ELEC pumping

ELEC pumping
OMG holders getting airdrops
Million OMG bros about to get woke to this coin on an exclusive AMA live with Jun himself.

$0.50 by EOM.

Not even on binance yet.


Attached: Elec Airdrop.png (940x788, 386K)

Already fucking pumping, look at that chart.

Is this chink coin getting shilled daily now?
Did they hire some chink shilling pajeet agency?

Thanks just bought $100k

Elec comfy af
t. 100k Elec holder.

I’m gonna make it.
Linkies BTFO.


Why is this token being posted everywhere, what’s the fuggin deal

I just sold off 25% of my OMG for ELEC. Guess that was dumb.

just subscribed to the subreddit. only 1k people. we bout to /getrich/ boyos

to pump our bags, now get the fuck in still undervalued.

Attached: download (9).jpg (225x225, 6K)

100k ELEC here too :)

it'll be like 1:1 who cares about the airdrop its just for awareness

All you short sighted retards that weren't in the thread last night the volume literally doubled after I bought and it's actively trading now. Good luck not getting in near ICO and FOMOing in you stupid FUD cunts.

This. God I can't wait to see this bitch at $2 this summer

How many elec do I need to make it?

How long are you prepared to hold?
We are going places thats for sure.

>Take $500
>Put in CDT wallet
>Select HODL mode for 2 years
>Come back to literally hundreds of thousands of dollars

this is my plan but with 10k and 1 year hodl just for long term capital gains

I unironically hold just over 1M Elecs.

How much will that be by EOY?

5-10 million

Dubs confirms

checked but $1 eoy is super low. $1 in may

I hope you're right
dubs confirms

why dun you convert that elec to omg so you can get dropped some more elec then convert your omg to elec after big pumb

Attached: 1512683586357.jpg (273x205, 11K)

when is the snapshot? i have all my omg on binance

Details friday

my luck it's too late

i think a better shilling would be one where i feel like i still have time to buy in. this kind of "hurry the fuck up its mooning" shill just makes me feel like i already missed the boat.

however i have looked into this coin and think its promising so i will take my sweet time buying some time over the next couple days or so.

cosmos dude

ill look into it thanks

Got $5k to mess around with. Convince me to throw money into this.

Airdrop announcement on Friday, Binance holds over 1m OMG, come on guys do the math

Attached: elecvitalik.jpg (1080x808, 95K)

binance is guaranteed for this coin

Whats the details of the airdrop?

0.1 ELEC per OMG max. About 1.5c at current rates.


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ELEC will end up $5 eoy

since when was airdrop a good thing?

do you guys remember BTCP?

get shit on

strong buy right now on tradingview

good for omg

This is basicly new link for biz tards.
Get in on this is you like posting daily wojaks.