Do you think is that true for your country?

Do you think is that true for your country?

Attached: conversation-english-eurobarometer.jpg (1260x1260, 345K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Outside of the main cities (which barely can keep conversations), no one can speak in english.


Maybe a bit less than that.


Attached: 1443101117413.jpg (1111x597, 379K)


Pretty sure this is illegit

This map accounts for all of the population, if you cound only young people numbers would always be next to 100%

yeah probably, but the pronunciation and vocabulary will be shit

>if you cound only young people numbers would always be next to 100%
Lol no

In high school here for example a very few people speak english, actually you don't learn this language at school so you have to use english by yourself (by watching not dubbed movies, read in english etc) everyday for that, thing that no one does

I'm not even fluent but I speak a better english than +95% of young people under 20 yo like me

If a tourist asks me for directions in English, I answer in Italian.
If they try practicing Italian with me, I answer in English.

More like 25% at best

More like 9%

English is a shity language, i don't blame my brothers


Attached: 1528553549003.jpg (1260x1260, 478K)



Seems about right for Bulgaria.
Also seconding this; the situation is basically the same here. You learn the basics in school, you learn words, tenses, incorrect verb forms and such, but you need to ultimately use the language right about each day to get good at it.
I do feel a bit intimidated by actual, in-person conversations with foreigners, but that's because I'm just shy as hell.

Attached: mpv-shot6197.jpg (1280x720, 128K)

lmao why the 0%?


Attached: 1525012159025.png (722x800, 45K)

I believe you confused Belgium with The Netherlands

Yup for general population is correct.

>torrent a movie, series or whatever
>the only audio track is one of those shitty russian dubs where a single actor talks over the original soundtrack
>this is in no way implied in the release name

Attached: 1508342213885.png (1024x574, 547K)


Take a look at the descriptions next time.

Attached: mpv-shot6429.jpg (1280x720, 109K)

There usually aren't any descriptions when I torrent stuff. I use one of the clones to find it, and then I open the site that I know hosts an actual .torrent-file. Besides, this is really something that should be in the release name, and typically is unless it's a slavshit dub.

>Description: pyccкaя oднoгoлocaя oзвyчкa (aвтop: vkcom_huynablude)
>hm, must be swedish dubbed

>watching shitty dubs instead of just using subtitles
Is a substantial part of the Russian population illiterate?

nigger just turn this audio dub off and switch to original.
How hard could it be???

Ah, I understand then
There aren't really such things for western releases, and I don't think they'll ever include information like that in the filename, like people do with anime and East Asian dramas in general.

Well, sometimes the dub is the only included track.

Maybe there's just a single language track in the releases he downloads or something.

Luckily, that's rare, but it does happen, without it being noted in the release name. If it's a dual track release, it's mostly annoying if it's a series since the dub track is typically the default then. I have a Russian rip of the 2011 Beavis & Butt-head reboot which originally had the Russian dub along with the original audio. I remuxed it to remove the dub.

Among young people maybe 25%
Among middle aged people about 5% in a good day
Among old people 0%

Lector dubbing is still much much better than western style voice over dubbing which completely removes original actor voices.

You can just barely hear the original audio anyway. And besides, the whole point of dubbing instead of just subtitling is to sorta recreate the experience of watching the film or whatever in it's original language, which lector dubbing doesn't do in any way. Lector dubbing is like subtitles for the illiterate.

Maybe it feels more natural to me because I grew up with it, but for me hearing the original actor voices in the background still feels closer to original. Also, what completely ruins full dubbing for me is lack of synchronization between voice that you hear and lips movements, feels like a video game from early 2000s.

>Also, what completely ruins full dubbing for me is lack of synchronization between voice that you hear and lips movements, feels like a video game from early 2000s.
Are you talking about live action films? The only live action films that get dubbed in Swedish are those shitty films with talking CGI animals like Alvin and the Chipmunks.

yeah, 50% seems accurate

No I am talking about normal movies. With full dubbing, you obviously don't hear the original actor, and the one voicing over is talking in a different language, so voice that you hear and lips movement that you see are not synchronized with each other.
I know that in Scandi countries you don't have dubbing and you use subtitles, which is probably the correct way of doing things.

What I meant was that I have never experienced any bad lip syncing besides those live action films with talking CGI animals, so I assumed you were talking about live action films and not animation.


i expected more, all of my friends speak english fluently


Should be around 60%. Ever been North of the Midlands. And I haven't even counted the Northern Refugees.

I work at an airport and can confirm that this is 100% true. Do you have any idea how frustrating it is to deal with 40 spanish boomers who don't understand english apart from 'ok, go, no problem'?

True also the one who can have a strong accent, including myself.

Mind elaborating?

>I do feel a bit intimidated by actual, in-person conversations with foreigners, but that's because I'm just shy as hell.
>If a tourist asks me for directions in English, I answer in Italian.
This if they don't even try to say "Bonjour". It's not hard to learn the basics few words of the country you're in.

>This if they don't even try to say "Bonjour". It's not hard to learn the basics few words of the country you're in.
What, so they have to tell you that they only know Bonjour when you reply in French?

>I do feel a bit intimidated by actual, in-person conversations with foreigners, but that's because I'm just shy as hell.
Fuck, wanted to say : just talk normally and you'll feel better and it will also be easier.

In both case they will have to do it.

If they greet you in English, you will know from the start.

I mean, I've already talked with some, and I've even done a couple of translations, but I don't get to speak to as many foreigners as I'd like and I'm anxious about that.
Doesn't help that some people have weird accents.
Thanks for the advice, though, I'll try to loosen up.

Maybe, if people 60+ are excluded

pretty much this, when I was in highschool I remembered only me and 3 others could hold a conversation in english in my class


I have a strong accent and every people with weird accents are used to have their interlocutor asking them to say things again.