Up we go

up we go

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Made me look. Stop making these threads brainlet.

omg its MOONING

We're mooning!

Hands down saving my portfolio right now. Glad I didn't sell the bottom like that 401k jib marine

Any idea what’s caused this?

Beats me. One minute I check Delta, up $100 "cool". 5 minutes later I check again, up $500 "Wtf, awesome"

Portfolio just jumped 6k feelsgoodman

I think we are getting listed on Binance

shut the fuck up pussy


Inevitable, but so soon?

i needed more time to accumulate, fuck my life.

Insider info. You will know in the AMA - that is all I am feeding you.

where do i sign up to be an insider

second wave incoming


is someone asking a related question or will they announce something in the AMA?

Order books are so thin.

>Jibrel achieves price singularity before Link

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9 am wallet user here, it’s looking good only cuz the order books are thin. I kinda don’t want it to moon now, it’s too early. Hodl the fuck up people let’s all get rich

Laughing at that user who sold his whole stack for some other shitcoin earlier today. Buy high sell low. It's the biz way.

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Enjoy your little pump, shit is TRASH

Dubs but I hope user made bank wherever he went, this is why we’re all here for. I kinda wish some whale sells, drops the price and let me load up one more time. This doubled from last week, if you bought heavy then you’re comfy as fuck.

Found the bottom seller.

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Bogdubs confirm a Jibrel moon mission

2 billion dollar market cap by 2020

Dubs call it, it’s a moon mission now no matter what

They can’t seriously be holding this shit, can they? They’re all larps right?

Weak FUD

Holding 90k here faggot

it has been so fucking long since i could open blockfolio and see profits. i fully expect this to correct but god damn i needed to experience this again, there's nothing like it


Who the fuck told you faggot, grow some balls next time

Got exactly what you deserved faggot. Any dumb fucker stupid enough to sell this shit before $10 deserves to stay poor.

Git rekt. You should just buy back in now.

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Hey wtf it's actually pumping. I'm 1 cent from being in the green.



Attached: Bogged.png (500x521, 141K)

Attached: JNT Talal.png (525x139, 12K)

That's nice talal but unironically try to sound less shill like in future.


Comfy holding my 320k

Tfw up 39% from entry price

>shilling a good project is bad

Tee hee guys, working in the SEED, let me repeat, SEED office. Lots more interested parties boys :)