Why do Finnish politicians look like Putin?

Is it because they share a common heritage of Far Eastern origin?

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Wait, I thought Putin had a Finnish heritage

putin is finno-ugric

Putin is a Veps BULL


What a fucking "volga finn"?

holy shit it's jamie oliver's long lost finngol cousin


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Because old Vova is a Finnoid, you absolute nincompoop.

Finno-ugric is nothing same as Finn you retarded.

You're a rude cunt.

The meek and lowly finnoids shall inherit the world, the faustian era of slavs and germanics is over.

You asked "what is volga finn"
I gave you the make of people who call themselves volga finns. Mordva, that is. Learn to read, retard.

Finns are Russians in denial

Usually such appellation sounds weird. And I have seen in here Jow Forums before also that Russians believe that every Finno-Ugric is same than Finn.

Mordva genetically like poles with some additional asian admixture. They're finnougric because of the language since finnougric is a language group.




Because Putin is a Veps, Finnic tribe..

But he is not Volga Finn, he is Veps - Baltic Finn.

Attached: Lenguas_fino-bálticas.png (459x463, 30K)

Putin is a Finn that's why he's so strong.

Attached: niinistö putin novo-ogarjovo maaliskuu 2016.jpg (960x639, 80K)


You are retarded. They are literally called Volga Finns.

Putin isn't strong.

>Usually such appellation sounds weird.
You are just arrogant, that's all.

The virgin fenno-swede
The CHAD finno-ugric

>They are literally called Volga Finns.

no offense but since bydlo betrayed their russian roots and went "ukrainian" i will never trust any ukrainian anymore. they can all rot in a hell for what i care. traitors deserve only death.

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I believe, he sleep bad, knowing that big part of his people are living in other country, and hope to return them to Motherland sometime.

Misleading name since he's not Swedish at all

That's why he comes here every summer

Attached: Putin-Halonen.jpg (978x547, 78K)

voi eiiiiii

Why are their hands touching?
Why does Tarja look like a guy?
Why does Tarja have a nose like that?

Tarja ja Putin sexi pälle juna.

I don't remember this episode of Conan

Before EU fell for American tricks in Ukraine that caused relations to go shit

Attached: 1_7_Kultaranta_Niinistö_Putin_20160701160753_IMG_9387.jpg (960x640, 63K)

Russian governemtn is a Finn Occupied Government, or FOG

one of his better remotes

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Putin is finnish rapebaby

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He's finno-ugric double agent crashing russia WITH NO SURVIVORS

Russians are Finno-Slavs.

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You guys can see putins ancestors

Nah, it's just an evil plan about colonization of Finland.
>Putin creates shit situation in Russia
>50k russians flee the country annually
>the main destinations remain Germany Canada and Finland
Genious Genious Geniooous

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Don't mind to be honest