My job applications were all rejected. All of them. 30 different applications. I have experience and certifications...

My job applications were all rejected. All of them. 30 different applications. I have experience and certifications. References. Recent work history. A professional and carefully curated resume.

All rejected. Open positions...

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Top fucking kek

I'm a college dropout/neet with 6 years experience at any entry level job, and I'm getting interview offers left and right.

Just entertaining the thought right now. Don't need the money, just looking to get out of the house, provided the hours work for me

That's your "white male privilege" paying off.

Consider moving to somewhere not infested with feminazis and SJWs

send them a photo of your gun

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>not keyword stuffing

Lmao@your life

id hire anyone with that keyboard anyday.

>30 different applications
it's like you aren't even trying

I'd hire anyone with that gun. Exquisite taste.

>hiring someone who doesn't user Meta nor Hyper keys and has a mislabelled Super keys
Found the PHB

>30 applications
boohoo snowflake, we're post 2008 now and you're gonna need to apply to a lot more than that considering how many applicants there are for any open positions.

Just go to a staffing agency man I got a nice temp-to-hire job in my field after 2 weeks with basically no experience and a degree, and the interview was just a phone interview. At a staffing agency *you* are the product, and recruiters have tight quotas to full. More and more companies are also using the temp-to-hire method, especially small start-ups with no HR component (where I work).

Sent out two emails, got two interviews and 1 job.

LOL I applied for a job on the railroad a month ago just so I couldn't say I didn't try. Didn't expect to get the job. Well.. Got the job. Probably gonna make over 100k next year if I do a little overtime.

I am going to try the staffing agency thing. I will take 5k and live in Mexico for 6 months while I look for a job. The other 5k will stay in crypto.

Honestly this shit is gay as fuck. Rejection should come with a reason. Just fucking tell me why you don't want the applicant that perfectly matches your requirements and has yesrs of experience on top of that.

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God fucking WHY. I could have made these retards so much fucking money, but they probably hired some straight out of college faggot or a roastie that will cost them thousands and earn nothing.

This shit baffles me.

Pretend to be gay so that you become a member of a "protected group".

What about my keyboard desu?

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To give a reason is to invite a lawsuit; it is far safer to say thank, but no thanks - and refuse to enter into correspondence.

I've been where you are, user, and it's a shit place. You'll pull through tho

have you tried kys?

I'd hire anyone with that gun anyday.

Just told Im too over qualified- didn’t have a rebuttal. I feel your pain user. Reach out more I used zip recruiter and google + email.

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Why don’t you make yourself money then user

>Look for 2 IT guys
>Get 180 applications
>Accept 2 IT guys
Why the fuck would they waste man hours on personalizing 178 letters? This is your first introduction to supply and demand. The government doesn't control jobs, it's not a reward system, and jobs don't even exist naturally. Somebody with money found a way to make so much that they can make money by having you do a share of the work. Everyone wants to do that share of the work for the person who actually figured out how to make money.

Go figure out how to make money.

"i love this kind of work and i will never get tired of it*"

*does not work for toilet cleaning jobs

straight out of college faggot here making $150k after only a year of working HIT

get rekt oldfag lol

No one pays a worthless college grad that much.

You're basically glorified high school seniors. No one is ever going to take you seriously until you hit 30 years of age anyway.

A healthcare IT company pays me that much. Only thing I had going for my was a B.S. in CS and 4 years in the Navy

I got denied a federal position. The cited reason was that it looks better to have a minority female. Despite her having less experience. #whiteprivelage

T. Lives in an area with a 120k cost of living

Not quite that high but still pretty high for the US

I just got a job for a IT consulting firm , took me since last August to get this one. I made getting a job my job every day atleast 4 cover letters and resumes sent out to whatever company was hiring.

Try this website to mock up a clean and modern resume. I honestly believe this got me to the interview and the job.

Goodluck OP it's shit but you will have to send around 200 like I did if u want to make it.

Still, youre only getting 150k like anyone who works in high income areas because of how expensive it is. A highschool friend of mine made it at Google and hes complaining about having no money whereas Im making only 60k a year but I have no income tax and housing/food is cheap.

Meh, you're right would be more impressive living elsewhere but I'm still extremely successful for 25 in my opinion. I maybe only know one guy from high school doing as good as me and he's a system engineer as well.

so send out 30 more
then 30 more
then 30 more

Well were both in crypto so if it all turns out well we wont have to worry about it. Invest in property ASAP with crypto gains if you can

user what's your biggest weakness xd

Make sure you say yes on the visible minority question.

did you put "Jow Forums website" as one of your hobbies in your CV ?

>All rejected. Open positions...

Are you white?

Post your redacted resume. We'll tell you why.

soiboy detected. HK masterrace

I've had like 50 interviews over the past year and have had 1 offer, for a job that I didn't want because it was 2 hours away. I only went to the interview for practice.

t. software engineer stuck in dead-end management job that gives me zero practical skills for other jobs because nobody is gonna hire a 25 year old manager

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I know someone like this. Employers were thinking he was overqualified and wouldn't stay with them long. He simply omitted more than half of what he'd done on his resume. Got the next job he applied for. Life's strange sometimes.

Have someone look over your resume. You might have some glaring error that makes everyone instantly toss it in the bin when they see it.

This is true. I had someone contact me asking for work experience. They didn't spell even my company name correctly. Binned it.

Let me guess, IT or related fields? Companies just want an excuse to import H1B Pajeets.

Someone post the pic where it shows that the average man pays the average woman to exist.

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it's so they can say they looked for Americans and couldn't find any, so now they can import and hire ahmed.