This triggers eurocucks

>This triggers eurocucks

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Pretty sure that's sarcasm.


I bet true Europeans like her also agree

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Hes right though.
We do people expect somwthing for nothing? Why do they feel entitled to the resources of others?

its not lol She's a national guns rights icon

no one is arresting you for defending yourself with your hands

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absolute state of shartmericans
education is not a right in a supposed developed country? lmao

the fucking internet dumbass

educate yourself

Yeah she's right
Doesn't mean public healthcare, welfare and education aren't great
Well if you're weak you can't really protect yourself properly with your physical strength alone

>education is not a right

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>Doesn't mean public healthcare, welfare and education aren't great

They aren't

Stealing my money for your illness is just theft. You have no right to taxes off others. Society is better run with privatization

>living wage is not a right

How someone can unironically say this without having any consequences is insane

yeah that really worked out for you shartmericans didn't it? 97% of americans believe a pizza is a vegetable and 99% of americans believe the moon is made of cheese, great job

if you're too weak to defend yourself. it's just nature taking the trash out

i find it ironic that americans brag about how free they are yet they restrict their rights on many issues


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>mfw people think rights are real

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Because we live in society, where our duties obligate us to contribute to the whole of society for the benefit of all.



>liberal ethics

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for those who don't know, this girl brought a AR-15 to her college campus for her graduation photo
and now she's a right wing rockstar

>healthcare is not a right
>education is not a right
>abortion is not a right
>a living wage is not a right
Right. It's a meaningless political buzzword and no right will ever be built around it.
>welfare is not a right
Right. You aren't entitled state pension.

Tell that a poor person with cancer
Society shouldn't base its rules on notions like survival of the fittest (in the literal sense) in my opinion

>>healthcare is not a right
>education is not a right

Your still commie scum you know

>Education is not a right
ah yes because the last thing we need is a workforce that can read and write
fucking retard

So she's a terrorist.

Talking about negative rights (only ones that exist) my dude.

I will

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She seems very smart

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i don't either but you can't defend yourself against a gun, so why should you be able to defend yourself with a gun?

>someone can be born into billions or into poverty
at least you're not having your rights tread on

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Well then you're pretty edgy
I suppose you never met a person with a serious illness?

Rights are dictated by what the state determines all citizens must have access to. As nice as it is to say, humans don't have sins through nature and aren't created with the concept of rights already existing. Rights need to be set and decided on by soicety. Healthcare, education and the like are rights, because society says they are. You can argue that they shouldn't be, or that something else should also be a right, but right now they de facto are rights.

i wouldn't go that far.
She's just an edgy """extremest""" cashing in on right wing retards.

Of course you can defend yourself against a gun, you need to shoot first and accurate
And if a criminal wants to do you harm he'll find a way, illegal firearms aren't too hard to obtain on the black market

if defending yourself is a right, does that mean the government should provide you with publicly funded weapons?

what if you can't afford to defend yourself?

What do Americans even pay tax for.

>healthcare is not a right
>still blame school shootings on mental illness

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Rights in this context are about not getting in your way, not giving you the means to do something. If you want to protect yourself, you can. If you can't, that's your own problem.

Our military

We keep the world safe

Owning guns is not a right.
You can defend yourself with fists or whatever

It is if you pay for it - which is the point.
We fought long and hard to build a welfare system and taxes uphold it. That's how it works. So yes, it is a right for a tax paying citizen.

(Yes, we know it's crumbling and the west will soon burn, no need to even reply with that)

Oh, thanks.

for their military-industrial complex

Healthcare is a right. (right to live)
Education is a right.
Abortion is a right (in fact, you defend yourself from your fetus.)
A living wage is a right. (see 1)
Welfare is a right. (see 1)

Being able to defend yourself isn't really a right anywhere actually.

and yet our countries don't have mass shootings almost daily
if you give humans power they're going to abuse it

>Yanks genuinely think that killing themselves by living in a shitty country offends us

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>Abortion is a right (in fact, you defend yourself from your fetus.)
How much have you drunk tonight?

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Completely missed the abortion part, to which I agree with the OP pic. It is indeed vile and have you once started growing a child it is your responsibility to see it through.

Being able to defend yourself is a right pretty much everywhere, it's just limited to within reason based on the threat you're faced with, but Americlaps think it's their god given right to blast someone with a shotgun if they set one foot past their mailbox.

Fat covered hans leave no damage

Fair point, yet it is true that in the end we are less able to defend ourselves in case of doubt

>comparing a human life to a piece of furniture on sale

This is what commodification does to your brain.

>be american
>get shot
>somehow euros are tiggered

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>Being able to defend yourself isn't really a right anywhere actually.
I'd agree. To be safe from harm, to be defended, that may be a right. But to specifically have weapons for the purpose of taking that defense into your own hands, like a mob taking the law into it's hands, no way is that a right. Law enforcement exist to uphold your right to not be subject to bodily harm. Doctors and ambulances exist to uphold your right to life and health.

>have you once started growing a child it is your responsibility to see it through.
What if you became pregnant against your will?

I bet she chokes on BBC Daily

A baby is a living human being whether it's in the mothers' womb or not. Killing it is murder and only justifiable if the mothers' life is endangered.

It was your choice to wear revealing clothing

Cases of rape only represent a tiny fraction of abortions. The overwhelming majority are just a form of contraception because of some people being too retarded to think about the potential consequences of their actions.

A person has autonomy over their body, They can do whatever they like with it. To terminate a parasitic organism that can't survive outside of your body is well within your right to bodily self determination.

THe major fucking problem I have with this is these people say shit like "a living wage is not a right", then they bitch and scream about how we're not in the 1950s anymore. If you want to live in the fucking 1950s, at least try to replicate how many more people had a living wage.

>Education is not a right
Pretty sure it is and I'm pretty sure our laws enforce that

Fucking regressives.

You have a point, but I'm not sure if I agree with allowing abortion on that basis
In the end you still kill a human being, often because you were too retarded to use contraception

Well, if the parent was too retarted to use conctraception, the baby would probably be retared too and only a expense to the society.
Abortion is really saving money on the long run.

Shut the fuck up you freeloader apologist

wew, the absolute state of the us

Watch your language Sven

>the baby would probably be retared too and only a expense to the society
If that statement were true, humanity as a whole would be just as retarded now as it was 300,000 years ago, because all humans back then were retarded by our standards. Fact is that people have social mobility, have education, and so on. Therefore, they pretty much all have the potential to be productive members of society, save for things like extreme autism or Zika.

I mean, while you're at it, why not just cull all children from poor families? According to your logic, that would be perfectly acceptable.

He was absolutely correct. It would be wrong for the government to forbid people from buying health care or education.

Why do you have the right to defend yourself? If you don't own a invincible fortress then you should just stop whining or stop being a weak loser. The king of america should drone you.

>my country is a steaming pile of shit and let me tell you why your country is a bigger pile of shit

"rights" are a fucking spook. why should anyone be entitled to anything ever? how can you believe you should be afforded special privileges simply for existing? civilization was a mistake.

It's actually a bit more strict in most places. Even in conservative states. I remember one story from Montana where an edgelord boomer blaster a European exchange student in the face with a shotgun because the student was snooping in his garage. Pretty sure the guy is in prison for life.

>Education is not a right in the land of the free
And it shows, stupid cunt.

But it is a right in the west. Education is not a right in some muslamic countries where women are forbidden to go to school. Nowhere in the west are you killed or imprisoned for going to school.

>>This triggers eurocucks
Yeah, actually retarded people voicing their 3rd world opinions trigger me.

We can actually defend ourselves without the need to kill our assailants.

sounds good to me

But how are you going to protect yourself against RPG with guns? Government pf nations can easily get a ton of RPG and use them against citizens of they want to

I don't understand why she said that, as it is mandatory to attend elementary, middle, and most of high school unless you are home schooled.

Anyone who looks for compassion shall be killed, I once looked for compassion before looking into myself and finding nothing but sickness. Now I know the true nature of the ones to ask for pity and rights.

>I mean, while you're at it, why not just cull all children from poor families? According to your logic, that would be perfectly acceptable.
You need some poor people for shitty labour nobody actually wants to do. So maybe maybe cull only 90% of poor people or something?

I heard that some states were planning to cut all of their education budget and let children go to private schools instead in order to close the budget gap caused by tax cut

Abortion after rape - not right, fucking religious scum.

Retarded argument to ridicule my point. And I'm not talking about defense from the government primarily, just from anybody who might come for you.

Wow, I didn't hear about that. I'll have to read up. What will happen to all the families who can't afford private school though? Where will they send their kids?


I think the basic argument is "what is a human being to begin with". Is it the sperm, the sperm that can reach the egg, the egg itself growing or the product of the egg that is pushed out of the womb?

That’s just sad.


You just pick a number. Like 11.999 weeks is legal and 12 is illegal.

How far must your head be stuck up your ass to think like that?

At the point when the sperm fertilizes the egg you have a new human life. Another relevant point is the step after a few weeks when the central nerve system develops.

based & american

Don't get too bothered, she's just some ultra-libertarian who was born with a silver spoon in her mouth, and she tells poor people to go fuck themselves. Nothing really special

>Society invests in kids becoming skilled workers instead of being at the mercy of their parents circumstances
>They produce way more and pay the tax back multiple times

ah nevermind it seems to be for particular school districts instead of entire state (that the desire to cut school budget of entire state just some random opinion)

That's good news I guess. The fact that the sentiment is there though at all is disheartening

If the point is not to defense against government then why law enforcement officers aren't enough?

If you mean this guy, he got let off.

>Nip student gets address wrong goes to wrong house
>gets shot
>guy get acquitted

Sounds like a third world country.