The King is back, alts will get rekt

Watch for BTC to run hard this week and watch your sats value in alts take a huge dump. Smart ones know what to do.

Attached: btc.png (200x200, 4K)

Attached: 7968964.png (2136x672, 176K)

My dick is out
My bag is ready
Its alt sale time


was literally just looking at this one. flippening is on its way. as long as ethereum doesn't get rekt by the SEC, it's gonna be an amazing year for alts

(if eth does get rekt, will just prolong the inevitable)

>the king

Attached: 1524178516982.jpg (1600x1200, 604K)

I don't think you understand how all of this works

4% up to btc 21% for the day

No because people like me with substantial holdings don't give a fuck about BTC anymore.

I honestly did at one point but lightning is a horse shit idea.

Why are we into p2p blockchain if you are going to move everything off chain and put in many multiple middlemen?

>Still hasn't made it
Wait, what?
>Why are we into p2p blockchain if you are going to move everything off chain
Ohhhh, you're a brainlet. Carry on.

It's just Soros and his Boglings pumping again, there has been no natural growth in btc for the past month, this means nothing.

Yeah typical response. So explain how lightning is fundamentally still a distributed ledger with no middlemen.

Oh it's not, it's literally the opposite. Idk how fucking retarded you have to be to be bought into this shit any more. Lightning is fucked, Jihan has all the hash, no one is using it as currency. It's literally failed in every way despite having the best advantage

>he still thinks a deflationary asset can be used as currency

Cognitive dissonance of a bear

It has just begun. What will happen in May will shock many of you. Of course alts aren't going to just dump today but you will soon learn. The bloodbath will begin soon. ATH coming faster than you think

by that argument wouldn't everyone instantly convert all inflationary currency into something deflationary?

if people need to spend they spend.

Oh, no i'm riding the wave. I just know that one day George and his Bogbois are gonna yank the rug.

This recent pump slammed right against the memelines for the ascending wedge people have been posting for days. Usually these break down but the fractal wedges have been breaking up so this will be an interesting couple of days.

Attached: Rising Wedge.png (1613x445, 81K)

>not deflationary

Attached: 1511583248057.jpg (698x698, 151K)

BTC bullrun will commence, but not yet, we are a few more weeks in alt season.
You can see the green spike in ADA/BTC or LTC/BTC as well.
It's just the next wave starting, after the first doubling cooloff over the weekend.

most likely this. many alts extremely undervalued especially in dollar value