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Why is this taking so fucking long?
Elijah Carter
Other urls found in this thread:
Evan Hall
takes time to scan your harddrive looking for other wallet.dat files
Gavin Williams
>Why is this taking so fucking long?
it's called turtlecoin for a reason u fucking retard
Aiden James
>Not using remote node
>Not using check points
>Not using bootstrap
Three failures in a row, it might not be the coins fault.
Just download the Nest GUI and use the remote node.
The discord is full of very helpful people if you are still struggling.
Austin Morris
I'm banned from the fucking Discord. Help me out, please.
Gabriel Mitchell
thats the keylogger bootstrapping itself
Thomas Ramirez
This guy knows what's up.
Zachary Reed
Also, any idea when we will take off? Sitting on a chunk that I knew will be life changing.
Daniel Davis
When we get on a real exchange. Now is for accumulating.
Use this wallet, select the remote node option
Isaac Thomas
It will always be a shitcoin
Connor Rogers
Haha ya ain't that the truth.. What would we say is a "good" exchange for us?
Samuel Russell
>life changing
the absolute state of poorfags
Ayden Carter
Tell Rocksteady to clear the banlist.
Jason Cooper
Not everyone dreams of lambos and traps, many dream of being a free man.
Jordan Thompson
John Barnes
KK lol
Gavin Cruz
Who are you in discord
inb4 phunk
Bentley Walker
WTF, I send my TRL to this fucking wallet and NONE of it showed up. It's confirmed on the blockchain too.
Joshua Lee
At this point i'm just going to go ahead and assume you have a learning disability. Crypto might not be for you.
Liam Davis
Not an argument. Why hasn't my TRTL showed up in this Remote Go wallet? Explain or fuck off.
Hunter Lopez
Similar issue. Sometimes have to resynchronize to the block chain. I just quit worrying about it after the first few times of freaking out over it. I've mined since but haven't fought the wallet in a week
Owen Thomas
I don't fucking know, there is a million ways a retard can fuck things up.
Did you send it to the right address?
Are you actually synced?
Did you send a huge amount in one transaction?
Are you actually logged into the right wallet?
If the transaction went through and was confirmed on the blockchain then it is operating as expected, who knows how you managed to fuck it up.
Brandon Jones
>Are you actually synced?
The whole point of this Go wallet according to you was to avoid the huge sync time. What are you going on about, idiot?
Adam Brooks
So it showed up in your Go wallet?
Noah Flores
Well that's one potential fuck up of yours covered, how about the others.
Jack Harris
Ok, thank you. The 1366 Resolution strikes again, it was hidden.
Kayden Kelly
you got all your turts now?
Blake Fisher
still 1 sato yawn.
Dominic Walker
>Buy high, sell low
Even at 1 sat it is still one of the most profitable coins to mine. Do you hate money?
Ryan Wood
You should buy 10,000,000 of them then lol, That's cheap.