Americans pretending to be germans

>americans pretending to be germans

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this could have easily been taken in argentina

>Argentinians pretending to be Italians

White women age like milk

is that supposed to be german food?

is that a chucrut?

they look like they're desperately holding in a shit

european said "yellowish white"

>Argies pretending to be white

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no is americanized german food

>argentinans pretending to be italians

>argentines pretending to be bolivians


No harm in rolepl-

>Argentinians pretending to be white

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Attached: argentina demographics.jpg (217x316, 18K)

>argent*nians pretending to be germans

Attached: Oktoberfest.jpg (894x503, 106K)


Its just a costume you retarded faggot, the equivalent of wearing a sombrero nobody gives a shit

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Have you ever heard about Cultural appropriation?

>argentinians pretending to be humans

Kill yourself OP

germans are literal nazis no one gives a shit

wew lad...

Can't stand Americans being all exotic and shit and think anybody cares about muh 1/16 heritage while knowing nothing about the culture or the language at all.

Like, it's like they want to feel like special snowflakes.

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What are you going to do about it faggot

I'm getting suspicious about these German posters here
either you all have literally the same opinions and fixations or you are one person that posts here too often

It's mostly with older people. My mom had grandparents who happened to be from Poland (allegedly) and she's absolutely obsessed finding out her heritage, despite the fact she knows nothing about Poland at all.

I could give a shit less about where I can from though. I am me, nobody else

special snowflake detected

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>either you all have literally the same opinions and fixations or you are one person that posts here too often

I literally came back to Jow Forums 2 days ago. So most likely your first assumption. Guess these threads are popping up everyday and the "german label" is often widely used and it's kinda annoying to see people claiming your nationaliy/ethn. when they in fact don't have any right to do so. But if more German posted this here, props to them.


ur so cool breh let me suck your dick

>you are one person that posts here too often
that must be it

>Siberian Germans in Russia pretending to be Germans


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Fucking hell, the fake foam coming from the Steins made me cringe for some autistic reason

german food is raw