What would you do if your dad messages you this?

What would you do if your dad messages you this?

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That's what you get for being a freeloading faggot. Get a job.

Why do white people hate their kids so much?

Get a job you freeloading NEET. You probably shit talked him and now you’re ass is gone pussy.

I'd leave but I wouldn't try to guilt trip him with the homeless shit, I also wouldnt stop talking to him over that, it's his money he doesnt have to support you.

>talks like a faggot
>acts like he doesn't care or know about the issue
>immediately makes an emotional threat
kill yourself

you act like bitch op

Buy 1000 LINK, wait a year, then use it to buy a mansion and shove it in his face.

My moms done this to me over 100 times. Shes pretty much clinically insane. I called her bluff and moved out the last time. Begs me to come back and haven't talked to her since. Sounds like you started it though OP

entitled fuck. I bet you're rude and unappreciative and fat. I'd kick you out too. Hope you commit suicide soon.

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>What would you do if your dad messages you this?
fuck his girl

Cult of individualism

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just don't talk to him anymore. boomers are worthless

I don't talk to my parents

>saying lol to your father
Disrespectful little shit. Where I come from you would've been stoned to death for that.

Because in this particular situation it's a parasite that was milking the gravy train for as long as he could.

How are you in biz with dis problem fren, didn you buy link?

>father suddenly wants son out in a single week, not at least a few months notice
>son laughs about being homeless, thinks it's a joking matter
Both of you are idiots

Fuck man thank you
>Lel like whatever dad so I guess I’ll just live on the street I dunno why you’re being so lame oh and by the way don’t think I’m ever gonna call you

reasons why OP shouldn't be kicked out:

1. cause then he'd be homeless
2. cause then he would stop talking to daddy.

Cunt. You're are a boomer too

>be american
>be born
>get circumcised
>go to school
>get shot
>turn 18
>get kicked out by parents
>go to college
>$100k student loans
>get married
>cucked, then divorced and raped by family court
>die on the streets will boomer parents drink piña colada in Alabama and wife lives in the house you paid for with jamal

what a time to be a while male

I would kick out of my house too if I found out you bought at $20k

>>>>>Jow Forums

Why would someone bring a person that didn't asked to be born to this world and then not provide full support, get mad and kick him out?

Westerners have a strange fucked up family culture.. I wouldn't even be this mean to a Roommate let alone my son.
more like a dog's culture, run away from home when you reach puberty and may be fuck your mom even .. shit

I would have never let it get to this point, ya bum. He obviously wants rid of you. Why threaten him with never talking to him again?
At least we know our kids.
You could have been their greatest joy, and you chose to be just another fucking jamoke to in this big retarded world.
>you are all failures on an animal level

Because boomers let the school system and pop culture get taken over by commies which destroyed their children.

White people are cucked by their Jewish overlords into oblivion. There is nothing going for them but aggressive conformity to the left liberal hyper-materialist pseudo-individualist dogma and constant feeling of guilt for even having kids.

east asian culture still owns. Kids treat their seniors with utmost respect

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FUck boomers

>implying you understand the untold circumstances of OP at all
you are the idiot


>constant feeling of guilt for even having kids.
This is not a meme.

White people have zero community. This is especially evident in white suburbs. They were taught to be ashamed of their heritage and culture. So they feel guilty bonding with other whites.

>I wouldn't even be this mean to a Roommate let alone my son.
>this mean
all his dad did was say he wanted him out, he even gave him a week to do it, how is that mean?

>yfw you make it and he ends up in an old people's home with Alzeimers getting his ass wiped by a sheboon daily

Boomers, not even once.

It is a tough love thing. They want them to be strong and succeed and the best way to do that is to throw them head first into the wood chipper of life. You either make your way out as the strongest or die.

I sort of respect white people for that.

This. Hope OP commits suicide soon.

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Lol my parents did this to me several times.
Never moved out. Fuck em, why should i lose the roof over my head, free food, free internet, electricity and money as well?
Just don't talk to them. If they cut you off just make a ruckus

Luckily we don't have this kind of shit culture in europe. Oh wait a homeless punk is asking me for me money

lmao what is wrong with white people, me being asian my parents let me save all my money and i help them out out of good will (paying for some bills). They would never kick me out as i respect them for who and what they do for me and i would look after them in old age. I dont understand how whites discard thier own children because it will end up fucking them up when the kids they kicked out put them in some shit old peoples home (after the boomer parents spend all thier kids inheritance on useless luxurious things as cruises).

I hope you die on the streets OP. You freeloading faggot.


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Acting as if you don't know what the problem is. Go die in the streets kid if you don't appreciate you pop wage slaving for 30+ years so you can have a roof over your head

>dealing with boomer bullshit just to be their """"joy""""
yeah sure let me think.
Life got objectively better after moving out and I'm glad I don't have to deal with boomer alcoholism anymore. They're fucking degenerates anyway. Don't expect people to come back when you threaten to kick them out 20 times.

>lmao what is wrong with white people
look what happened to america and europe. Whites are cucked beyond belief by their own boomer vices.

intresting question

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Wonder why he thinks I live with him.

Black people do the same thing. Look how they turn out.

It's illegal. If you lived in a home for more than a year, your landlord has to give you two months to move. Even if you don't pay, you're still legally a tenant. OP should know his rights.

Oh shieeet, another NEET falls victim to the streets.

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>They want them to be strong and succeed

Most white parents only give a fuck about themselves.

Because everyone needs to be a grown-up at some point. He has no responsibility to you anymore. Grow the fuck up

Depends on the context.

>He has no responsibility to you anymore. Grow the fuck up

Here we see the decline of the west into degenerate self absorption.

As long as you're not working some dead-end job, going nowhere in life, you're absolutely right. You have no loyalty to him. Just don't waste your life

youre supposed to help pay some of the bills you moron the fuck is wrong with white people?

Why? They have pension money they can take care of the bills

So he found out about your crypto gains?

This. Untold circumstances aside, the son is clearly lame as fuck

>You could have been their greatest joy

Most white parents don't let their kids leave the house without supervision.

Negotiate a cheap rent and hope he’ll not ask for anything more.

I unironically agree with this. I don't think most white Americans realize just how badly the boomers fucked them, I mean they fucked the globe but theres some especially insidious shit they did to their kid's brains


Lol is that a joke? Might wanna take a second look at the percentage of black dads that abandon their kids.

its definitely not like that in every family
in my family (my siblings and parents) there is a strong bond but if i look to my uncle its the exact same thing as op he will throw his wifes children out as soon as they are 18 if they are ready or not

Blacks just don't give a fuck about their kids. Whites actively hate them and conspire against them. Asians look at their kids as valued possessions like a pressure cooker or shoe rack.

Lol how old are you?

boomers are retards

instead of building their kids up to be successful badasses, they treat their kids like they're parasites

if your kid is a stay-at-home-neet with no job, that's because you, as a parent, fucked up immensely. You think opportunities just fall into a teenager's lap? Fuck no. You think successful and intelligent parents just let their dumbass kid flail around figuring out how the world works with their 19 years (more like 4 let's be honest) of life experience? Fuck no they fucking don't.

Intelligent competent families give their sons and daughters every goddamn advantage imaginable. They hook them up with jobs obtained by a lifetime of working and networking, they network them into friend-groups developed over decades, and give their kids somewhere to live or cash when shit runs south, and these investments pay off in turn when the parents are too old to look after themselves.

This is what FAMILIES and COMMUNITIES do.

But boomer fucking retards only see ME ME ME, the kids are parasites, get rid of them. I want to sell the house. I want to go on vacation. Fuck the kids. Those bottom feeding parasites need to sort their own shit out, I don't owe them shit. They owe ME for getting a place to stay for 18 years.

The boomer entitlement is off the charts and one of the primary reasons our society is so fucked up.

You and your dad both seem like faggot. I assume there's a backstory. If not, it's pretty weird for your dad to suddenly tell you to get out. That being said, you sound like an entitled NEET that doesn't help your family financially in any way. You don't want to talk to your dad ever again because he doesn't want to work his ass off while you play WoW and browse Jow Forums like a manchild? Grow up.

Whites are genetically individualists and anti-social due to living in small nomadic tribes for a million years.

I had great (white) parents and everyone I grew up with did so too. I'm not from the US though and races (and people in general) are a lot more equal in my country.

>manage to be a failure during multiple bull markets and decades of prosperity
>dont even have enough money to support a good life for yourself and spouse
>reproduce with your shit tier genes
>blame your kids for existing

gas the boomers. thank god im not american

You, represented on the right.

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key word is some. namely the cheapest ones. just so they can tell themselves you aren't a complete freeloader.

My boomer parents kicked me out the day they legally could, after whining nonstop that they had to feed and clothe me for 18 years. I don't remember travelling back in time and telling you to fuck without a condom, cunts. Bonus they wasted the family money on luxury trips and shit like handbags. Boomers are parasites who refuse to take any responsibility for anything. Today I'm successful in spite of them, not because of them.

IQ is highly inheritable yet there's mountains of empirical evidence showing the opposite.

get this man a podcast or whatever the kids listen to these days

I'd tear off his gargantuan donkey schlong with my bare hands and repeatedly slap him across the face with all it's glory.

Pretty standard stuff really.

Shit iv e had to deal with that several times because of drugs. Thank God I had a sober living or rehab to go to.

What are you gonna do Op
Some aren't built for the streets. Jow Forums isn't made for the streets

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uh oh the comfy NEET is not comfy anymore

>being autistic enough to make this picture
>dad texting their son something like this instead of just talking to them

please take the S&W retirement plan

Last time I saw this picture it said that you stole money off your dad.

So if you are the same OP, fuck you for being an ungrateful little thieving cunt and fuck your shit thread. If you're not OP, fuck you all the same for posting pictures without any context whatsoever chasing (You)'s.

Why do white people go through with having kids if they're just gonna discard them after they turn 18? Makes me glad to have grown up in a (?_?) household.

Shits and giggles.

I would say

"I haven't lived at home for 14 years wtf are you taking about"

It's a burger thing. Never seen that in frogistan, and frogs who are white are whiter than mutts.

The eternal boomer was generous enough to grace us with their comfort for 18 years. We should be thankful.

I'd assume it's not my dad because my relationship with him isn't toxic or riddled with disrespect you.
The amount of teenagers and adults that still act like teenagers on this site is astounding. Grow the fuck up.

I'd kill myself for being a worthless faggot passively aggressively texting my dad. Also who the fuck uses "lol" with their parents.

this. he can't legally kick op out for at least a month or two, especially if he gets mail there. wtf is he gonna do, yell at you? the cops will tell him to take you to court and the judge will tell him the same. If he gets violently angry, threaten to call the cops. Fuck him, one week is bullshit

This, unironically

It's pushing them out of the nest, like birds do. They'll never learn to fly if parents don't force them to learn.

Being pampered = the opposite of life experience, pull your head out son.

Sucks that you can't maintain a good relationship with family. I'm the oldest and favorite. All A's, got a good job, help out around the house, serving as a personal google and wikipedia. There are no advantages to moving out so I stay. There are no disadvantages to them with me staying aside from my use of electricity and water. I buy my own food and mostly cavetroll unless I have work so they don't see me often despite being within a few yards of them. Working nights only makes me even more specter like. One sibling got into drugs, one ran away and eloped, one neets it up another did pretty good and married but moved out of state. None of my family is falling for the crypto meme but I keep trying to shill. I'll probably share with my parents but I never disclose my assets. If I ever make it I will cash out some into mutual funds just for added diversification and continue working part time while the nest egg grows.

What bad parents they must have been to raise a child with such an outrageous sense of entitlement.

this. u sound like one of those smug miserable losers who always talks in a whiny bitchy rude tone to everyone.