ITT we thank France in our respective languages for their contributions to the world

ITT we thank France in our respective languages for their contributions to the world

Tack, Frankrike.

Attached: france-flag-std.jpg (800x800, 63K)

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Tack Frankrike för allt du har gjort, skojar bara ditt äckliga kräk

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Thanks France for the amazing food and wine
Stay stylish

Grazie Francia

Brenndu í helvíti, Frakkland

Merci, moi.

Għażiża Franza, mur ixxejjer!

nik la fransse, inshaallah on va vous remplacer bande de mécréants.

Thanks France for helping us fight the English scum

Bougnoule-speak is disgusting in every language

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Thank you, faggot frogs

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>nik la fransse, inshaallah on va vous remplacer bande de mécréants.
Inshallah, ameen, inshallah

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Death to France and to everything inside it, inshallah.

Pratique français avec moi


Gracias Francia

>in our respective languages
>Irish poster
>responds in English

Sorry for failing you, my friends. Both the monarchy and the republic tried to help, but in the end it amounted to nothing.

By the way, is the song “Les Lacs du Connemara” known at all in Ireland ? Made by a kinda kitsch artist, already dated when it came out, but it became a cult classic in some French universities, the perfect party song once everyone is very drunk. So some of my fondest memories are loudly, badly singing about hating the English and how Ireland will be united under the cross one day soon, surrounded by friends.

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>amazing food
I've heard this meme so fucking often, but what food besides snails, frogs and plain white bread actually comes out of France?

i hate france, only good thing to come out of it was my bf

Aimez-vous la Belgique?

Attached: Flag_of_Belgium.png (600x400, 2K)

From meat to cheese to desserts, almost everything is delicious. Don't fall for meme foods


Surprisingly nice thread

Jděte do prdele, žabožrouti zasraný

oui, j'aime la Belgique

Other cuisines also have nice cheese, desserts and meat but what specific dishes make the French cuisine so superior in your opinion?

You can't find stuff like Camembert and Roquefort anywhere. Stuff like foie gras and souffles are also amazing
I personally love what was probably considered a poor peoples' food, the onions soup. I also love the fondue and the quiche (all different kinds)

fratello mio
Italian cuisine is god tier too though

overrated shithole

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I never ever had onion soup, it's a meme, nobody has it in France

Really? I ate it in Paris and I saw it in more than one place

What ? It’s a relatively common entrée in any decent brasserie.

What ? I've never seen it on any menu and never had it.
It might be a Parisian thing then

It is indeed.
Apparently it's hard to find a really good one these days and it has become more of a tourist trap thing. Kinda like bouillabaisse in Marseille.

Ačiū, Prancūzija, už trumpą, tačiau reikšmingą periodą vadinama „prancūzmečiu” Panemunėje XIX a. bei Klaipėdos krašte XX a.

>snails, frogs
And you talk about memes?
I've literaly eaten snails 2 times in my life, never had the chance to eat frogs.

Bien entendu.

grazie froci

Isn't Roquefort just smelly Gorgonzola?
Onion soup sounds good but I'm still missing something special.

Tack Frankrike.

Coq au vin is the GOAT winter food.

>Isn't Roquefort just smelly Gorgonzola?
It's similar, but very different at the same time. First of all, Gorgonzola is made of cow milk and Roquefort of sheep milk (iirc). Also, the taste is a bit different (gorgonzola exists in both a sweet and a "spicy"/natural variety, while afaik Roquefort is only sweet)

Jeder Stoß ein Franzos.

Prego frocio

>only tried snails twice

Confirmed for not living in Bourgogne. Try frog legs sometimes, it’s great. Basically chicken but with a slightly weird texture, great with sauce.

>Isn't Roquefort just smelly Gorgonzola?

Do you want to get punched or something?

Gorgonzola is better btw

Kiitos Ranska, te ootte kivoi :3

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post dick

im not a slut

Is that Suomi for France ?

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Hvala Francuska


Patonkimannet on ihan perseestä. Kävin kerran Ranskas ja se oli ihan paska mesta.

i need a french gf

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Fuck you France. We could have had a Prussian king but "Napoleon" III didn't like the idea.
How about you stop destroying Europe, Frankshit?

German barbarians cant stop ruining everything. We are nords so we are ok.

Merci les gars, on ne serait pas là sans vous.

Ranska = France
Ranskalainen = French
Ranskalaisuus = Frenchness, the quality of being French
Ranskatar = Female French person
Ranskaton = Frenchless
Ranskainen = Frenchy
Ranskamainen = French-like
Ranskamaisuus =French-likeness

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Doesn't Paska means "shit" in Suomi ?
>Ranskalaisuus = Frenchness, the quality of being French
Nice, what would you say is Ranskalaisuus ?

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she really can't sing for shit that bitch
merci la France wallah

Yes, unfortunately he said something like
>baguette-gypsies are totally from ass. I once visited France and it was a shit place.

I disagree with him.

First of all, anything that is produced or made up in France has the quality of Ranskalaisuus. Then the harder part: Ranskalaisuus is to accept that everything in the world is shit and that makes it great.

But that is just my opinion.

Merci à toi, très sincèrement. L'abandon de 70000 Français par notre ancienne classe dirigeante est toujours perçu comme une honte nationale ici.

Děkujeme, Francie!

Vive le Québec Libre !

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this is me singing les marseillaise 3 years ago when i was drunk

at one point i said engorger instead of égorger i think sorry

Your pronunciation is really good. Nice voice, too.


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Hvala za Napoleona.

>eating snails and frogs

wtf dude u gross lmao