My dad just confronted me about stealing a $20 out his wallet. Thanks a lot Jow Forums you told me he wouldn't notice...

My dad just confronted me about stealing a $20 out his wallet. Thanks a lot Jow Forums you told me he wouldn't notice. I just wanted some fucking wendys damn it.

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Steal some more before you move out

Thinking about talking to him after you'r dead?
Also bad larp.

how old are you?

here's a tip for you to make the $20 to repay your dad:

buy bitcoin CASH


You are a fucking cunt.

Should have bought crypto with that.

>26 and still living with parents

Jesus fucking Christ dude. Get a fucking job at McDonald's or something

Is this what Jow Forums has come to? believing some shit tier fake text that even reddit would disregard? shame

That's bad ass OP girls love a bad boy enjoy all the poon you're going to slay

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Our family had a nice laugh last Christmas when we realized that we had all been stealing cash out of a chest my father kept in his study

The most audacious I ever got was like $10 at a time

Important to focus on the larger denominations because once you have a chest like that you just notice the volume of paper

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know your laws. once he gives you (in writing) and official eviction notice, you have 30 days to leave. if he kicks you out, you can sue and if your lawyer is vile enough you could take their home.

i assume you live in america so being homeless would be extremely easy if you go to a mild climate state.

>taking your parents home when they kick you out with an eviction notice

You must be Jewish

thats betrayal and theft
to a small scale sure
but thats what it is
to your own father
fuck thats cold

shameful display
>he blames biz
>he only feels guilty about getting caught and not gettings his wendys

this is a troll thread it has to be

lmao nice bait, if its not a larp then you already know you are a little shit who deserves to be homeless

thats sad
poor dude cant even trust his own family not to steal from him

Could be worse. My dad killed himself and my Mom took the money he left me.

>No job
>Stealing from your fucking parents
No wonder he wants you out

Kill her.

im a unironic millionare at age 27 and still live with my folks. it is good having a strong nuclear family. the jews want you to abandoned the people you love

Sound like a bitch. No wonder he wants you to gtfo.
>I want talk to you ever again waaaaa (((stomps feet repeatedly)))
You're a fucking pussy

Tell him you're fucking his wife. Thatll show him.

my parents are spiritual jews, I do no love them

>stealing from your own father
Disgusting if this wasn't an obvious LARP.

It might have added up to $1,000 over a period of 20 years...

I think we spent more on dinner that day

you text exactly like my ex, who was an emo drug addict
really makes me hmmmmm

About to turn 26 and also well off and living at home. The only thing that sucks is everyone else who act like living in a dump is a right of passage.

There is nothing wrong with that.

>coping this hard

Also to the op. Since you had no issue stealing from him, you might as well dig your heals in and make him evict you. Assemble evidence that you live there (mail, drivers license). Make him officially evict you. If he throws you out or your belongings before this you have legal recourse and could be compensated with money.

See you in hell!

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>falling for the rental Jew
Invest all that wasted money instead and you can pay off a house that you can rent out. Then inherit your house from your parents and sell it so you can move or live there.

Seriously what the fuck is wrong with you people here

I just come here for crypto advice, but damn. Y'all are fucked

I had similar problems with my father. His argument was that he was paying for everything and so he has the right to smash things and beat us up if we protest. He kicked down a door one night (the same door he took out a loan to buy and install and is still paying to this day), we ended up in court and the judge basically told him that it's joint property because we're all using it, doesn't matter who bought it. It also turned out that the house is mine simply because I'm his son, I don't have to invest a single cent in it.