This coin was shilled quite a lot earlier this year but it hasn't really done anything for a while. Worth holding or should I jump ship? EOY predictions?
Genesis Vision GVT
Any news?
Didn't you hear? Biz only likes low market cap shitcoins now so they can double their money quickly
alpha is chugging along. vote underway to determine future usage of gvt. check reddit
get out op. dump it all
Right now the alpha is a bit shit, but at least the team showed they can make something that works. Personally I expect several months of polishing before real GVT can be invested. Once that happens people will see the easy gains the platform provides and the coin’s price will shoot up. The only problem is that this all might happen AFTER the next huge bull run. If that’s the case, then holding GVT the whole time will make you miss out on getting max bullrun gains. If the platform goes live with crypto managers before the bull run, I expect the price to spike up. Right now my two biggest concerns is that the UI is shit and that the planned manager token platform economy is needlessly complicated.
Those are all good points user, thanks. I may trade part of my stack so I don't miss out on gains but long-term GVT still looks to be a solid project.
have you tried the phone apps? website is clunky on my t420. this will truly shine once finished in a bear market. good thoughts on not being ready for this run. godspeed brother
Any anons going to become managers?
> team
barely out of uni... CEO
not I but looking forward to it being managed
They actually make progress and attempt to put out a product. 1 of maybe 5 coins that isn’t absolute vaporware, so I keep a small stack
I'm hoping Genesis markets shake the price up some, it just might, and it's slated for May, so hopefully in time for the bullrun. I'm using the android app, it looks OK, still needs some work but they're pushing updates fairly quickly at least.
Me as well, I'd like to have part of my stack traded by a professional.
You should be buying PFR instead of whatever crap youre holding. Their mainnet comes out on April 30th. Do you realize that Localbitcoins now has KYC? Do you understand that once PFR is out, people will all jump ship to avoid having to upload documents? People kept doubting the project but these guys deliver. Do you want to be poor forever...
This. Get the fuck out now while you still have a chance.
Voted 4 btw
U seriously dont think i will see 100+ this year?
If dump it, you will regret
ye 4 all the way
$100 EOY easy, most comfy hodl of 2018
Not gonna stop holding until $94,000
If you hold this YOU WILL MAKE IT
all bots, seen some on the previous GVT threads here b4 they 404'd
I'm all in on GVT. Still trying to accumulate, but it's looking ready for a run any time now, so might as well help an user out.
I think after the token decision is made we might see a big old pump
most definitely. i suspect whales are accumulating right now for GM.
Placed an order earlier and saw a couple different buy orders flicker in and out between 100 to 250 GVT. They're there, and they're ready.
I own 290 GVT... once the managers show good gains people will FOMO in like crazy