Why are indians so #brown?

Why are indians so #brown?
Pic related average indian uni groupfy.

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why those subhumans are allowed to live next to Europeans?

Why are all non-white people so ugly?

Only white girls can make my dick hard.

They are peaceful subhumans though. Unlike niggers and sandniggers.

lol they aren't that brown, you should see some other indians

they speak an indo-european lingo and have ultra tech savvy I.T skills.

What are you talking about? Those aren't chicks.

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Absolute madman


Pretty sure you can download more RAM

Unironically still has more talented IT folk than you friendo.

Pic related gets a salary of 84 million dollars.

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You think they are lgbt?

are you really pewdiepie

based ARYAN men

You pak bitch I hate pak

He is an American.

Only Jow Forumstards and Indians don't consider him to be American.

You were talking about race/ethnicity, faggot.

Lol I think the left is powerbottom bi-racial and the right one is fluid-queer dom it kinda shows.

Mashallah 2020 awaits!

Pak fuck pak pak bitches must die mother fucking pak


All Pakistanis are actually dogs in the shape of men. They eat garbage and gave special enzymes that help them digest plastic.

Oh yeah? You mean southis

Go on bestgore and see how peaceful they are

We are talking about ethnicity and how they do well after migrating.

Indians are net benefit to any nation they go to, like east asians.

We should nuke pak

Basterd bich

bestgore is the best invention on the internet
that polack guy owner is a good guy