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chi bourdains himself when?


where you been? did you fix your sleep?

Did my tests. Made some easy mistakes that are probably going to cost me but I think I did alright. A bit stressed about the results but it is what it is. Barely managed to fix my sleeping rhytm and even then I slept poorly before the exam.

I thought it was until August?

Nah. Anyways atleast there is the world cup to look forward to next week.

Do you think you did better than last time?

Definitely, and I could have done really well if I just didn't mess up a few easy questions due to there not really being enough time. Also people on the finnish imageboards (ylilauta) studying board are saying most people didn't do too well in the test since it was built in a way that makes it easy to make mistakes. I could have done better both studying and in the exam itself but that's just how it is. Just gotta hope and see what happens I guess.

Also the test punishes you for wrong answers so even a few wrong answers can put a big dent to your total.