How do saints work? I'm not Catholic or even Christian. My impression is that they're dead people who like pass along your prayers to God, right? Why don't you just pray to God directly?
How do saints work? I'm not Catholic or even Christian...
>My impression is that they're dead people who like pass along your prayers to God, right?
yeah pretty much, though they also supposedly serve as life examples of following Christ
>Why don't you just pray to God directly?
stupid medieval euro influence, you know how can't talk directly to the King so you talk to His ministers blah blah
most saints are a joke and a vulgar thing
the first ones like Saint Hermengild were sanctified for killing a fuckton of people "defending the Church"
what a life example to follow huh
They are the human role models of the church. Also before WW2 basically all western societies were based on individual virtue and not really imposed collectivism. Hence the nobility of monarchy regimes and why the state and media didn't have that bigger presence on society like nowadays
They are people that lived a holy life and are now close to God because of it that we ask to pray for us. We directly pray to God too, we do it all the time, but we’re basically asking them to signal boost us, sometime some saints are patrons of a particular group, or of a particular issue.
The Virgin has a particular place. She’s a privileged intercessor, no one understands God better. She’s a reassuring figure for many people: even if God is all-loving, he’s a bit scary at the same time. It’s like asking your Mom for help when you know you’ve done something wrong and have to see your dad about it. She’ll take your side, she knows how to plead yoir case. You know your dad loves you, it’s just, it’s your dad, it’s not the same kind of love as with your mom. Mary is human, has suffered and lived as any other human, she has even suffered the worst a mother could have to bear, so we hope she can be more understanding of our faults.
The original idea was literally that they are holy just like the Bible and God and Priesthood.
This puts them in a separate rank from ordinary people, like Jesus, but only one level up (angelicness) not two levels (divinity).
Thus, they are also equal to God in a way, that includes hearing prayers. I guess.
And that only changed to degenerate Jow Forumsposters who are a frogposting Borg and incapable of individual actions
Well, he was a man rebelling against the heresy of his father and was martyred for it. That’s absolutely an exemple to follow. And you’re being disingenuous, he’s really not one of the first saints, who were all martyrs persecuted for their faith but of much lower standing.
yeah just saying they let all sorts of riff raff into the sainthood rooster. killing your fellow man on a civil war is no bueno, no
whut? who told you about "angelicness"?