
>All the cool countries I admire are going to shit and won't last the century
How do I deal with this ever so painful feel?

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Don't worry, you'll be flooded before that happens.

poor ichigo

You admire us? Nice.

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by never reproducing and keep watching anime

>admiring France post WW2
l o l

De Gaulle was based as fuck, though it's true every president after him has tried his hardest to drive France into the fucking ground.

Hohohoho poor little aquafresh hohoho

>De Gaulle was based as fuck
yeah true

All good things must come to an end Dutchbro

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By leaving Jow Forums and realising things are fine.


All empires must fall one day it's the natural order of things

Heres a lad with his head out of the clouds

We are going to the cancer too, Freek.

At least we can build dikes to keep water out, those aren't an option to keep floods of foreigners out.

Jow Forums makes problems seems way worse than they really are, but some of the things they speak about other than their conspiracy theories are real problems.

It all returns to nothing~

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>tfw no dinosaur gf

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That is no gf, that's a RUTHLESS MONSTER

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Colorado is still good but CA is making great efforts to fix that

I'm in my fourth year of law school, and I have many friends in political science. Most students on our side of the educational spectrum are painfully aware of France's decline and intend to work towards fixing it one day. And it's not just us. Discontent is growing at every level of our society; Emmanuel Macron's demolition of the traditional left/right model during the 2017 elections is a symptom of the drastic change that is occurring in French society. Much of the criticism directed towards the administration resembles the seething disaffection of our Enlightenment philosophers towards the Ancien RĂ©gime.
A quiet revolution is materialising in France. I don't believe we're quite done yet.