Is canada the worst country to get into crypto
there are worse countries out there but yeah its pretty bad here.
>Horrible brutal taxes
>No decent exchanges (inb4 Quad)
>Banks banning crypto purchases left n right
>Buy crypto.... cant fucking sell back for fiat
>americas fedora
I am hoping at this point that Trump offers Alberta statehood.
>Is Canada the worst country
That's it. That's all you needed.
And yes.
come to Vietnam bro there is literally tax-free for trading crypto here(not yet), y can only bought and hold them or sell for vietnam currency here and y cant use it to bought thing here only their currency is allowed to do that
Give Alberta to the US, the southern half of California to Mexico and this map should be fine.
North America 2039, after the bitcoin collapse and resulting nuclear exchange
isnt vietnam communist?
>Put money into crypto
>Have no idea how to fucking sell
>Even when I "sell" after a nice run I still only tether up
How the fuck do we cash out goys?
>Canada annexing Oregon
Fuck yourself. State of Jefferson or die, with the sundown laws restored.
Quadriga aren't in Canada anymore, and all of their deposit and withdrawal options are sketchy. Seems they are safe for tax evasion.
Canada is eh
Wut. You can't cashout? Haven't heard that one yet. Quadriga had many cashout options last I checked.
local Bitcoins is booming because of the bans but I hear that if you do a lot transactions they want your ID.
That map is autism
Lol, the communist government fell apart due to marxism never working. They spent more years fighting for their "workers paradise" than it lasted before going bankrupt. Now Vietnam is like China were it's actually uber-capitalist and they just don't admit it.
you can sell it for e-transfers on fastbtc dot ca, not the best rates ever but very convenient since localbtc sucks now
>bitcoin atms in every city
Use an atm, theres a ton in every major city.
I have colombian passport, opened a colombian bank account, live with cousin for 5 months in summer of 2016, and got residency (exchanged driver's license) and moved 5 million us dollars (about 6 million canadian at the time) to bank, and pay 9% taxes.
I have debit card and credit card with this bank at 2.8%.
It was only way, and the fees are high but will never be close to taxes her majesty wanted.
Only west of the cascades.
You are a stoopie poopie.
Some guy from Coinsquare called me this morning to let me know about the coinsquare wealth program. Actually was gonna hang up but he seemed nice enough. Wanted to set up a meeting tomorrow too but idk if I will blow it off or not. Not really planning on liquidating soon so I might do.