Recording random people in America
Recording random people in America
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Ice Poseidon only faked a breakup once
Now, recording random people in Russia.
go on
Now, recording random people in Italy.
any idea where these are recorded looking at the footage?
:( I'm gonna cry
It's just a video
just a video man
americans are very sel conscious about being poor, that's why they hate being filmed while being poor
lol makes sense, americans love credit cards and they're always in debt too
what ever happened to surveillance man? this guy was a legend
as a non-poor american, i have flipped out in another country in public about someone who i really thought was taking pictures of me, but it was also during a manic episode
i think we dont like strangers recording us
milan the first, probabily the 2nd too
mental illness seems common in the USA.
it's sad
>France thinks walking up to random people and recording this is normal
>flag calling anyone poor
t. 90 000 in debt for arts degree
t. pulls out a rifle when someone records in public
>because there are poor people in your country you're not allowed to say other country have poor people
American ''education'' everyone.
t. 1,000,000,000.00 for blood test.
>even in Russia people aren't that mad to be recorded in public
you see, Russians are actually humans, while Americans are more like animals. Not so sure about Italians tho
the girl is really cute ->
Americans don't like getting filmed because it invades their privacy
Having a strong sense of privacy comes with the Libertarian culture of America
not hard to figure out you r/europe preteens, but I guess anything works to collectively rage at America because you saw a ridiculous gofundme for a hospital bill right?
no you're just manchildren
explain the cameras in public areas then.
Go on.
>attacking people with tables is a way to express libertarian values
I keep trying to find his videos and I can't. (Genuinely) thank you so much for reminding me of his name at least because I was typing in all sorts of shit into Liveleak and YT.
r/Europe is just a bunch of millennials and gen-x:ers. Disgusting place and everything anti Russia goes.
Posted a badly done quick Photoshop of a Russian diplomat that I made for Jow Forums thread, in the comments on one post yesterday and it has 1.5k north cocks today.
just search for SCM on liveleak.
Found them now, cheers though lad. I seriously was trying all sorts over the years, 'black fighting outside liquor store' and the like. Came back with way too many results, none relevant.
Jow ForumsEurope last year voted Jow ForumsUnitedKingdom the worst European subreddit - for being so staunchly anti-Brexit. Shit you not.
why would millennial europeans hate russia? I thought most west europeans are very pro russia
That's ridiculous. It wouldn't surprise me if they all secretly were pro federal EU. There are so many self haters there.
Have you been to r/Europe ?
Have you read any European news lately?
By lately I mean the last 20 years?
The dumb ones, yeah.
milano centro. galleria vittorio emanuele, corso vittorio emanuele e, credo, via foscolo.
>'black fighting outside liquor store' and the like. Came back with way too many results
Jesus dude, how the fuck?
do you live there?
So the cameraman autist went to Russia to lose his virginity uh? Smart.
t. Beat up somebody over soccerball game
wew lad pick one
>be rich cunt
>harrass homeless people
>they get angry
>"this proves how subhuman they are lmao xDD"
>homeless people
literally only the niggers in that webm are the homeless ones, and only one of them, likely.
Also, there was a homeless guy in the Italian version too.
i think it's a cultural thing, burgers always react with irrational rage when confronted with something they can't decifrate
they are reacting like this because OP is ugly ass brazilian monkey
yeah, here's the locations
thx m8, the place looks genuinely beautiful.
too many fashion shops for my taste, but I still enjoy wandering there from time to time
i remember watching these years ago. that guy deserved to get his ass kicked
couldn't you just call the police to make a complaint like a normal person
i didn't say he deserved to get shot
>sit next to a guy
>they sperg out and attack you
>thinking this is justifiable
sorry it's a very easy mistake to make
Nothing illegal about what he's doing, literally.
Give us fucking space for fucks sake.
Nah. We're rugged individuals so fisticuffs are required.
>why the fuck are americans so friendly? it's creepy!
>LOL look at those retarded amerisharts not wanting to be filmed by a random stranger
could you make up your minds
When did anyone ever say that americans are friendly though ?
you act friendly. no one's ever claimed you ARE friendly. videos like these are interesting because it shows the true nature of americans
>homeless old people shows the true nature of americans
I really fucking hate this board
I guarantee if I did this to some grimeball in London you could get the same reaction.also he does this hundreds of times and you only see the most outrageous ones.
What would the cops do? Filming in public isn't illegal.
try again fag, only 1 homeless and I showed a "homeless" guy in Italy too
>being a huge dick but staying within the law so if the police can protrct you fron the people you harass.
>doesn't deserve an ass kicking becaus "not illegal lol"
I don't think they're filmed by the same guy