I have updated the chart

Hungary because they are funny as fuck all the time, and Bulgaria because they seem REALLY mad all the time.

Why exactly are Bulgarians so mad?

Attached: intchart.png (3052x2216, 276K)



Shut the fuck up fat retard lol

nah, you're butthurt

this is an asshole

The butthurt/assholes one are Jow Forumstards

THIS image IS absolute fucking garbage

Russians are the worst posters why we even in this chart

>America in Funny/Chill

Attached: depositphotos_21442667-stock-photo-3d-small-lying-on-a.jpg (1023x705, 46K)

>literally every game plagued by them hates them
>xaxaxaxax noob cheater hack aim confirmed i repot u noob no skill jsut luck haha i fuck ure muther repoted noob kid i leave))))))

What's up with Americans and making dumb charts?

why do people always solidly reinforce their position on this chart every time it is posted?

>no u mad
Epicly done friend! Epic

Brazil has really average posters, needs to be moved up one.

Russians are some of the most angry, belligerent posters on here, I'll never ever understand the reputation they have on Jow Forums.

Denmark is absolutely fucking garbage every single time fix this chart

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>angry, belligerent
that's why we considered kul )))

Also didn't realize Russia was so high. They don't often make an appearance but when they do it's because they're triggered.

what the fuck am i reading

you can stop now sanjay

not sure what russians you've been talking to, they're the only consistently nice posters on here in my experience

>Implying your shitty opinion counts

The only Swiss poster I see is a routinely butthurt Russian diaspora.

> every game plagued by them hates them
Stop playing in dumb CS and Dota/moba shit, polak

Attached: 14224549178140.jpg (1000x711, 52K)

I don't, you niggers are fucking EVERYWHERE
it's even worse if the game has a chat that DOESN'T support your fucking monkey script and everyone gets to see MOCKBA or some other abominations when you use latin alphabet to emulate your disgusting writing

Attached: daisy.png (669x652, 782K)

Play in US servers then, not European ;)

lost territory to serbia
poor country
raped by turks and russians
half the population left to usa and western europe

> you use latin alphabet to emulate your disgusting writing
It's bad? I see many polak, who used polish language to communicate with their friends

Attached: 1528523657883.jpg (3052x2216, 641K)

polacks use latin alphabet

Very thankful they don't show up on American servers

I don't understand why most Bulgarians are mad, either.
That why I avoid them on here; they have a hair trigger for some things and that's really taxing and leaves you exhausted afterwards.
Best to avoid arguing and talking with Balkanites in general, just like I do.
Nasty people.

With strange letters, yeaaah
You have tripple Z

Attached: 829348417_w640_h640_psyak.jpg (380x532, 98K)

but we do in PSN and Xbox Live
We don't have a choice

we don't use them online, it's too much of a hassle to type that ingame
zażółć gęślą jaźń

Don't those all have very different pronunciations? How do you tell what someone is saying?

Based English player dont understand your language even in latin
If you say "chodzic po lewej stronie"

Is ok america we love you regardless :-}

>not butthurt

they do, but it doesn't matter
99.999% of words use only one and only one of those, and changing them up doesn't do anything
there's like one example i can think of right now - żebra and zebra, the former meaning ribs, and the latter meaning, well... a zebra
quite different, ain't it
the context makes it immediately obvious, there's no ambiguity

What if he was eating zebra ribs?

This. Americans always fucking sob like little girls over amerimutt or la creatua.
t. American

t.Russian amerimutt


Can you believe the lvl of autism it take to sit around and create this insignificant jpg?

Lol fucking mentally ill goblin burger munchers

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oh come on you guys are almost always fucking assholes don't pin this on me

holy shit it's the saddest country in the world!

These are the same kacap scum that make all the USA/r*ssia are allies threads.

Do you even have internets in Kisinau?

Other than the odd retard i've never seen Dutch cancer posts though

He must be related to the President or something

haha frikandel

Attached: pfffblblblbrrrt.png (3048x2464, 284K)

Amerilards especially those that frequent Jow Forums are so easily butthurt.

Where do you place me?


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Not to seem rude but isn't that chart a little biased?

Attached: sea.png (300x250, 28K)
