Whether they are native to the land or not is utterly and totally irrelevant. If you can take land and hold it, it is yours. Simple as that. Accept it.
Might makes right
Other urls found in this thread:
hashem bless this enlightened gentile
>innocent civilians and medics
there is no might involved tho.
dont complain when chinks take over canada then
Will you be saying the same words when Asians take over Canada?
Wow I had to look at the flag twice
Cant belive Im agreeing with a leaf.
Its a screencap moment
Leafland has a very special situation
Lots of pajeets and chinks and those two will not side with each other
Thus Balkanization of leafland is inevitable
I mean...even if we did manipulate great nations to give us this land its still pretty impressive , its even harder to conquer with words than with swords.
Might makes right until you aren't the mighty one anymore kike then it is wrong right?
fighting arabs is like taking candy from a baby though
When the baby knocks your teeth in.
*insert airliners crashing into you peace towers here jpg*
so might is right is irrelevant here.
Might isn't defined by your ability to kill and conquer
Israelite and Jew is not a real nation, they are semites with a mental illness of stoneage tribalists trying to imperialise their neighbors and fellow tribes.
Israelitism = Imperialism = cult for economic and political power
Might isn't defined ONLY* by your ability to kill and conquer
Sorry i phrased it wrong
If the middle east was cleared for "jews" they will seek another to imperialize, and war one another.
If might makes right does that mean that holocaust was right because Germans had the might to do it?
Musliks follow the same semitic nonsense, they will never have peace, we block their way to Europe and they will know no peace be the me muslim or israelite.
Abrahamism is simple a cult for power.
Might is pure animalistic/savage/heroic strength. Your merchant genes try to emulate the word with militarism but it doesnt mean that at all.
What "word" you semitic animal?
>If you can take land and hold it, it is yours.
you mean if you are gifted land
the word "might".
Is there even a point trying to dispute you? or are you just gonna deny facts like the rest of the anti israel tards here?
>anti israel tards
why do you hate Messi?
Yes, dont use the phrase might is right (whites shouldnt too cause they have been shit tier in terms of might and hostile to it at least ever since wild west ended) use something else, other than that i dont give a shit about this thread.
hate is a strong word i dont even think about him
w/e man this is what i got take it or leave it
have a good night/evening
I'm okay with this if we can do the same. When will UN be abolished goddamnit I want us to invade East Timor for the second time already
take out the latter half and you got the real definition.