You have four days to accumulate Jow Forums

you have four days to accumulate Jow Forums

Attached: sergey.png (423x352, 225K)

Why would I want to accumulate biz?

Attached: sergay.jpg (751x712, 68K)


before losing everything?


Architectural preview for how REQ will implement LINK by end of May.


What happens in 4 days? Will i finally be in the green with this shit coin?

When does SWIFT have that conference in London?


LOL deluded LINKIES are expecting a SWIFT partnership LOL


Uh no .. but will be interesting to read what comes out of the conference.

Attached: Swift April 2018 London.png (752x764, 77K)

bleach your asshole on the cheap with crest 20min whitening strips.

if you had bought EOS instead of link you wouldn't need 4 days, you'd already be mooning.

Not expecting any partnership. I'm expecting SWIFT to use ChainLink for parts of their backend, which is basically what Sergey said already, but the word "partnership" is a meaningless meme.

Clue pls

I know you would prefer to do it with that foul assed mouth or yours but I will pass fagboy.

Pls. I has 3 cats to support. Gib the info

Attached: 6e3d1c7db1d534d10c1a16731ce637db_400x400.jpg (400x400, 29K)

hi fellow linkies, I have a question that doesn't deserve a thread. while checking the price on blockfolio I pressed something now I see a third type of currency represented by a symbol similar to a menu icon. Anyone care to explain what it is?

You fuggin losers told me ropsten guaranteed by last weekend . Then it we a Sergey update by this past Friday.

Fuck off with these stupid larp ass posts getting me excited and shit

Watch the pivitol. End of May MAYBE


>you have 4 days to buy my bags Jow Forums

It is the Shadow Fork user

Biz has trolled so many, sad. This is a worthless shitcoin

Just sold less than 1k.

Thanks, first time I've seen it.

Was .27 on April 1, it is now .51.. up 89% in 3 weeks. Man that really sucks.

most other low-mid caps have 3-5xed in that time

stop shitting on the street.

LINK is literally one of the worst performing coins since the reversal

and they will go back down 4-5x when link goes up 2x

doestn really fucking matter for me because im not 12 year old adhd kid who cant wait a couple years to become a millionaire


try to stop shitting on streets.

That's a stretch. Meanwhile you could just buy EOS ($100 EOY) instead.

What if you just bought EOS, then sold it for another good coin after a 10x, then repeated this a few times? You'll make more than you ever would holding LINK.

another fake keynote?

how about you go suck eos ceo dick you little fannyboy nobody wants to buy your fucking larp vaporware retardcoin and 0 intelligent people gives a fuck about your funfair killer piece of shit

I mean, EOS is just one example of a coin that will 10x EOY whereas LINK will be lucky to hit $1. EOS maximalism is the most sensible stance to take though.

GTFO off our board nolink scum

im getting braincancer from you retard levels

Because they are pump n dump shitcoins. Enjoy 5xing your 300 dollars. People with real money are investing in LINK

There is nothing about smart contracts on the schedule

You are correct user, yet we will still see 20 of these threads tomorrow:

>hurr swift didn’t mention link, linkies btfo

does it not say POC?
POC is what link did for Swifts Bond Coupon Payments

Maybe watch the gitter and pivotal and quit being a lazy piece of shit that needs to be spoonfeed moonios in cold semen.