Seriously though, why are Lithuanians so ungrateful hypocrytical people...

Seriously though, why are Lithuanians so ungrateful hypocrytical people? Poles literally pulled them out of Russia and also gave them rigths to fuck up our country in the future. I'm trying to study Lithuanian history, but Poland is the best thing that ever happened to Lithuania. Like a gift from the heaven. Otherwise they would disappear right in XVI century or even earlier. Still they are very rude towards Polish people. Why is that?

bonus: I had a Lithuanian in my class while studying at the university and she was so deceitful I now fear keep in touch with Lithuanian people. So maybe it's just all Lithuanian people are fucked up and not just rude for us? Not sure if I should keep all that hate for myself and why

Attached: Nordic_cross_proposal_for_Lithuanian_flag.svg.png (800x576, 3K)

Other urls found in this thread:Польско-литовские_войны_XIII—XIV_веков

Lithuanians are nice people and cute. You're just creepy.

Attached: 1528538081789.png (428x312, 131K)

Then you go ask them what they think of us. And I bet you're just Lithuanian in Sweden. And deceiving people. Please explain why are you like that

It's cultural.

Attached: IMG_8112.jpg (851x660, 73K)

That's what I expected but I would like to hear that from Lithuanian

Nobody really has a positive opinion of you and I say this as one of the most unpopular countries

I know everyone hates us. But it's not the case. Polish emigrants are shit-tier, and I think they would agree on that themselves if you ask. But come on, Poles don't emigrate to Lithuania. So I want to ask Lithuanians sincerely what the fuck, so I don't just blindly go and hate Lithuanians in return


Isn't it Lithuanians being rude first? I didn't know about pro-Russian Poles in Lithuania though. I have only heard Poles keep up with Russians since you hate them both and I can understand that. Please explain how it started

Since my thread is quite to die, can we agree Lithuanians are fucked up and irrational? There is no single reason to hate us, right? But still you're very rude

Good thread

Why are poles so obsessed? We have this thread every week.

Because we thought we were friends but then some people go to Lithuania traveling and got beat up for speaking Polish. So we are what the fuck why. Why out of nowhere so much hate towards us? Why don't you just explain this and speak of other threads? Just give me a reason why our romance is ended up

stfu bitch,stop whining for once.

Whoever beat up Poles for speaking Polish was a butthurt poo-poo head.

We beat anyone speaking foreign dog tongue over here.
It's to help with the assimilation.

the duality of man

Attached: 1454694910426.png (250x250, 149K)

Then please tell me more. I've heard Poles going there are not very welcome. Won't you agree? I have only heard about one case that Pole got beat up, and I'm not sure if it's because Polish. But at least 3 people told me Lithuanians are very rude and hate Poles. I want to travel to Lithuania and people tell me I shouldn't speak Polish if I go alone

Are we friends then? What's your attitude towards Polish people? If you live in Vilnus I'm sure you have some

Bo polaczki to głupie cwaniaczki i naivne debile.

To generacja :komuno wróć
Komuna wróciła w postaci UE i polaczek cwaniaczek znów w pizde dostaje


> I've heard Poles going there are not very welcome. Won't you agree?
Yeah, it's probably true, but then again I doubt Lithaunians feel welcome in Poland. It's an endless cycle of unwarranted hate. Your nationalists scare us just as much as our nationalists scare you.

The softy is probably from Vilne.
Living in the capital makes one weak.
>Are we friends then?
I like Poles on Jow Forums, our banter and banding to shit on foreigners together. Your normies can go to hell, though, I suppose, that applies to all normaliūgos.
>What's your attitude towards Polish people?
Litwin to najlepszy Polak.

Another lith here.
I don't think Poles visiting Vilnius will have any problems. In fact, the rest of Lithuania makes fun of Vilnius for being Poland.
I always saw Polish tourists coming in huge buses and going to Katedra and wherever else. Loads of them. Of course a very small number of those might run into some problems, get beaten up or get your stuff stolen. It happens everywhere.
Now if you go to some questionable neighborhood in Kaunas (or even Vilnius really) and get beat up for speaking a different language, don't be surprised.

Eik tu nachui žmudzin

What happened to the Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth with winged hussars??

fuck off burger this is our thread

Atsiimk žodžius.

Attached: 1453500740531.jpg (601x601, 106K)


Attached: me.jpg (2048x1536, 207K)

>Gera, šilta ušanka
>Nuostabus megztukas, priderintas prie kepurės
>Akys, degančios senolių rūstybe
>Kryžius, radikaliai atbaidantis vakariečius ir kitus degradus
Visai nieko :DDD
Kryžius galėtų būt labiau ornamentuotas, ne liut*ronai gi esam.

Turiu ir ornamentuotų bet žiauriai maži.

Paskolinčiau savo, bet kad baisu per tokį karštį laukan kišt nosį.

Šiandien ėjau į kiną. Per anonsus rodė gėjų propagandą.( Vos neišėjau.

Vakarai buvo klaida.

I really wish we were in a confederation of separate entities, Poles learnt Lithuanian at schools and Lithuanians learnt Polish. It's just so cozy, we would love&hate each other, laugh at each other, something like Canadians have.

I'd be for this.

A man can dream.

Man patiko.

I believe some guy called "Stanislaw Narutowicz" wanted to do this.

Attached: naruto.jpg (1431x114, 66K)

Ironically, in a true Lithuanian fashion, he killed himself.

Yeah, it would be cool, I'd really want to learn Lithuanian (but probably if I had to do it at school I'd be pissed off but still it would be cute), also I'd have Lithuanian friends, maybe I could study in Vilnius or Grodno. I just like such confederations/countries: Austria-Hungary, Switzerland, Canada, Belgium, they're all cool.


Poles are enemies of the Baltic people, Poles are the reason G*rmanoids had any influence in the region and why some of the Baltic tribes went extinct. then they stabbed Lithuanians in the back and took their capital, Polonization treated Lithuanian nations, many urban Lithuanians were speaking Polish. Lithuanians have good reasons to hate you, you have no reasons to hate them, but you do more than they do, or at least on internet you do.

Also I wish Lithuanians could assimilate Belarussians and make them speak Lithuanian, this language should be more relevant and Belarus would be definitely more European.


Calm your tits, sakartvelo.

if they assimilate Belorussians then they are going to lose their pure aryan genetics, they should kill and replace them instead

Attached: Yamna-admixture.png (800x581, 64K)

Fuck pooles

Fuck off Germans are niggers.

stop assuming that I'm shouting just because I'm Georgian, not everyone is a fat shouting alcoholic here, I'm a calm person.

Poles are as much a victim in this case as us, tbqh.

Attached: 1424434392840.png (1412x936, 336K)

I didn't mention Germans
They invited Germs in the first place

>Polonization treated Lithuanian nations, many urban Lithuanians were speaking Polish.

Well, why aren't Latvians butthurt because of germanization then? Poles never forced the Polish culture in Lithuania in the Commonwealth times, Lithuanian language was mostly the language of peasants, but there were still books printed in Lithuanian, even the 3rd May Constitution was translated to Lithuanian, even though most of nobles didn't even speak it and way more spoke Ruthenian.

Paradoxically, real polonization started in the 19th century, under Russian occupation, when Poles felt that their own culture was in danger, so they wanted to increase the number of people considering themselves as Poles and speaking Polish to defy Russian influence and Polish priests started to convert Lithuanians to Poles.

> you have no reasons to hate them,

They destroyed half of our country in the 14th century, burnt down hundreds of towns, killed or enslaved tens of thousands of people (funny thing, first Poles who appeared in Vilnius were Polish war prisoners). But I understand their hatred towards Poles for the 19th century and then for taking Vilnius too. That's why I wish we'd had a confederation.

>They invited Germs in the first place
Can't argue with that, though, in their defense, (Old)Prussian chimpouts were bound to have consequences.

>Well, why aren't Latvians butthurt because of germanization then?

Latvians and Estonians kicked out Baltic Germans the first chance they got.

Even if Poles didn't force their culture on them, it's natural to start hating Poles if they gain more influence in expense of your native culture.
>They destroyed half of our country in the 14th century, burnt down hundreds of towns, killed or enslaved tens of thousands of people (funny thing, first Poles who appeared in Vilnius were Polish war prisoners).
What are you talking about exactly?

Got a link to read more about that 14th c. thing? I know we did some raiding around, but haven't heard of anything of that magnitude.

>They invited Germs in the first place

It doesn't matter, the Teutonic Order was just a proxy of the German Reich, if we didn't invite them, we would have been invaded directly from Germany and the other way around - if not support from the Reich, we would have destroyed the Teutons any time, in the Battle of Grunwald, the actual Teutons-monks made less than 5% of the Teutonic army, most of them were German knights from the Reich.

They didn't, they just left independent Latvia and Estonia on their own.

>What are you talking about exactly?Польско-литовские_войны_XIII—XIV_веков

>Peзyльтaтoм мнoгoчиcлeнных нaбeгoв литoвцeв cтaлo yмeньшeниe нaceлeния в кpyпных oблacтях Пoльши. B нeпocpeдcтвeннoй близocти oт Bиcлицы, в пpaвлeниe Кaзимиpa Beликoгo, пpoживaлo 30 чeлoвeк нa квaдpaтный килoмeтp, нa Caндoмиpщинe — 22, нa Люблинcкoй вoзвышeннocти — в cpeднeм 1 чeлoвeк. Пoльcкиe зeмли к вocтoкy oт Bиcлы cильнo бeзлюдeли. Литoвцы, хoтя и нe мoгли пocтaвить пoд yгpoзy cyщecтвoвaниe Пoльcкoгo гocyдapcтвa, нo cмoгли плeнить тыcячи пoльcких житeлeй из вocтoчных oблacтeй и пepeceлить их в Литвy, cдeлaв нeвoзмoжным экoнoмичecкoe paзвитиe Bocтoчнoй Пoльши и вызвaв мнoгo чeлoвeчecких тpaгeдий.

look above

If you mean when exactly the possibility and the idea of a P-L state ended, then the answer is, as it often seems to be with medieval-born notions and ideas in Europe, in the 19th century, the latter part more specifically, and nationalism.

After two failed Polish rebellions, which the polonised Lithuanian nobility naturally took part in, the newly (re-)starting national awakening of Lithuanians was based on specifically on the peasants and (peasant) lithuanian culture. Deliberate effort was made to take stance against slavic culture and influences which included the Polish speaking Lithuanian (as in blood not in name only) aristocracy. And during the first years of the 20th century it was this nationalistic Lithuania which came out on top and realised the new independent Lithuanian State in its image. The Polish-Lithuanian war and the following frozen and unresolved conflict just cemented the already evolved situation and understanding.


Prussian chimp-out in response to Polish aggression
I don't know what you are trying to say. doesn't really contradict anything I said.

Poland saved the day

>I don't know what you are trying to say.

That we have a reason to hate Lithuanians, in contrary to what you said.

>They didn't, they just left independent Latvia and Estonia on their own.

Yeah on their "own", because they took everything from them.

>At the same time, as both young states built their institutions this often reduced status of their minorities. In Latvia, children of mixed marriages were registered as Latvians while in Estonia they took nationality of fathers, who increasingly were Estonians, this quickly reduced number of German children. German place names were eliminated from public use. German congregations lost their churches. Tallinn Cathedral was given to Estonian congregation in 1927. After 1923 referendum St. James's Cathedral in Riga was lost and Riga Cathedral taken away after another referendum in 1931.

>At the start of independence Baltic Germans owned 58% of land in Estonia and 48% in Latvia. Radical agrarian reforms were implemented in both countries to break German power and to distribute land to the veterans of independence wars and landless peasants. This largely destroyed the landed class of German noble families and their economic base.

>On October 10, 1919 Estonian parliament expropriated 1,065 estates (96.6% of all estates). March 1, 1926 law set the compensation to the former owners of arable land at about 3% of its market value and no compensation at all for the forests. This almost instantly bankrupted German noble class, even if they were allowed to keep some 50 ha of their lands.

>On September 16, 1920 Constitutional Assembly of Latvia nationalized 1,300 estates with 3.7 million hectares of land. Former German owners were allowed to keep 50 ha of land and farm equipment. In 1924, Saeima decided that no compensation will be paid to former owners. In 1929, Saeima voted that veterans of the Baltische Landeswehr cannot receive any land.

And etc.

Attached: 1525976002553.png (283x283, 86K)

go back to red dit

>Yeah on their "own", because they took everything from them.

Looks like they treated them better than they treated Russians after 1991 yet Russians didn't leave.

>while in Estonia they took nationality of fathers, who increasingly were Estonians,


>On October 10, 1919 Estonian parliament expropriated 1,065 estates (96.6% of all estates). March 1, 1926 law set the compensation to the former owners of arable land at about 3% of its market value and no compensation at all for the forests. This almost instantly bankrupted German noble class, even if they were allowed to keep some 50 ha of their lands.

So? Land reforms were common in all Eastern European countries that time, Lithuanians also had one, so did Poland and they naturally affected mostly big landowners - it's just a coincidence that in Latvia and Estonia they were mostly Germans, in Lithuania they were Poles and in Poland they were also Poles. It wasn't meant to increase ethnic tensions, just to help the peasants

They took everything not only land.

>Educational autonomy of Germans was severely limited in 1931–1933, when Minister of Education Atis Ķeniņš introduced policy of latvianization in minority schools. On July 18, 1934 the autonomous German schools were brought under the complete control of Ministry of Education.

>After the May 15, 1934 coup all associations and independent business organizations had to shut down, this affected German community especially hard, as they lost their ancient communal centers – guilds, and all of their property was nationalized.

>Germans were banned from governmental positions and military. Many Germans sold their properties and emigrated to Scandinavia or Western Europe. Most of the grand manor houses were taken over by schools, hospitals, local administration and museums.

They went from being minority ruling elite to autistic screeching minority with barely any rights and power.

thanks 4 teh gold

>On July 18, 1934 the autonomous German schools were brought under the complete control of Ministry of Education.

Terrible. Now tell me if Russians have autonomous schools in Estonia that are out of control of Estonian Ministry of Education. I'm sure they don't.

>guilds, and all of their property was nationalized.

Pretty much the same happened in Estonia or Latvia - Soviet property, mostly funded with money from Moscow, was nationalized by respectively, the Estonian and Latvian state.

>Germans were banned from governmental positions and military.

So like Russians after 1991, moreover, they didn't even acquire citizenship.

>They went from being minority ruling elite to autistic screeching minority with barely any rights and power.

So again, just like Russians after 1991.

>So like Russians after 1991, moreover, they didn't even acquire citizenship.

Wtf? Russians are allowed into government positions mayor of Riga is a Russian and leader of one of the top parties who consistently get over 20% of votes. Only those with alien passports aren't allowed into government positions because they're too retarded to take a simple language and history test to get citizenship.

>Russians are allowed into government positions

Only if they get the Latvian citizenship - so basically - if they consider themselves Latvians.

Germans after WW1 also could easily stay in Latvia and get into high places - they just had to become Latvians, start speaking Latvians and assimilate. But they didn't want it, that's why they left the country.

Seems like we really lucked out on our Russians.
Is it because we have less of them, or something else, I wonder.

>trusting an el polaco
Do you know why Polacks and Magyars are "brothers". Because they both tried to put the Lithuanian and Croatian man down

They tightened their unions. They sent their people into our country to despoil our proud lands. They evicted and/or assimilated our nobility. They used outside forces or threats of the same to keep us in line

Why is Croatia and Lithuania not a thing? The unification of wronged once great kingdoms, against the P*lack-M*gyar scourge

Glad to see you're still up and about, friend.
We don't have these threads as often as before, which is sad.

Attached: 1422101963330.png (604x151, 17K)

>Why is Croatia and Lithuania not a thing? The unification of wronged once great kingdoms, against the P*lack-M*gyar scourge
Because wtf can we do?

kajkavko nemoj da nas vredjas, znas da smo vam uvek bili braća

Subterranean tunnels across Yurop to bridge us together and hundred meter high walls to keep foreigners out with extreme prejudice.

Attached: Flag-Pins-Lithuania-Croatia.jpg (400x320, 68K)

You probably don't even realize how Lithuanians hate Slavs in general and the word "slav" is almost offensive in Lithuania.

The fact is that Poles and Croats are the most similar nations in the world, while you have very little in common with Lithuanians.


Free "š", "č" and "ž" letters for everyone

Extreme prejudice for the usage of "w"

Slavs are Balts that got lost in the woods.
We don't hate Slavs, by the way. People may be cold towards Russia for obvious reasons, but there's no such hate as you describe.

>tfw Lithuania is the only flag in Europe with red green and yellow like us


Kajkavko, you're not even a real Croat, but crypto-Slovene.

Still, the word "Slavas" has a negative connonation

>Kajkavko, you're not even a real Croat, but crypto-Slovene.
I am an Illyrian highlander, not a k*jkavian, and definitely not Sl*vic

In more ways than one.
>Still, the word "Slavas" has a negative connonation
Maybe, but that's true everywhere :DDD

Attached: IQ-Map-of-European-Nations.jpg (917x960, 104K)

ma ti si kajkavko


Literally nobody here in Croatia hates Poljska
We actually like you quite alot

didn't read the thread before posting

He's probably drunk as me so no problem

Why can Polskis and Lithuanians get along well with one another? Polskis and Russians are on bad terms and Lithuanians and Polskis are on worse terms. Why do Europeans hate each other so much? like UK and France don't hit it off?

pa znamo da nas volite, jedan kajkavko ne moze da me tera da nisam Hrvat

>Lithuanians and Polskis are on worse terms

That's bullshit. In real life Poland and Lithuania cooperate very well and we have pretty much the same opinion about everything in the EU and support each other. It's just problems between some people who live in Lithuania

you guys coming to croatia this summer?
i'm thinking about going to poland, what places do you recommend

It's just brotherly shitflinging.

Krakow je najslicniji Zagrebu grad na svetu, ne salim se, ako ti se svidja Zagreb moras da posjetis Krakow

Gdanjsk je takodje zanimljiv, Poznan i Wroclaw su malo gori ali bih tamo dosao da imam vreme. Varsava je nesto drugacija, nije tako tipican europski grad, ali svejedno vredelo bi da je vidis.

I'm going there one or two years later. I'm from Gdansk, and since you're Croatian Gdańsk is almost the same shit, so better go to Cracow or Warsaw

i want to visit vavelska katedrala to pay respects to vladislav 1st jagelion, he used to rule croatia for a while i think
thanks for the info btw

nice, where are you thinking of going
and do how do poles think of croatians

I'm still a Gdansk user, but I can only answer the second question. They would ask you if you want to join v4, when they realize you're Croatian. At least I would ask for it. But then I think 2/3 will think you're Ukrainian, since you speak a Slavic language and it's not Polish, and you can't help it