever becomes a problem, we can easily airdrop current BAT into a new blockchain, easily avoiding this problem.

What is that even suppose to mean? Are you suggesting you could simply swap the token to any other non ERC20 and achieve the same results?

BAT tokens are using ERC20 protocol. All contracts, transfers, wallets, escrow etc are all using an existing, widely spread standard powered by Ethereum. The utility of a BAT token is how it uses those protocols.

All you have pointed to is the speed of XRP transfers, which is probably the fastest i've seen in the crypto space so far... but this doesn't mean the BAT team would have the desired protocols readily available to build a new Ad / patreon system for their browser.

>Having an ERC20 token makes it very easy to port over to an entirely NEW BLOCKCHAIN by airdropping the EXACT same amount to new a chain.

Oh ok this right here is the kind of thing I needed to hear. If there are plans to do this then yeah I can see a lot of value in BAT then.

Ok its not a scam coin then. Its just an ICO with no immediate obligation to convert it to another coin similar to EOS yet.


To the people on here shilling the coin. You shills are bad at your job. You could have shut me up instantly with this, learn to fucking shill you fucking assholes.

>Are you suggesting you could simply swap the token to any other non ERC20 and achieve the same results?

Yeah, and apparently that isn't actually off the table according the user who set me straight.

So carry on then guys. I retract my criticisms of BAT.

Hell yea! Love this guy

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>I've often spent entire threads trying to explain the token or the browser and why it's such a good idea, but what I realized is that when people come into BAT threads to shit on BAT, they're NOT looking for discussion.

The idea is 100% fine, The idea I have no problem with at all. My problem was about the ERC20 token, thus its limitations and not using something without those limitations.

That was the issue I had. If an airdrop is something that can or may happen down the road for a special shiny all new block chain made specifically for this job then yeah that would be pretty awesome.

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This is not even close to being true. BAT is one of the handful of coins that's been very stable, even when BTC is down.

It dropped pretty damn had. Just like XRP and ADA honestly. The market is recovering BAT seems to be too.

Bitcoin and bat graphs for the past month look almost identical.

You disgust me you terrible shill. You are the lowest of the low. Horrible bad shill. A shill who cant shill is worse than scum.

we are not your personal army

*tips fedora*

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100% noticed this too. There's always one guy, who just "doesn't get it" or my favorite "why couldn't they just use USD???"

and no amount of explaining will change their opinion which in the grand scheme of things is fine. why they think their opinion matters, or for that matter is even original I'll never know. Delusions of grandeur I suppose.

>"why couldn't they just use USD???"

Seriously? who the fuck would make that argument HAHAHA

A rare sight, I'm not that guy, but I'm thankful that you were actually open to new ideas. Please continue to be. I also got schooled sometimes on other boards. It can feel humiliating, especially because no one sugarcoats anything on Jow Forums, but I'm glad I made those experiences.

I'm talking since the news on the 18th

Those people are worse in real life. I have a "friend" of a friend who is like pic related with religion and crypto. He goes through life disagreeing with literally anyone on any topic, correcting anyone on even the tiniest factoid that doesn't fit his retarded world view. Its nice to know that atheist reddit faggots don't like crypto, I must be doing something right to be so diametrically opposed to them.

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>but I'm thankful that you were actually open to new ideas.

I was just asking a question and was hit with a bunch of memes and personal attacks lol. Like what?

I have the perfect haircut for you.

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>Once the advertising/BAT portion is introduced on Brave, I'm hoping for a big break-out in media attention and price.
This nigga gets it.

The most common FUD is 'But no-one will move over from Chrome.'
>inb4 $1 defeats purpose

Brave on phone > Chrome or Safari

They are also assuming that the publishers are happy with google eating their lunches. Dow Jones was probably sold on the idea when Eich reported that he was going to use Google to fight Google. Imagine a scenario where a site's content is thrown behind a fiat paywall or a discounted BAT paywall, and Google struggles to index it.

who is this mongoloid and why should I care?

Bingo. "Btc and BAT charts identical" my ass. With literally 30 seconds of research, you can see that BAT is outpacing BTC

the advertising part of bat is its biggest problem. people dont want to pay for shit and this is just another way of parting you the consumer from your precious for advertising. Call it whatever name you want its advertising wrapped up so this time its different. I and all I know use addblock or similar specifically to block shit like this out. your grasping at straws and the only ones who hope this will work are the investors and advertising people who know their cards are marked and are desperately looking to cling on to the past. browser good idea bat token ridiculous

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Thats the entire point though. If you want to block ads, BRAVE does that.


Blocks scripts, hijack mining, auto http -> https whenever possible, only trusted extensions.

Notice how the only people people who don't like BAT/BRAVE are the ones who don't understand how it works on a basic level. I honestly don't know if people are stupid, or are acting stupid and hate any coin they don't have.

The PAID ADS are only for those who want it. They will also be ads relevant to you. They will also be NON-INTRUSIVE. They will also not appear on every page you ever visit, rather a few PER DAY curated to you. You get paid ay 70% of the price per AD that publishers pay.


>the advertising part of bat is its biggest problem
Take the long view: BAT is for attention, not just ads.
Rope in ad depts with big budgets, give some accurate metrics.
Then apply premium content/promo material that people actually want to see and have them pay in BAT.
For me it is the most plausible way this works with ublock as an alternative.

Browser is being redone in chromium, be just like chrome but faster, with tor tabs, adblock and paid ads.
Google can't forsake their model to follow BAT's lead at most they can buy the product and idea. Brendan looks to have ruled out FB.

If google was smart they would just make a google coin and literally have people generate new coins by doing what google incentives.